I loved all of the MGS games with David Hayter as Snake/Big Boss. I quite enjoyed Ground Zeroes but just couldn't get into The Phantom Pain. That game just felt like a bunch of training missions with no coherent plot to follow.
MGS 3 Snake Eater is my favourite. It's one of my most memorable platinums to get because I did it on the Vita version. Absolutely the best theme tune too.
Comments 2
Re: The Making Of: Music, The PlayStation Audio Creation Tool From WipEout's Tim Wright
I used to love trying to channel my inner Sasha/Digweed in Music and make some deep progressive beats. Always failed, though. Great memories.
Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked
I loved all of the MGS games with David Hayter as Snake/Big Boss. I quite enjoyed Ground Zeroes but just couldn't get into The Phantom Pain. That game just felt like a bunch of training missions with no coherent plot to follow.
MGS 3 Snake Eater is my favourite. It's one of my most memorable platinums to get because I did it on the Vita version. Absolutely the best theme tune too.