Comments 2

Re: Random: This 1996 Barbie Game For Computers Outsold Doom



I never had the PC game or NES Barbie games mainly because I didn't know about them. I do still have all my barbie games from GBC, GBA, DS, & 3DS. I loved the Barbie fashion's from the 90's. The acid wash doll clothes, Jean jackets, pink mini skirts were awesome~ 🥰 I managed to retrack down all 3 of my old Barbies online through ebay: Lights & Lace Barbie, Earring Magic Barbie, & Hollywood Hair Barbie. I also retracked back down the outfits I bought for them originally in the 90's & I retracked down my Kelly doll's as well. I splurged & got the ken doll I wanted from back then as well. Big Brother Ken with his little brother Tommy & Prince Charming Ken doll both from the mid to late 90's ken doll's. My mom was against me owning Ken doll's back then why I have no idea but yet ironically she was ok with me having an Aladdin doll (same size as a Ken doll to t) I kept him with my barbies back then along with 3 nwo action figures: Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michael's (heartbreak kid)~ 🤷‍♀️🤣

Happy Gaming! (^_^)