Comments 203

Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant


One thing I've never understood is why companies like this don't just pay fan translators and use their pre-existing translation. Why pay some cretin like this guy to copy a fan translation, rather than offering the original translator a fee to use the work they've already done? I get that some people might not want their work to be used in a commercial release, but that can't always be true.

Re: Evercade Maker Blaze Is Releasing Two New Super Pocket Consoles This Year


I own an original Evercade handheld, the limited edition VS and limited edition EXP, as well as every cartridge available to date. I can't bring myself to pick these up as well as it's just too much, but the presence of games I can't get on the Evercade line is frustrating. I get why they've done it - as some games obviously haven't been licensed for cartridge use - but it's still kinda annoying and I worry theyre becoming distracted with lots of different types of hardware now, rather than concentrating on the core business of putting together the best cartridges possible. That wood effect Atari one though... ah man, it's tempting!

Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Is Getting Revived In FPGA Form


@WaveBoy Each to their own. I can't stand fuzzyvision and used RGB scart cables with my Sega consoles even back then. I get not liking the look of razor sharp pixels on an HD TV, but composite never looked good and RF was even worse. For me I love nice blocky pixel art and can't stand softening filters. I do get that choice is king though, so options that suit everybody are the way to go.

Re: Did Mad Catz Really Create "The Worst Video Game Controllers Ever"?


Being at a mate's house for some multiplayer gaming used to be like lining up to pick football teams in the playground: no one wanted to be the last pick, or in this case the one who got last pick of the controllers and was lumbered with the third party controller that felt like it had toffee in the controls from day 1.

Re: CIBSunday: Nintendo Game Boy


I miss those sheets with loads of game screens. I used to spend so many hours staring at every tiny Master System screenshot on the sheet that came with my MS. I was really happy when I found a similar sheet inside my Evercade EXP LE package.

Re: New Book Aims To Celebrate Saturn, Sega's Beloved 32-Bit Console


Sadly it sounds like this book is very rough around the edges. Reviews suggest issues with amateurish formatting, poor quality images and grammar and spelling mistakes. Hard to justify a premium price for that kind of product. Also pretty poor show that the writer has posted his own 5* review on the Amazon listing!

Re: New Book Aims To Celebrate Saturn, Sega's Beloved 32-Bit Console


After a childhood of SEGA - Master System and then Mega Drive - I joined team PlayStation for the next generation, before going back to SEGA with the wonderful Dreamcast. I discovered the Saturn years later and it hasn't been disconnected from my TV ever since. Thanks for the heads up, I will be buying this ASAP.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Shinobi Game?


Alex Kidd in Shinobi World! I jest, but I do love that game. Shinobi III is my favourite though.

Not sure why the GBA game The Revenge of Shinobi is on here. Pretty sure that game has nothing to do with the series!