Comments 10

Re: Building The Ultimate Nintendo 64


Nice article @Damo. I just recently got the PixelFX Gem HDMI mod fitted by Oldskool Consoles who did a splendid job. I have an NSO N64 controller which I connect wirelessly with a Blueretro adapter (it occasionally briefly disconnects 😶). An Everdrive X5 might be my next move - seems better value than the X7. All a bit of a money sink 😂

Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro - Better Than The Capcom Home Arcade?


I did get the Neo Geo Mini International last year, but haven't had a great deal to time to play it. I am tempted by a proper arcade stick for Switch and would like to use one with the Mini so this does sound interesting.
I had decided to try the 8bitDo one but it doesn't seem available now. I have seen the Hori and Mayflash options. I have Magic-NS and 8bitdo adapters. Off topic I know, but what stick would folks recommend?

Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Mini International Edition - Different Design, Different Games, Same Problems?


Great review, thanks. I note the pricing on the International Edition has got keener since release, and even since I placed my order after I noticed the first drop. Those bundles are quite good.
wonders what the Mayflash Controller adapter is...

Oh, that's what it is. Possibly a good alternative to me buying a second Neo Geo controller pad... assuming it works with the WiiUPro/SwitchPro/8bitdo pads.