Comments 259

Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements


@TransmitHim I do understand where you’re coming from, and my intent was not to patronize any one person, but I didn’t do a good job of focusing on my dislike of how most use social media. That’s on me so I am certainly not blaming anybody because they had a bad experience with this company. I will put forth effort in being more mindful of the room in the future ✌️

I made the decision to share my experience not as a way to further upset anyone, but more in hopes to start a dialogue about something positive, but I failed and I didn’t ask for any details from other posters. Maybe something to the effect of “I’m surprised that this company has fallen since I’ve been lucky enough to avoid issues, anyone else?” or “why would LRG go this route for the price at the cost of preservation?” Etc.

In the comments section of an article such as this, I do think it can be tricky to say ANYTHING else besides what is prompted from the headline without there being some friction. I poorly shot out a comment that was not thoughtful or well baked. Sorry, my friend.

What has been your experience with this company? Did they mess up your game? Not issue a refund? Never return a correspondence? ✌️

Re: The Next Analogue Pocket Limited Edition Is Made From Aluminum, Costs $500


@Peteykins Wii U is my favorite modern controller. I also really like Switch Pro a lot, but the d-pad needs to be the old one, but I get by with it.

My favorite third party controller would probably be the Retro-Bit Big 6, which is the Genesis 6-button layout and d-pad in the 3-button controller’s shell. Feels chunky in your hands but also smoother in use than the original. Love it!

Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements


@MARl0 totally agree with you there—communicate anything. It’s better than nothing.

As mentioned to another poster, I’m guessing they’re embarrassed and trying to figure out a way to redo it correctly and maybe that’s where the wait in response is coming from. Maybe it’s my positive attitude, but I’d like to think they’re not PAPRIUM—yes, I pre-ordered and DID eventually receive my copy, but it was years of waiting with zero communication, and dates and years that were communicated were met with several more years of delays and non-excuses. I can suppose it’s my experience weighing in that 2 months is nothing with these small companies. But yes, they should communicate to their customers 👍

Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements


@PXAbstracftion thank you, maybe I’ve been lucky? I’m aware of the hate of the company. Unfortunately, for those who want to have something to show for the money they spend (ownership) or to have the option of gifting, sharing, or reselling games and return on investment, or just would like a collection, we need these types of companies, and they are small.

It’s a messy time in the industry for sure. I think another UK company like this one closed up shop recently. Hopefully LRG will respond and try to fix the issue. Maybe (my guess) is that right now LRG is scrambling. I just think in this instant-driven world of tech and communication, a little bit of grace would be a positive. It’s very easy to get sucked into a cynical viewpoint when doing anything online. Then again, my products have all turned out okay lol.

Re: "We Passed A Somewhat-Obscure Game About A Plumber" - Terraria Overtakes Super Mario Bros.


@-wc- yes, SMB is like The Beatles of video games and you really can’t compare against how the game was bought and sold, hard copies mostly for one piece of hardware. I realize it was pack-in success too, like Wii Sports, but that’s even more impressive as this game alone sold millions of consoles. Very impressive numbers for Terraria though; congrats on your continued success, developers.

Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It


I most enjoy shorter, replayable games. If I like a game I’ll beat it and then often seek out a hard copy for the collection. 2x the sales, though I typically start with a hard copy if there is one.

Difficulty in retro games can definitely sometimes be frustrating, but it’s how they were, and now we know why—excellent article! These days I don’t look for that but I do look for new takes on the old style, gameplay and aesthetics. Luckily, many of these include some QoL updates and difficulty levels that allow a wide range of players to enjoy.

I find myself getting exhausted by most bigger AAA modern games; they never end, and because of that it’s just a slog. I want to achieve the goal and love it every step of the way, then immediately start playing again. These types of games also fit most people’s schedules. Guess I’m rambling now so I’ll get back to reading 👍

Re: Legendary's Street Fighter Movie Gets 2026 Release Date


If I was making a motion picture, I certainly wouldn’t announce it two years in advance. A year maybe? Not sure about others, but my hype levels tend to plummet when things like video games, albums, or movies are announced years in advance. I may be overcome with momentary excitement, but then the wait is so long and sometimes that same feeling of awe or want never returns. Anyone else? I realize I may be the only one 😜

Re: Here's Super Castlevania IV On The Sega Genesis / Mega Drive


@Nontendo_4DS haha it definitely looks like gameplay moves faster but I don’t mind the methodically slower movement speed in the early games. You have time to react to your inevitable death lol 😂 Tough but fair, usually.

The Genesis processor is faster than in the SNES hardware 👍 two amazing pieces of hardware