Comments 5

Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition


@KitsuneNight You don't need to wait for Valve. SteamOS is just a Linux distribution running Steam. Every distribution can do this. I had half a dozen acquaintances install openSUSE Tumbleweed, and then Steam as a Flatpak, to get away from Windows.
It's been zero-maintenance for them so far, and neither installation nor setup has ever required quirky stuff or - god beware! - anything to be done in a terminal.

Re: This Amiibo-Like NFC System Is A Cute Way To Load Up Games On Your MiSTer FPGA


@DestructoDisk most you can do with off-the-shelf components is an NFC-attached EEPROM, and off-the-shelf EEPROMs go up to 4MB. So, yes, that would be enough for NES/SMS ROMs.
(I researched this recently because I wanted to have something like this, with the data being streamed over the NFC connection. It is technically possible, but due to the low storage sizes possible for NFC-powered devices mostly pointless, apart from loading ROMs for 8-bit games.)