Comments 1

Re: Flashback: Remembering Sega's Dismal Mega CD Debut, Wakusei Woodstock: Funky Horror Band


I'd been curious about this game since the release of the Mega CD. Bought cheaply a copy from Ebay 15 years ago, but only really played it this year, part of it, with help of Google Translator.

It's not really that awful game, just a ripoff of the 1st Dragon Quest, or the 1st Y's. The RPG part of the game is really bland and basic, but the character's draw are colorful and very good, the voice acting are good, and the singed songs are good too.

Maybe if Sega didn't insisted that "we need an RPG" and turned this game to be an Adventure like Urusei Yatsura, or even Snatcher, it would had been a very memorable release. Anyway, i'm still hoping someone do a full translation some day