There’s a lot missing here which I’m privy too, since I was the actual person who bought the rights to DHGF in 2006. We started it back up in 2007 as a spin-off from 411mania and InsidePulse with Halverson’s blessing and lasted 10 years with some of the original staff joining in on occasion. We did a heavy tabletop emphasis and WotC and other RPG companies considered the coverage the start of the tabletop resurgence, which then other one time purely video game magazines and sites started joining in. That’s probably the highlight of DHGF 2.0 for me. That and getting to break the exclusive on HeartGold and SoulSilver. It was totally started as an homage to the original because we were all huge fans of the magazine.
The 2010 relaunch was a debacle for a lot of reasons, including the fact I was the rights holder and was one of the last to know. A few other people involved thought I was involved and when I expressed complete ignorance (because I was) a complete poop show occurred and the thing died quicker than it began. I’ve still got the emails. I felt bad because Dave had always been great on reaching out to me before, and had I known I’d have happily given my blessing and not asked for any piece of the pie. We were a not-for-profit and he knew I would let him do it for free. I guess he just got so caught up in trying to do the thing, he just forgot the most important piece of the puzzle?
Comments 1
Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine
There’s a lot missing here which I’m privy too, since I was the actual person who bought the rights to DHGF in 2006. We started it back up in 2007 as a spin-off from 411mania and InsidePulse with Halverson’s blessing and lasted 10 years with some of the original staff joining in on occasion. We did a heavy tabletop emphasis and WotC and other RPG companies considered the coverage the start of the tabletop resurgence, which then other one time purely video game magazines and sites started joining in. That’s probably the highlight of DHGF 2.0 for me. That and getting to break the exclusive on HeartGold and SoulSilver. It was totally started as an homage to the original because we were all huge fans of the magazine.
The 2010 relaunch was a debacle for a lot of reasons, including the fact I was the rights holder and was one of the last to know. A few other people involved thought I was involved and when I expressed complete ignorance (because I was) a complete poop show occurred and the thing died quicker than it began. I’ve still got the emails. I felt bad because Dave had always been great on reaching out to me before, and had I known I’d have happily given my blessing and not asked for any piece of the pie. We were a not-for-profit and he knew I would let him do it for free. I guess he just got so caught up in trying to do the thing, he just forgot the most important piece of the puzzle?