Comments 483

Re: Iconic Issues: EDGE #1, October 1993


When Edge was great, stopped buying years ago now. Mag got thinner, reviews are way to harsh most times. The amount of games I missed out on because I listened far to much to the reviews.

Re: CIBSunday: Time Crisis 4 (PS3)


@SoulChimera totally agree Gun games are brilliant. VR would be the perfect medium for them. Also I absolutely love rail shooters, imagine a new Starblade in VR. Or Sega stuff like a new Galaxy force 2, Silpheed, Starwars arcade trilogy in VR. Wasted opportunities, from this gaming industry today unfortunately.

Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery


The Cex in London, back in the day was amazing. Downstairs in the basement was an import gamers dream. From Snes, PC Engine, famicom, arcade boards. Neogeo. Unfortunately it didn't last.

Re: Exclusive: Xeno Crisis Is Finally Coming To The SNES


@RetroGames couldn't agree more, obviously things can be done on the Snes. It's about time the hardware was fully exploited. This amazing system has more to give, don't get me wrong I love the Megadrive & Neo I have those as well. Cant wait for Earthion on Mega. But the Snes was the biggest selling 16bit console, some of the games produced for it are timeless classics. This system needs to flourish again. The price on this Xeno crisis is eye watering though.

Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"


Luckily I have plenty of legacy hardware and games. I love retro gaming from 80s 90s consoles and arcade. And personally I thank the God's for MAME & other emulaters. The amount of Arcade games I have that would of been forever forgotten is criminal. Some amazing shooters, side scrollers. Platformers, that never got a console release are essentially forgotten.