

Weltherrscher / Imperator Mundi

Comments 399

Re: 14 Percent Of North Americans Still Play Gaming Systems Released Before 2000



Well, a Statistic showed last Year that 37% of People played Games that are 8 Years and older.
Only 15% played Games of the current Year.
You only have to play Pokemon Red/Blue, Mario 64, Mario Bros or Tetris once (via Emulation) and the Answer to the Question above would be Yes.

In the End, playing old Games and even old System does not mean, that you don't play current Games.
I do both and i guess most do so

A Friend often put on a N64 with Mario Kart on Garden Parties.
Even People that don't play Video Games at all, would have played a nearly 30 Year old System with that

Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card


For everyone that wants to save some Money, you can get a preset Free McBoot Memory Card and one of those SD Card Memory Cards together for around 12€.
With OPL you can use Virtual Memory Cards, so you have also "unlimited" Space.

See what Kitsunenight said, you have to change the Setting blindly

I also recommend forcing 480p on interlaced Games via OPL
For me it started clearly to damage the Monitor, it causes burn in.

Re: "The Most Bafflingly Poor Products We Have Ever Reviewed" - Marseille's mClassic RGB Collection Fails To Impress The Experts



I have once read a very good Comment about Audiophiles: "If you spend more Money on your Peripherals than a professional Studio does, who records the Music that got spread globally, than you got probably scammed.".

Judging from the Video, the Antialiasing doesn't seem bad in the older Version.

But the newer ones seem bad.
It looks like one of those "Reshade" Mods that just do too much.
But this certainly can find People liking it.

Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?



I absolutely agree, the Home Port is much better.
The Combat feels better, there are small Changes that just makes it more fair and gives it more impact.
Soundfont of the Super Nintendo gives the Music also a very pumped up Feel.
The extra Levels are good and also the new Bosses.
Throwing Enemies into Shredder is one Kind of an Idea and Sewer Surfer is much more Fun by one hitting Enemies.

They just nailed that Game.

Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack Site CDRomance Is No Longer Being Updated


One of the best Websites out there, it is just such a Service.
Sometimes it is really a Struggle to find the correct matching Rom to a Patch and even if i have a own big enough Library, those Patches are seldom for PAL Games (yep, i dumpred all my original Games).
And to Patch a PS2 Game can become a Science some times.

Re: Anbernic's New GBA Clone Plays PSP, Dreamcast And More



I know what you mean, there are so many coming out.
But i see it in that Way, everyone can have a Device that fits best.
Just a Question of how much Power should it have and the Formfactor.

I have the 351v and i really like the 4:3 Screen.
It plays nice up to PSX, N64 and Dreamcast are unplayable for my Taste.

That said, i don't need another one until it breaks, maybe PS2 Emulation will run fine at that Time.

Ah Source Ports are also a nice Thing on it, DevilutionX <3

Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud



Would say they made here the right decision and had a limited release in certain regions, as the market for it is mostly of persons that worked and played with it plus some that have curiosity.

I grew up with the C64 and even i have only a very limited nostalgia for most games, they just were unfair mostly (my four year old self isn't lying XP).

The Super Nintendo saved my love for Video Games, guess we are here in the same Fan Club XP

Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud


Is not having a PSU really worth a down rate?
Those little devices work with nearly every one that came around the last 10 years and often enough the USB Port of your TV or Monitor is enough.

I would put it neutral, as for some it is even somsthing positive, not having more USB Cables...
And in the end they put one in, that does not summit Data, only Energy :X