The Sega Master System, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum were the actual worse ports of Street Fighter II, not the Game Boy. The Game Boy version of Street Fighter II was the best fighting game on the Game Boy. It looked good and it played good, for a Game Boy game. Compared to the arcade version, it’s a bad port obviously. But far from the worse port. My only real criticism was that it was too hard except on the easiest difficulty setting.
Havimg played the PS1 and Dreamcast versions first, I didn't like the GBA version. Of course I didn't expect PS1 quality but the GBA was too small to fit such a large game. I preferred King of Fighters on GBA which had less characters and options but just looked and played better IMO.
The adventures of Baldy and Thicky. These guys got me into videogame magazines. Actually, my first issue was #12 or #13; the one with the Mickey's Magical Quest on the cover. And I would never have guessed that was Frank. I had been wondering what he'd been up to. Total! remained one of my favourite magazines as a kid. But it really went downhill in its last few issues.
I loved the magazine back then and still read it sometimes even today. The only U.K. magazine I enjoyed just as much was the Sega Saturn Magazine. Many were good but only those two were my favourites. I even had a t-shirt printed of Wil Overton's Alpha 2 Chun-Li.
With some magazine reviewers, its obvious that they are paid to say that they love playing games, that its just a job for them - whether its a Nintendo magazine or Paint Drying Watching Monthly. Super Play genuinely did love playing games and got paid for doing so. I'm also thankful to Super Play for introducing me to anime and manga, I would probably not have become interested so early if it hadn't been for them. I remember one letter to CVG magazine saying how a videogame magazine also covering anime and manga would be like a heavy metal magazine also covering flowers. I disagreed with that letter back then and still disagree now.
Buying Super Play was certainly highlight of my months as a teen. Wil's covers certainly stood out amongst all the rest in my local WH Smiths and Asda.
Comments 10
Re: Feature: Hidehiro Funauchi Mastered The Game Boy's Sound Chip, Then Seemingly Disappeared
Battle Of Holy is the best thing about Castlevania Adventure.
Re: Random: Performing Combos In The Worst Version Of Street Fighter II Is Pretty Hard, But Possible
@Specter_of-the_OLED I’d consider the Tiger LCD ports of anything to be their own thing as they were basically Game n Watch games.
Re: Random: Performing Combos In The Worst Version Of Street Fighter II Is Pretty Hard, But Possible
The Sega Master System, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum were the actual worse ports of Street Fighter II, not the Game Boy. The Game Boy version of Street Fighter II was the best fighting game on the Game Boy. It looked good and it played good, for a Game Boy game. Compared to the arcade version, it’s a bad port obviously. But far from the worse port. My only real criticism was that it was too hard except on the easiest difficulty setting.
Re: Channel 4 Is Resurrecting GamesMaster, The UK's Most Popular Video Game TV Show
Ken Bruce should be the new GamesMaster. He has the appearance to a tee.
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
What is this!? A GameGear for ants!?
Yes. Yes, it is.
Re: Weirdness: There's More To This Megatron Transformers Toy Than Meets The Eye
I posted about this yesterday.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Street Fighter Alpha 3: Upper
Havimg played the PS1 and Dreamcast versions first, I didn't like the GBA version. Of course I didn't expect PS1 quality but the GBA was too small to fit such a large game. I preferred King of Fighters on GBA which had less characters and options but just looked and played better IMO.
Re: Feature: The Making of TOTAL! Magazine
Ah, a random Wil Overton appearance! That was unexpected.
Re: Feature: The Making of TOTAL! Magazine
The adventures of Baldy and Thicky. These guys got me into videogame magazines. Actually, my first issue was #12 or #13; the one with the Mickey's Magical Quest on the cover. And I would never have guessed that was Frank. I had been wondering what he'd been up to. Total! remained one of my favourite magazines as a kid. But it really went downhill in its last few issues.
Re: Feature: The Making of Super Play Magazine
I loved the magazine back then and still read it sometimes even today. The only U.K. magazine I enjoyed just as much was the Sega Saturn Magazine. Many were good but only those two were my favourites. I even had a t-shirt printed of Wil Overton's Alpha 2 Chun-Li.
With some magazine reviewers, its obvious that they are paid to say that they love playing games, that its just a job for them - whether its a Nintendo magazine or Paint Drying Watching Monthly. Super Play genuinely did love playing games and got paid for doing so. I'm also thankful to Super Play for introducing me to anime and manga, I would probably not have become interested so early if it hadn't been for them. I remember one letter to CVG magazine saying how a videogame magazine also covering anime and manga would be like a heavy metal magazine also covering flowers. I disagreed with that letter back then and still disagree now.
Buying Super Play was certainly highlight of my months as a teen. Wil's covers certainly stood out amongst all the rest in my local WH Smiths and Asda.