For a Nintendo game it wasn't poorly marketed. I remember it being in the TV commercials. That's more than you can say for 95% of every other Nintendo game ever since.
I genuinely believe this game was one of the best and most important games for Nintendo at the time. Nintendo had to fight off the "kiddie-image" it had succumbed to during the N64 era and this game truly stood out together with an incredible remake of the first entry in the Resident Evil series as well as the prequel RE: Zero.
Why Nintendo hasn't done more to support a sequel to Eternal Darkness is a god damn mystery to mankind. In some areas Nintendo is just crazy. Truly gone fishing.
Comments 5
Re: Hardware Review: Terraonion MODE - The Ultimate Upgrade For Your Saturn And Dreamcast?
Well, it' sounds good, but I'll probably leave my original consoles be and wait for a Mini Dreamcast to hit the shelves.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
None of us will live forever.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
That's well weird. There was tv commercials of this game in Denmark. I fail to see how they would miss out on England.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
For a Nintendo game it wasn't poorly marketed. I remember it being in the TV commercials. That's more than you can say for 95% of every other Nintendo game ever since.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
I genuinely believe this game was one of the best and most important games for Nintendo at the time. Nintendo had to fight off the "kiddie-image" it had succumbed to during the N64 era and this game truly stood out together with an incredible remake of the first entry in the Resident Evil series as well as the prequel RE: Zero.
Why Nintendo hasn't done more to support a sequel to Eternal Darkness is a god damn mystery to mankind. In some areas Nintendo is just crazy. Truly gone fishing.