Comments 203

Re: Modular Console RetroBlox Could Be The Ultimate Old-School Gaming Platform


"Of course, these systems succeed or fail on the quality of their emulation, but it would seem that RetroBlox will set a new standard. It uses special "Hybrid emulation" to achieve unprecedented performance, peerless compatibility and lag-free control."

Hmmm... writing that in the article text without the use of inverted commas makes this whole thing feel much more like a press release than an actual article.

Re: Book Review: The Bitmap Brothers: Universe


Awesome! Love the Bitmap Brothers games. Was just saying the other day that a collection of their games remade 3D Classics style for the 3DS would be amazing. The Chaos Engine, Gods, Magic Pockets, Cadaver, Speedball 2 and Xenon 2 would be a fantastic package. Maybe it'll have to be 2D and for the Switch...