I’ve heard of this company but does anyone know their track record with releases on retro hardware? Thought I’d ask after some controversy over other retro releases as of late. Love R.C. Pro-Am!!
One of my favorite Taito arcade games, kind of like Ninja Warriors but much better (though I do really like NW SNES and recent remake). The weapon pickups are pretty satisfying!
@NinChocolate I was out at a mall a couple hours ago and they’ve got a retro game store with an X-Men 4P cabinet. I love the look and feel of those old machines…still so cool!!
SEGA does what Nintend-Would!! This whole thing became hilarious. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Let’s recap:
The guy is still stubborn enough to only change the name to SPGA instead of just ditching any reference to the trademark altogether and trying to save face, and additional legal troubles!! Now he’s got to refund tens of thousands he doesn’t have anymore and as a result put his Lambo up for sale? Is this guy like 21 years old? The warnings of failure have come at every turn with this project.
All I can do is rest head in hand and lol 😂
For the record I really wanted this to be legit so I could get one but NO WAY would I ever early back something so sketchy 😊 ✌️
@-wc- dude, this sounds amazing!! I’ve got a collection for sure but I need to step up my display game 😂 I have a tv room with a bunch of my games collection, with two identical 50” 4K tvs set just in case we both want to play or watch different stuff lolz.
I bought them with the intent of having like two switches or PS consoles hooked up to do online mp but it hasn’t quite got off the ground 😜
EDIT: was just re-reading your post…what a dream setup!!! 👍
@-wc- these days I mostly play on a 32” LED and in 4:3 that’s perfect for me a couple feet away 👍 when I had my CRTs, 13-27” was perfect!! Had 13, 19, and 27s throughout the years. For me 19” was probably the sweet spot, while the 27 was pure luxury 😂
This is pretty cool but I don’t think I’d want want to play the games on such a gigantic screen since you’d have to physically turn and shift your whole body to play and it may be harder to track what’s ahead of you as you play. I’d love to see it in person though! I’d be the buddy who came home with the story, lol.
Medievil is one of my favorite PlayStation games. The art direction, mood and voice acting are way up there for me, and its sense of humor too! The stage design feels like a character all its own. Lots of fun memories with this one and still enjoying my PS1 copy. Never played the PS4 remake. Is it any good? 😊
Mallrats stands out to me as one of the most ‘90s pieces of media I can recall in my own life. I love the film’s utter stupidity and its heart all the same. My cousins and I rented the VHS shortly after it came to video stores, not having any expectations. Boy did we laugh!!! I recently enjoyed The 4:30 Movie, Smith’s latest. It’s worth a watch!
@-wc- Ex-Mutants is a good time with cheesy characters and tight gameplay, memorable music and sound effects. Level designs are also not too shabby. It definitely has a so bad it’s good vibe, but I fully embrace that and it’s why I continue to replay it!!
@-wc- You’re welcome! Colors on reimagined hardware like the Retro AVS are quite faithful to the NES, and it has that sort of slightly pre-yellowed shell haha.
When I compared the DMG to an original GB, it looks more like a cheap knockoff that your parent or grandparent might be fooled into getting you lol.
In 1993 I asked my dad for X-Men on Genesis, and on Christmas morning we opened up Ex-Mutants!!! 😂 I was super disappointed at the time but it turns out that I play Ex-Mutants way more than the X-Men game these days - I think it’s a better game overall and I spent so much time with it. I later got X-Men and I enjoyed it but it’s not as good.
@owenmitts yeah, playing to strengths could be a good path for a MD arrangement 👍 FM does what it does, analog waveforms and modulation do what they do, early low bit samples have their very own timbres. I love them all haha
I love both sound chips, and all these old consoles have something great to offer in the sound department, and they all have their own flavor that gives them a unique identity.
This console war could go on forever, but when I want orchestrated strings, samples, and reverb I’ll take SNES. When I want farty, metallic synths, punchy compressed drums, and the spirit of the arcade, I’ll take Genesis. They’re all excellent! Amazing music has been made with both 👍
@BulkSlash wow, I didn’t know 32X was so expensive now! I think I got mine 12 years ago in box for about $40-50 with the OEM SEGA power adapter and Genesis link cable. I remember those being tricky to find with the 32X. Virtua Racing is still so good, and I enjoyed Doom too. Got that CIB on eBay for just a few bucks. Crazy prices now 😳
This would be cool to have, but I’d barely use the 32X functionality. I love the shell design though. Very slick ‘90s styling.
I’d rather play the CDX or JVC X’Eye. Would be cool if SEGA had made an all-in-one though. Considering the amount of released hardware that will play Genesis games, I’m honestly surprised they didn’t. That would have been one more SEGA mistake I’d have snatched up!!
Just played through the demo, then over to the TG-16 version, then to the arcade original in MAME, and I can say this: the gameplay in this genesis port is so responsive and it feels perfect. The graphics and animations are top notch and match the arcade but somehow look better. The color work is really well done, and the Genesis sound chip doing its metallic FM fartiness sounds great. The voice/audio samples are ported from the arcade version (when you hit enemies with a weapon you get the extremely satisfying bowling ball knocking down pins sound), as is the rest of the stage intro graphics, etc.
I like the TG-16 more than the arcade version, but this, if completed, will be the definitive way to play this game. I hope they're able to do so! If so, I'll be looking for a hard copy to complete my Genesis trilogy. In the meantime, I'm going to head back over to itch and donate to the project. If you like Splatterhouse (the first game's levels are definitely my favorite, along with the music) then this is for you! I'm by no means any good at the games, but I really enjoy them and keep going back for more fun!
Uhh…I want to like this but what’s with the cuts while booting up every game? Something is definitely strange about this “live” demo. Don’t trust it. Hopefully we get more clarification soon.
Also, just for some fun, did this guy take lessons in fake gaming on camera from The Wizard? 😃
Months of press with only a prototype shell, an interview that fails to help legitimize the project, blurry photo, blurry video in an age of pro level camera phones, PCB incomplete. No official blessing from SEGA. But…all for $3.
Comments 259
Re: SuperSega Boss Is Now Trying To Block People Getting Refunds
It doesn’t suck
Re: Two Classic Rare Titles Are Getting Physical Re-Releases On NES And Game Boy
@JJtheTexan excellent, thanks for the reply! 👍😃
Re: Two Classic Rare Titles Are Getting Physical Re-Releases On NES And Game Boy
I’ve heard of this company but does anyone know their track record with releases on retro hardware? Thought I’d ask after some controversy over other retro releases as of late. Love R.C. Pro-Am!!
Re: This Mod Brings Crisp And Clear HDMI To GameCube
@Slobbert Alucard: “I’m interested in this”
Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price
I’d buy that for a dollar!!
No, seriously. And not a penny more. And if it actually existed in the first place.
Re: Final Fight MD Adds Two Features That Weren't In The Original
Looking forward to the finished game. Thanks to the dev!! The demo is awesome 😎
Re: Grand Theft Auto Vice City Prototype Build Leaks Online, Featuring A Surprising Amount of Differences From Release
Interesting…are press versions of games close to launch typically very different from retail builds?
Re: Taito's Genre-Mashing Beat 'Em Up 'Thunder Fox' Hits Arcade Archives This Week
One of my favorite Taito arcade games, kind of like Ninja Warriors but much better (though I do really like NW SNES and recent remake). The weapon pickups are pretty satisfying!
Re: Random: The Gloriously Unhinged SuperSega Saga Now Has Its Own Song
It’s all in merchandising…
SuperSega the Flamethrower!!!
The kids love this one 😜
Re: Streets Of Rage 2's Delisted 3DS Port Lives On Thanks To This Genesis Patch
@OldManHermit I agree, have always thought that!!
Re: 8BitDo's Solution For Smartphone Retro Gaming Is Revealed
Sounds like just a two-word review:
“S#*@ clip.”
Re: Best Of 2024: Meet The Man Who Supplies Netflix, Disney And EA With Vintage Arcade Cabinets
@NinChocolate I was out at a mall a couple hours ago and they’ve got a retro game store with an X-Men 4P cabinet. I love the look and feel of those old machines…still so cool!!
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
@no_donatello It’s been one of my favorite gaming stories ever!
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
@nocdaes I just LOL’d at that. Thanks!!
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
SEGA does what Nintend-Would!! This whole thing became hilarious. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Let’s recap:
The guy is still stubborn enough to only change the name to SPGA instead of just ditching any reference to the trademark altogether and trying to save face, and additional legal troubles!! Now he’s got to refund tens of thousands he doesn’t have anymore and as a result put his Lambo up for sale? Is this guy like 21 years old? The warnings of failure have come at every turn with this project.
All I can do is rest head in hand and lol 😂
For the record I really wanted this to be legit so I could get one but NO WAY would I ever early back something so sketchy 😊 ✌️
Re: Alwa's Legacy Dev Wants To Port The Game To The Mega Drive / Genesis
I’m looking forward to playing both the Alwa games on Switch soon.
Re: Random: Warrior Blade's Game Over Screen Hides A Bunch Of Fascinating Secrets To Discover
Lol, looking forward to trying some of these out!! Very cool, Taito. Very cool.
Re: Hands On: Genki And 8BitDo's PocketPro Collaboration Is Neat, If A Little Pointless
@-wc- your testimony makes me want to finally break down and buy one of these pads!
@CocktailCabinet your testimony makes me want to continue to avoid these like the plague!
Re: Random: This Ultra Widescreen Darius Set-Up Has Us Insanely Jealous
@-wc- dude, this sounds amazing!! I’ve got a collection for sure but I need to step up my display game 😂 I have a tv room with a bunch of my games collection, with two identical 50” 4K tvs set just in case we both want to play or watch different stuff lolz.
I bought them with the intent of having like two switches or PS consoles hooked up to do online mp but it hasn’t quite got off the ground 😜
EDIT: was just re-reading your post…what a dream setup!!! 👍
Re: Random: This Ultra Widescreen Darius Set-Up Has Us Insanely Jealous
@-wc- these days I mostly play on a 32” LED and in 4:3 that’s perfect for me a couple feet away 👍 when I had my CRTs, 13-27” was perfect!! Had 13, 19, and 27s throughout the years. For me 19” was probably the sweet spot, while the 27 was pure luxury 😂
Re: Random: This Ultra Widescreen Darius Set-Up Has Us Insanely Jealous
@PinballBuzzbro are you talking about Genesis game Sagaia? If so, I have that and LOVE that game. I’m so bad at it though but I keep going back!!
Re: Random: This Ultra Widescreen Darius Set-Up Has Us Insanely Jealous
This is pretty cool but I don’t think I’d want want to play the games on such a gigantic screen since you’d have to physically turn and shift your whole body to play and it may be harder to track what’s ahead of you as you play. I’d love to see it in person though! I’d be the buddy who came home with the story, lol.
Re: Sorry, But That Nightmarish Lara Croft PS1 Controller Isn't Real
Think I saw this on a cursed controllers subreddit
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@KitsuneNight Haha I like it! 😊 I can’t believe what I’m reading up there 😳😱😂
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@AJB83 Genesis vs. Mega Drive: the REAL console war!!
Re: Don't Forget The Sega 32X Turns 30 This Year, Too
@HammerGalladeBro I don’t have many games for it, but Virtua Racing Deluxe is a really great time on 32X. Tempo is fun as well.
Re: Former Sony President Would "Love Another Whack At MediEvil"
@poyo_pie I don’t think Sir Daniel Fortesque was knee-capped like Joel, but I do think he was beheaded if I’m remembering right. 😃
Re: Former Sony President Would "Love Another Whack At MediEvil"
Medievil is one of my favorite PlayStation games. The art direction, mood and voice acting are way up there for me, and its sense of humor too! The stage design feels like a character all its own. Lots of fun memories with this one and still enjoying my PS1 copy. Never played the PS4 remake. Is it any good? 😊
Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut
LOL it just keeps going. I so want to like this thing.
Re: Sega "Pimped Out" On Mallrats Director Kevin Smith Back In 1995
Re: Sega "Pimped Out" On Mallrats Director Kevin Smith Back In 1995
Mallrats stands out to me as one of the most ‘90s pieces of media I can recall in my own life. I love the film’s utter stupidity and its heart all the same. My cousins and I rented the VHS shortly after it came to video stores, not having any expectations. Boy did we laugh!!! I recently enjoyed The 4:30 Movie, Smith’s latest. It’s worth a watch!
Re: Review: AYANEO Pocket DMG - This Pricey Emulation Monster Thinks It's A Game Boy
@-wc- Ex-Mutants is a good time with cheesy characters and tight gameplay, memorable music and sound effects. Level designs are also not too shabby. It definitely has a so bad it’s good vibe, but I fully embrace that and it’s why I continue to replay it!!
Re: Review: AYANEO Pocket DMG - This Pricey Emulation Monster Thinks It's A Game Boy
@-wc- You’re welcome! Colors on reimagined hardware like the Retro AVS are quite faithful to the NES, and it has that sort of slightly pre-yellowed shell haha.
When I compared the DMG to an original GB, it looks more like a cheap knockoff that your parent or grandparent might be fooled into getting you lol.
In 1993 I asked my dad for X-Men on Genesis, and on Christmas morning we opened up Ex-Mutants!!! 😂 I was super disappointed at the time but it turns out that I play Ex-Mutants way more than the X-Men game these days - I think it’s a better game overall and I spent so much time with it. I later got X-Men and I enjoyed it but it’s not as good.
Re: Review: AYANEO Pocket DMG - This Pricey Emulation Monster Thinks It's A Game Boy
@-wc- the colors on this are kinda pukey compared to the GameBoy!
Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" With This Amazing Rendition Of A Classic Castlevania Tune
@owenmitts yeah, playing to strengths could be a good path for a MD arrangement 👍 FM does what it does, analog waveforms and modulation do what they do, early low bit samples have their very own timbres. I love them all haha
Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" With This Amazing Rendition Of A Classic Castlevania Tune
I love both sound chips, and all these old consoles have something great to offer in the sound department, and they all have their own flavor that gives them a unique identity.
This console war could go on forever, but when I want orchestrated strings, samples, and reverb I’ll take SNES. When I want farty, metallic synths, punchy compressed drums, and the spirit of the arcade, I’ll take Genesis. They’re all excellent! Amazing music has been made with both 👍
Re: Check Out These Awesome Street Fighter Soccer-Style Jerseys
Watched the yt video, and some of these jerseys look pretty cool, while some of the models look pretty scary! lol SFII 4 LYFE 😃👍
Re: Want Your Very Own Sega Neptune? You'll Need A Spare $2,600
@BulkSlash wow, I didn’t know 32X was so expensive now! I think I got mine 12 years ago in box for about $40-50 with the OEM SEGA power adapter and Genesis link cable. I remember those being tricky to find with the 32X. Virtua Racing is still so good, and I enjoyed Doom too. Got that CIB on eBay for just a few bucks. Crazy prices now 😳
Tempo is also quite fun.
Re: Want Your Very Own Sega Neptune? You'll Need A Spare $2,600
This would be cool to have, but I’d barely use the 32X functionality. I love the shell design though. Very slick ‘90s styling.
I’d rather play the CDX or JVC X’Eye. Would be cool if SEGA had made an all-in-one though. Considering the amount of released hardware that will play Genesis games, I’m honestly surprised they didn’t. That would have been one more SEGA mistake I’d have snatched up!!
Re: Sega Wanted Phantasy Star IV To Flop In The West, Hence The Sky-High $100 Price
No wonder I never knew about this game in the ‘90s…
Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas
not succeed 😱
Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Fan Port "Mega Splatterhouse" Just Got A Demo For Halloween
Just played through the demo, then over to the TG-16 version, then to the arcade original in MAME, and I can say this: the gameplay in this genesis port is so responsive and it feels perfect. The graphics and animations are top notch and match the arcade but somehow look better. The color work is really well done, and the Genesis sound chip doing its metallic FM fartiness sounds great. The voice/audio samples are ported from the arcade version (when you hit enemies with a weapon you get the extremely satisfying bowling ball knocking down pins sound), as is the rest of the stage intro graphics, etc.
I like the TG-16 more than the arcade version, but this, if completed, will be the definitive way to play this game. I hope they're able to do so! If so, I'll be looking for a hard copy to complete my Genesis trilogy. In the meantime, I'm going to head back over to itch and donate to the project. If you like Splatterhouse (the first game's levels are definitely my favorite, along with the music) then this is for you! I'm by no means any good at the games, but I really enjoy them and keep going back for more fun!
Re: Mega Drive / Genesis Fan Port "Mega Splatterhouse" Just Got A Demo For Halloween
@NinChocolate That’s awesome!! I’m hoping to try out this demo tomorrow.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
Count ‘em down. 5 days to pre-order. 5…4…3…2…1.
I honestly can’t wait to see what the update says on November 5.
Happy Halloween! 🎃
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
Man, I need to gtfo and go play some video games ✌️😎
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
Uhh…I want to like this but what’s with the cuts while booting up every game? Something is definitely strange about this “live” demo. Don’t trust it. Hopefully we get more clarification soon.
Also, just for some fun, did this guy take lessons in fake gaming on camera from The Wizard? 😃
Re: Neo Geo Classic Magician Lord Gets Tentative Fan Port To NEC SuperGrafx
Magician Lord is beautiful and crazy hard but I always enjoy going back to it. Will follow this port to SuperGrafx!
Re: Yes, Final Fight MD Will Include The Level Removed From The SNES Version
I hope to play this when it’s complete. Iirc the dev has started a racing game while this is not yet finished.
Re: "You Don’t See Sega Enough" - Sega’s Transmedia Boss Wants To "Elevate" The Brand
@Razieluigi very well said, dude! 👍
Re: Here's Your First (Blurry) Look At SuperSega's PCB
Months of press with only a prototype shell, an interview that fails to help legitimize the project, blurry photo, blurry video in an age of pro level camera phones, PCB incomplete. No official blessing from SEGA. But…all for $3.
Bubsy voice: What could possibly go wrong??