I bought a 3D printed grip very similar to this from Etsy shortly after I received my EXP. It really helps with TATE play. I now find myself wanting this official model, even though I suspect they're very similar.
One thing I've never understood is why companies like this don't just pay fan translators and use their pre-existing translation. Why pay some cretin like this guy to copy a fan translation, rather than offering the original translator a fee to use the work they've already done? I get that some people might not want their work to be used in a commercial release, but that can't always be true.
I love the Panzer Dragoon games but the remake just didn't do it for me, even after the patches. I can't quite put my finger on what was wrong with it, but it just didn't feel right.
I remember some home ports of arcade games back then being unfavourably compared to the originals technically, and also accused of being too short/repetitive to be worth owning, so making original games rather than straight ports did actually make some sense. Still cool to see new arcade ports all these years later though.
My dream left JoyCon would have a little digital stick like the NEOGEO Pocket one. It would also include battery and wireless so that it would still work in a FlipGrip. You'd then have the perfect handheld shmup machine.
I love Itch and I can't stand Funko. So this news does not make me happy! I'm hearing a lot of worrying reports about these AI powered IP protection bots, especially given the automated nature of many platforms' takedown procedures.
Not too concerned about the delay as I have plenty to be getting on with. Wish the physical release wasn't being handled by just LRG though. Wish there was a Mega Drive release from a European distributor.
I remember drooling over screenshots of this game in a magazine back in the day and then being crestfallen when the reviews eventually came out. I loved all the Mickey and pals games on the Master System and Mega Drive, so this one was a huge disappointment to me. Will have to finally check it out.
Yeah, my FPGBC cost me less than half the cost of one of these and seems to basically do the exact same job, so I'm good with that. If I ever decide to buy a more premium device it will be an Analogue Pocket.
I love Evercade (I own the original handheld, the EXP, the VS and every cartridge) but I just can't justify any kind of arcade hardware that doesn't have two sets of controls.
I would love for this 'trilogy' to receive a release on modern consoles like the Collection of Mana. In the meantime I think I will check out this new translation. Thanks for the heads up!
Personally I think these things are pointless and also ugly as sin. What's the point of putting in a window to 'see the console's insides' if you hack half the insides out in the process?!
While I highly doubt it will happen, it would be amazing if Sega linked up with them and released this as a limited batch official Dreamcast release, with proper packaging and manual.
I own an original Evercade handheld, the limited edition VS and limited edition EXP, as well as every cartridge available to date. I can't bring myself to pick these up as well as it's just too much, but the presence of games I can't get on the Evercade line is frustrating. I get why they've done it - as some games obviously haven't been licensed for cartridge use - but it's still kinda annoying and I worry theyre becoming distracted with lots of different types of hardware now, rather than concentrating on the core business of putting together the best cartridges possible. That wood effect Atari one though... ah man, it's tempting!
@WaveBoy Each to their own. I can't stand fuzzyvision and used RGB scart cables with my Sega consoles even back then. I get not liking the look of razor sharp pixels on an HD TV, but composite never looked good and RF was even worse. For me I love nice blocky pixel art and can't stand softening filters. I do get that choice is king though, so options that suit everybody are the way to go.
This one looks interesting. I've long hoped Analogue would produce an all in one Mega Drive, Mega CD & 32X and this looks the closest to that we've come so far.
Not sure why anyone wants composite video out though. That was crap even back in the day. RGB or component I get.
The Mega Drive port of Fatal Fury 2 was really good. Super rare these days though, especially the PAL version.
This guy is very talented and I'm interested to see what all of these turn out like if he finishes any of them. I can't complain about his starting another game without finishing the first one - I do the same thing with playing games!
Book looks lovely, but why are they so determined that Game Boy is one word? They seem to write GameBoy everywhere. The machine itself clearly had a space between the words Game and Boy, the packaging had a space and even adverts for it at the time had a space. Odd.
Data Discs recently released a new version of the Revenge of Shinobi soundtrack taken from Yuzo Koshiro's original PC-88 files (recorded by Yuzo Koshiro himself). Be cool if they could use that audio in this release. There was also an unused bonus track that they could maybe work in.
I love the Shinobi series (including X/Legions). Interested to hear how they've done the soundtrack, as Yuzo Koshiro's original is an all time classic.
I love Rastan. Had the Master System version as a kid. I say 'had', but I've still got it and still play it every once in a while. I wonder if this means it will be on the next Taito collection though...
Being at a mate's house for some multiplayer gaming used to be like lining up to pick football teams in the playground: no one wanted to be the last pick, or in this case the one who got last pick of the controllers and was lumbered with the third party controller that felt like it had toffee in the controls from day 1.
I miss those sheets with loads of game screens. I used to spend so many hours staring at every tiny Master System screenshot on the sheet that came with my MS. I was really happy when I found a similar sheet inside my Evercade EXP LE package.
@tepidsnake Gaming Hell is a truly wonderful site! Gaming news and reviews have become ever more bite size and I love the deeper dives you provide. New updates always brighten my day.
Sadly it sounds like this book is very rough around the edges. Reviews suggest issues with amateurish formatting, poor quality images and grammar and spelling mistakes. Hard to justify a premium price for that kind of product. Also pretty poor show that the writer has posted his own 5* review on the Amazon listing!
If I'm not mistaken, Hunter's Moon Remastered was actually released just a few years ago as a C64 rom on itch and as a limited release physical C64 game. It's an improved version of the original C64 game.
After a childhood of SEGA - Master System and then Mega Drive - I joined team PlayStation for the next generation, before going back to SEGA with the wonderful Dreamcast. I discovered the Saturn years later and it hasn't been disconnected from my TV ever since. Thanks for the heads up, I will be buying this ASAP.
Hah, I bought a 3D printed TATE grip from Etsy some time ago that is basically identical to the official one! Look forward to the TATE mode firmware for the VS though.
Yeah, the word 'Classic' seems to be used to basically mean 'Old' these days. This game was a pretty much a cd-rom tech demo. The PC version wowed me at a friend's house for about half an hour before I realised that the gameplay was terrible!
Comments 203
Re: Review: Evercade TATE Grip - An Essential Accessory For Shmup Fans
I bought a 3D printed grip very similar to this from Etsy shortly after I received my EXP. It really helps with TATE play. I now find myself wanting this official model, even though I suspect they're very similar.
Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant
One thing I've never understood is why companies like this don't just pay fan translators and use their pre-existing translation. Why pay some cretin like this guy to copy a fan translation, rather than offering the original translator a fee to use the work they've already done? I get that some people might not want their work to be used in a commercial release, but that can't always be true.
Re: Lunar Remasters Publisher GungHo Just Released An FAQ That Fails To Answer Some Key Questions
As for there being no pre-orders, Hit and Amazon UK both have it available to order now for Switch and PS4.
Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?
I love the Panzer Dragoon games but the remake just didn't do it for me, even after the patches. I can't quite put my finger on what was wrong with it, but it just didn't feel right.
Re: City Connection's Next 'Saturn Tribute' Title Will Be Announced This Week
I'll go with Bubble Symphony.
Re: 36 Years Later, Sega Genesis Is Finally Getting A Proper Port Of Shadow Dancer
I remember some home ports of arcade games back then being unfavourably compared to the originals technically, and also accused of being too short/repetitive to be worth owning, so making original games rather than straight ports did actually make some sense. Still cool to see new arcade ports all these years later though.
Re: AYANEO's Next Handheld Fixes What Nintendo Couldn't With Switch
My dream left JoyCon would have a little digital stick like the NEOGEO Pocket one. It would also include battery and wireless so that it would still work in a FlipGrip. You'd then have the perfect handheld shmup machine.
Re: GG Shinobi Is Being Unofficially Ported To Genesis / Mega Drive
Really looking forward to this one eventually being completed. Would definitely take GG Shinobi 2 as well!
Re: Itch.io Allegedly Taken Offline By "Bogus Phishing Report" From Funko
I love Itch and I can't stand Funko. So this news does not make me happy! I'm hearing a lot of worrying reports about these AI powered IP protection bots, especially given the automated nature of many platforms' takedown procedures.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Stunning Genesis Shmup Earthion Delayed Until 2025
Not too concerned about the delay as I have plenty to be getting on with. Wish the physical release wasn't being handled by just LRG though. Wish there was a Mega Drive release from a European distributor.
Re: One Of The Worst Mickey Mouse Platformers Has Just Got A Fan Upgrade
I remember drooling over screenshots of this game in a magazine back in the day and then being crestfallen when the reviews eventually came out. I loved all the Mickey and pals games on the Master System and Mega Drive, so this one was a huge disappointment to me. Will have to finally check it out.
Re: Review: ModRetro Chromatic Is So Close To The Real Thing You'd Think Nintendo Made It
Yeah, my FPGBC cost me less than half the cost of one of these and seems to basically do the exact same job, so I'm good with that. If I ever decide to buy a more premium device it will be an Analogue Pocket.
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
@KoopaTheGamer None of this makes any sense!
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
Yeah, I think we all know that car's a rental.
Re: Review: Evercade Alpha - This $250 Bartop Arcade Is A Glorious Gateway To Hundreds Of Retro Classics
I love Evercade (I own the original handheld, the EXP, the VS and every cartridge) but I just can't justify any kind of arcade hardware that doesn't have two sets of controls.
Re: Brand New Mod Gives A Doom 64-Style Overhaul To The First Two Games
I love DOOM 64 and DOOM in general, so I am all over this.
Re: Classic SNES RPG Illusion Of Gaia Gets Fresh Translation 30 Years After Its Western Release
I would love for this 'trilogy' to receive a release on modern consoles like the Collection of Mana. In the meantime I think I will check out this new translation. Thanks for the heads up!
Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles
Personally I think these things are pointless and also ugly as sin. What's the point of putting in a window to 'see the console's insides' if you hack half the insides out in the process?!
Re: Upcoming Book Celebrates The Pixel Art Of The GBA
I love Bitmap Books as their products are always so well produced. I own the SNES book and will be picking this one up to.
Re: ROMHacking.net Is Winding Down After Almost 20 Years
This is indeed very sad news. I love the site and have been enjoying hacks from it for well over a decade.
Re: Game-Changing Patch Incoming For Underrated Genesis Action Platformer Jewel Master
I own a complete copy of this game for my Mega Drive and rather like it. Well definitely check this improvement hack out.
Re: "We Passed A Somewhat-Obscure Game About A Plumber" - Terraria Overtakes Super Mario Bros.
I believe I received this game for Steam as part of a Humble Bundle probably 10+ years ago and have still never played it!
Re: Sonic Mania's Dreamcast Port Is Looking Fantastic
While I highly doubt it will happen, it would be amazing if Sega linked up with them and released this as a limited batch official Dreamcast release, with proper packaging and manual.
Re: Evercade Maker Blaze Is Releasing Two New Super Pocket Consoles This Year
I own an original Evercade handheld, the limited edition VS and limited edition EXP, as well as every cartridge available to date. I can't bring myself to pick these up as well as it's just too much, but the presence of games I can't get on the Evercade line is frustrating. I get why they've done it - as some games obviously haven't been licensed for cartridge use - but it's still kinda annoying and I worry theyre becoming distracted with lots of different types of hardware now, rather than concentrating on the core business of putting together the best cartridges possible. That wood effect Atari one though... ah man, it's tempting!
Re: We Could Be Getting A New Parodius After 17 Years MIA
A new Parodius Collection for Switch would be nice.
Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Is Getting Revived In FPGA Form
@WaveBoy Each to their own. I can't stand fuzzyvision and used RGB scart cables with my Sega consoles even back then. I get not liking the look of razor sharp pixels on an HD TV, but composite never looked good and RF was even worse. For me I love nice blocky pixel art and can't stand softening filters. I do get that choice is king though, so options that suit everybody are the way to go.
Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Is Getting Revived In FPGA Form
This one looks interesting. I've long hoped Analogue would produce an all in one Mega Drive, Mega CD & 32X and this looks the closest to that we've come so far.
Not sure why anyone wants composite video out though. That was crap even back in the day. RGB or component I get.
Re: Atari Purchases The Intellivision Brand, But Not The Delayed Amico Console
Is the Amico going to be the first console to already be old enough to be classed as retro on its day of release?
Re: Limited Run Under Fire For "Horrible" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vinyl Release
They're certainly no Data Discs!
Re: King Of Fighters On The Sega Mega Drive? It Could Be Happening, Unofficially
The Mega Drive port of Fatal Fury 2 was really good. Super rare these days though, especially the PAL version.
This guy is very talented and I'm interested to see what all of these turn out like if he finishes any of them. I can't complain about his starting another game without finishing the first one - I do the same thing with playing games!
Re: GameBook Color: The Unofficial CGB Companion Is Out Now
Book looks lovely, but why are they so determined that Game Boy is one word? They seem to write GameBoy everywhere. The machine itself clearly had a space between the words Game and Boy, the packaging had a space and even adverts for it at the time had a space. Odd.
Re: Sega Saturn Is Getting A Fan-Made Remake Of Revenge Of Shinobi
Data Discs recently released a new version of the Revenge of Shinobi soundtrack taken from Yuzo Koshiro's original PC-88 files (recorded by Yuzo Koshiro himself). Be cool if they could use that audio in this release. There was also an unused bonus track that they could maybe work in.
Re: Sega Saturn Is Getting A Fan-Made Remake Of Revenge Of Shinobi
I love the Shinobi series (including X/Legions). Interested to hear how they've done the soundtrack, as Yuzo Koshiro's original is an all time classic.
Re: Mega Man V For The Game Boy Is Getting A 16-Bit Style Fan Remake
This looks cool! The original is a great little game.
Re: Rastan Saga Comes To Arcade Archives On Switch And PS4 This Week
I love Rastan. Had the Master System version as a kid. I say 'had', but I've still got it and still play it every once in a while. I wonder if this means it will be on the next Taito collection though...
Re: Did Mad Catz Really Create "The Worst Video Game Controllers Ever"?
Being at a mate's house for some multiplayer gaming used to be like lining up to pick football teams in the playground: no one wanted to be the last pick, or in this case the one who got last pick of the controllers and was lumbered with the third party controller that felt like it had toffee in the controls from day 1.
Re: CIBSunday: Nintendo Game Boy
I miss those sheets with loads of game screens. I used to spend so many hours staring at every tiny Master System screenshot on the sheet that came with my MS. I was really happy when I found a similar sheet inside my Evercade EXP LE package.
Re: Numan Athletics Is The Next Arcade Archives Release On Switch And PS4
@tepidsnake Gaming Hell is a truly wonderful site! Gaming news and reviews have become ever more bite size and I love the deeper dives you provide. New updates always brighten my day.
Re: New Book Aims To Celebrate Saturn, Sega's Beloved 32-Bit Console
Sadly it sounds like this book is very rough around the edges. Reviews suggest issues with amateurish formatting, poor quality images and grammar and spelling mistakes. Hard to justify a premium price for that kind of product. Also pretty poor show that the writer has posted his own 5* review on the Amazon listing!
Re: Cyber Citizen Shockman 3 Is Being Rereleased On Consoles Next Month
I seem to remember this one being the best in the series by a pretty long way. Good to see it getting a new release.
Re: Thalamus Collection 1 Announced For Evercade Consoles
If I'm not mistaken, Hunter's Moon Remastered was actually released just a few years ago as a C64 rom on itch and as a limited release physical C64 game. It's an improved version of the original C64 game.
Re: New Book Aims To Celebrate Saturn, Sega's Beloved 32-Bit Console
After a childhood of SEGA - Master System and then Mega Drive - I joined team PlayStation for the next generation, before going back to SEGA with the wonderful Dreamcast. I discovered the Saturn years later and it hasn't been disconnected from my TV ever since. Thanks for the heads up, I will be buying this ASAP.
Re: Numan Athletics Is The Next Arcade Archives Release On Switch And PS4
This one is great! I recommend the Gaming Hell feature on the game of you're interested.
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July
Hah, I bought a 3D printed TATE grip from Etsy some time ago that is basically identical to the official one! Look forward to the TATE mode firmware for the VS though.
Re: This GBA Is Built With (Almost) Entirely New Parts
I'm hoping they produce an FPGA GBA at some point, like their lovely FPGBC.
Re: Galaga '88 Comes To Analogue Pocket And MiSTer FPGA
Stone cold classic.
Re: Classic PS1 Star Wars Title Coming To PS4, PS5 This April
Yeah, the word 'Classic' seems to be used to basically mean 'Old' these days. This game was a pretty much a cd-rom tech demo. The PC version wowed me at a friend's house for about half an hour before I realised that the gameplay was terrible!
Re: Poll: What's The Best Shinobi Game?
@TheWingedAvenger Ah yes, not sure where that 3DS came from! Edit made, thanks.
Re: Bitmap Books Celebrates 10th Anniversary, And We Were There
@Sketcz It is indeed very nice, I have the lovely boxed edition in my collection! It's great because you see so few books on PCE/TGFX.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Shinobi Game?
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World! I jest, but I do love that game. Shinobi III is my favourite though.
Not sure why the GBA game The Revenge of Shinobi is on here. Pretty sure that game has nothing to do with the series!