Comments 11

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


I would say the reason Croc gets forgotten about is because the dude simply vanished after the PS1. This was a time when I didn't have a PS1, and I remember seeing ads for Croc games on TV all the time and thinking how great it looked, and that Croc was one of the leading mascots in gaming along with Ray-man and Mario. Then you just stopped seeing him anywhere. Ray-man disappeared too, but eventually resurfaced. Croc however, I couldn't tell you when the last game came out. For what it's worth, I didn't know of Banjo back then either. My first introduction was during the GBA era. I've never played any of his games, but I don't think it ever looked as fun as Croc. This isn't a case of people overstating Nintendo's impact, it's being mismanaged by the developer.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


Last year I dug out my old Sega consoles. Master System switched on but couldn't get the controller's right input to respond. A problem when I wanted to play Sonic! Mega Drive wouldn't even turn on. Saturn turned on but was so slow at loading, I put a disc in and after finally reaching the title screen it wouldn't go any further.

A lot of my original Pokémon Gameboy cartridges have lost their saves due to the battery running out as well

Re: Feature: The Day Sega Took Over An F1 Race And Senna Lifted A Sonic Trophy


I miss the days when video games companies would be used as sponsors. I remember the Dreamcast sponsor of Arsenal.

Sega also had a huge Sonic the Hedgehog Hot Air Balloon in the 90s, which would take off annually at the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta (and many others I'm sure). Seeing as that was held just a few miles from my house, I would often see Sonic fly past my window every summer - which was awesome since I was a huge Sonic fan. Damn, I miss seeing that thing.