

Weltherrscher / Imperator Mundi

Comments 399

Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics



Besides the Budget its also a different Goal both Companies have.
Digital Eclipse is giving the Games a really nice Pakage with lots of Extras (and mostly running under Emulation), meanwhile Gog is patching the Games to make the run (mostly) natively in their original Form.

You can argue about if it necessary to preserve the original Cutscenes with 10 FPS or not, but i would say i prefer that and being able to modificate it myself, rathern than have an altered Version i can't change, as with Final Fantasy VI.

Btw. i like both, best way is something as with Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, you can only buy the enhanced Versions, but under Extras are the original ones.
Would love to see that with other Games, as Monkey Island.

Ah and i remember reading also, that it is difficult to work legally with Modders, also harder to convince the Right Holders with such Stuff.


As bigger a Company, as more paranoic they get to "lose Control" over their IPs.
They want to dictate how you must use their Products.
Games as Baldurs Gate 3 show that DRM does nothing to the Sales, make a good Game and it will sell, you don't need to be paranoic that Customers can burn it to a Million Discs and decorate Rooms with it.

Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements



I have 6 Switch Games from them and one Gameboy and they are just fine and the Products have a very good Quality.
Depending on the Game, it has took more than one Year, but considering that you aren't buying something in Stock, but you are ordering something to produce and it comes from China to the US to Europe, it is pretty ok.

Searching "limited run sücks" is like searching the Earth is flat, you will find what you search.
We would need real Numbers to know how many Issues real exists.

  • How many different Games
  • What Medium
  • Quantity of Production
  • How many Complains
  • What kind of differen Issues

It doesn't seem AS much for me, for the Amount of Games they have produced overall.
But they seemingly had a bad Decision and Run for D.

To compare i have also other official Reproductions from other Stores and the Quality is not so good.
I tried out some Games from Aliexpress and they were pretty ok, not perfect, but better than some official.
And very lovely, they make it easy to exchange the Batteries.

Re: 8BitDo's Anniversary Celebration Includes Gold And Silver Controllers



My SN30 pro has a big lag Issue if i have Audio over Bluetooth.
But i think it is a Problem with the Switch itself, not the Controller, as that one and others work flawlessly on other Systems, be it PC, Mister or else.
And as said, it disappears when i deactivate the Bluetooth Audio.

I think there is a Reason, why it took Nintendo so long to get us the Option of Bluetooth Audio.

It is better if you use the 8Bitdo Dongle to pair it.

Re: Rescue Force Is A Metal Gear Clone That Comes With A Remake Of Adult Game Custer's Revenge



Looks like a Game i would never understand why someone likes it, but it is the same "Story* other Pawn Games and Movies also have.

Now i have to think about Sven Bomwollen, you run around as a Sheep trying to f*** as many other Sheepy as possible while avoiding the Shepard.


Or the Pipi Prince, you have to run around, drink beer, pee everywhere and beat up paparazzi.


Re: The "Completely Uncut" Version Of Resident Evil Has Arrived On GOG


Great, a few years ago i bought the OC Games used and did use the Fan Patches to make them run, they absolutely do not without.

So great that they are now available and ready to go on Gog.
Purchased them because i want to see more from Capcom on Gog, Dino Crisis 2 please
Some Devil May Crys and other PS2 Era Games

Re: "I Have No Interest In 3D Games" - Meet The Devs Keeping EGA Alive In The Modern Day



I do it in a yearly basis ;D

To your other Post, yep, it isn't clearly something for everyone to push Creativity and Style can be pleasing or not, even to someone as me, that played EGA Games in the 90s (hey, i had no idea it was old).
Btw. Depression also can bring up Inspiration and Creativity, see van Gogh. (wouldn't recommend it XP)

But Limitations really can bring you to new Ways to do Things.

As an Example, i did a Map in Doom that turn you upside down when stepping into a Teleporter.
How i did it?
I just made the Map twice, one of them upside down, so it teleported you forth and back.

Re: Doom II Comes To The SNES, Thanks To Fans



oh yes, thats also an Issue.
Passwords as in Wolfenstein 3D would have been at least one Solution.


I guess sadly not, as Doom 64 did enhance the original Engine and allowed Rooms over Rooms.
Well, at least completly.

But maybe someone very ambitious could do a demaster, with new Sprites etc.

Just look at Doom 4

As People also reworked the Mega Drive Version, everything is possible

Re: Doom II Comes To The SNES, Thanks To Fans



The Super Nintendo Version actually don't has the turned down Levels and is running on its own Engine written by Randy Linden.

But yes, most of the others took the turned down Levels, even the GBA Version.

Most of them are missing the Cyber Demon.

To the SNES Version itself, it is a shame that only the japanese one has Difficulty Setup on later Episodes.
But there is a Patch for Pal and US Versions
Imo it is playable, have seen way worse Games.

Edit: Oh and the Music sounds great on the SNES!

Re: Doom II Comes To The SNES, Thanks To Fans


Wow, i am on vacations right now, but as i love the Super Nintendo AND Doom, this is a No Brainer to throw on my SD2SNES or Mister.

Hope we will see it appear on the chinese Market
Edit: When it is fully redone

Re: Taki Udon's $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Won't Be $99 - It Will Be Even Cheaper



Yep, it is for enthusiasts, but with such a price drop, it can be also something for people that want a all on one machine and like the idea of having it accutate.

Also a nice alternative to the Analogue Devices (that also use FPGA).

Never tried if i you can plug in a CD Drive or something as the Retrode2, but Adaptors for original Controllers often work and i think i have seen support for drives for something as the C64.

Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000



Yeah that sounds very high.
I can't remember seeing it elsewhere in Europe, as i am not from the UK, those 20m had not the a wide reach.

But as it seemingly feels very cheap, maybe the quality really did kill it.

Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Can't Ditch Software Emulation Handhelds For The FPGA Analogue Pocket



That is absolutely not true, Games as Plok or Jurassic Park on the Super Nintendo hasn't been played through by many because of the lack of a Password System or other Ability to save.
There is no extra Experience in playing Plok again and again from the first Level on.

The "Master Race" of PC Gamers were able to save at any Point whenever they wanted and didn't had a bad Experience.
Many People do themself a Challange by not saving, but everyone is able to play Games as Doom on a own Pace.

As an Adult with less Time, it is often a really great Help to be able to stop a Game at every given Time and just proceed when a Time Window opens.


The Everdrive for the Mega Drive has such Function, i used it to play Daze of Christmas and play every Day a Level for 24 Days.

But the Function can cause Bugs, the Code does in the End interrupt how a Game communicates with the Console.
Some Games did work just fine, some crashed and you can't load the Save State.


I could swear that some Everdrives or similiar Modules for the Gameboy do support Save States, haven't tested any out so far, but maybe it is worth a Try for you, to fuse FPGA and Convinience.
If all the Roms are on the Everdrive or on the Emulation Device, shouldn't change anything


Ah, the most expansive one clearly haha

Ah me morron, it has built in Save States on the Analogue.
Was switching to my original one in my Head while writing the comment