@masterLEON Ah, I didn't know those were games you were listing. I'm familiar with F-1 as a sport, but not a game, and the rest I've never heard of. Racing video games really aren't my thing. I like Kart racing games, but those are another genre entirely.
I think I don't like racing games because I'm a NASCAR fan. The games just pale in comparison.
Comments 3
Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
@masterLEON Ah, I didn't know those were games you were listing. I'm familiar with F-1 as a sport, but not a game, and the rest I've never heard of. Racing video games really aren't my thing. I like Kart racing games, but those are another genre entirely.
I think I don't like racing games because I'm a NASCAR fan. The games just pale in comparison.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
@masterLEON What?
Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
Man, I haven't heard the name Codemasters since Overlord 2. Where have they been?