Comments 483

Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder


Personally the Saturn is a beast, definitely the better system. Unfortunately Sony had the industry eating out of its hands. Even before launch, so obviously the PS1 was the lead platform. Therefore Sega was on the backfoot, maybe the Saturn was more complex, but the likes of Sega rally, VF2, Radiant silvergun showed the power when utilised properly.

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


What a joke and they moan about emulation!! The gaming industry deserves to be preserved, just like any other medium. Look at the archives film & TV have. Later generations will more than likely love to play games from the past. It should be there to be enjoyed & celebrated. Not just cast aside like rubbish. That's why arcade machines are cherished now & restored. Operators would just dump them when they no longer made money. I expect many wish they would of looked after them now lol. Long live emulation!!!

Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word


@KitsuneNight totally agree, thank God I can still play all the quality retro games. Today's gaming is mostly ***** really. If it's not open world soulslike no one gives a toss. Personally I'm enjoying Astrobot on PS5 it's stunning. Yet sales are dire in Japan & UK. If this fails the hope of anything similar won't happen. And regards to PS3 I still have mine, how easy is the SSD install?

Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word


@KitsuneNight yes I agree, personally the industry is in a ***** mess thanks to all the tech obsessed idiots. Always banging on about 4k 60fps raytracing, just enjoy the damn games. The PS5 pro is the result!! Consolea should be consoles, if they want that much tech buy a pc. I'm looking forward to what Nintendo deliver next to be honest, again they aren't worried about bleeding edge tech, just amazing games. All this aside that's why I retro game the most.

Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word


Yeah and looked what happened to that, the Snes & Megadrive still kicked its ass. Not on tech but games & that's why we buy folks. This mid cycle upgrade is a joke!! The true console model was/is an affordable system, nice tech, maxed out by devs in a 5 to 6 year span. If I wanted a damn pc I would buy one. Personally the industry needs to crash!! From all this corporate greed.