Previously owning 8-bit Spectrum then Atari XL, I upgraded to 16-bit A500 shortly after seeing a perfect port of Marble Madness arcade & the Cinemaware game Defender of the Crown. The graphics were amazing compared to anything else at the time. Other notable titles were The Sword of Sodan (some of the character sprites were massive, as tall as the screen) and you were lucky if you had managed to get a copy of The Great Gianna Sisters before it got banned. Sensible Soccer was OK but I spent more time playing Kick-Off. Pretty soon all my friends had Amiga's in its heyday. After that I graduated to consoles for my gaming, but for each home system I've owned there's been some classic games I'll always remember.
I've played and completed this timeless classic on many platforms and will never ever tire of it. But this version seems pointless for essentially a 2 player game. One of my work colleagues built a full width desktop cabinet with full size microswitch joysticks and running mame on a raspberry pi. "I'd buy that for a dollar"!!
Comments 2
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
Previously owning 8-bit Spectrum then Atari XL, I upgraded to 16-bit A500 shortly after seeing a perfect port of Marble Madness arcade & the Cinemaware game Defender of the Crown. The graphics were amazing compared to anything else at the time.
Other notable titles were The Sword of Sodan (some of the character sprites were massive, as tall as the screen) and you were lucky if you had managed to get a copy of The Great Gianna Sisters before it got banned. Sensible Soccer was OK but I spent more time playing Kick-Off. Pretty soon all my friends had Amiga's in its heyday. After that I graduated to consoles for my gaming, but for each home system I've owned there's been some classic games I'll always remember.
Re: Would You Just Look At This Tiny Bubble Bobble Arcade Machine
I've played and completed this timeless classic on many platforms and will never ever tire of it. But this version seems pointless for essentially a 2 player game. One of my work colleagues built a full width desktop cabinet with full size microswitch joysticks and running mame on a raspberry pi. "I'd buy that for a dollar"!!