“As I was happily getting ready in my dressing room — focused, excited”..,.
How lucky was he that some unknown third person in the room happened to be recording the whole thing, some others might have questioned why that cameraman was hanging around 🤔
I’m unsure what this really means. There is a lot of reference to IP holders and rights. This case perhaps differs slightly to fan translation.
Putting aside all questions relating to moral choices, I’m intrigued by the law and right of ownership here as the translation is based upon someone else’s work which has been legitimately licensed. The translation would be nothing without the original source material, in its simplest form it is a reproduction of someone else work in another language.
I would assume if they held strong rights over that, then they would now be pursuing Retro-Bit legally for some form of compensation. I haven’t heard that yet, which leads me to believe that defending these translations legally may not be an option.
I’ve no real knowledge of any of this, I’m just putting thoughts out into the ether.
@RG-Riven m
This is an interesting point, and something I was wondering about when I first read this story earlier today.
I’m intrigued to see how Retro-Bit responds to the case put forward, and Time Extensions request for comment. I’m a keen fan of the output, I’ve found the quality of their releases is great, their handling of this situation could be critical to many fans.
Sad, but likewise I don’t routinely shop in their stores.
Our local WH Smith recently added a new Toys ‘R Us section at the back of the store, my wife and I were thrilled, brought back good memories, are children were less bothered.
Seems a shame that as we see the re-emergence of Toys ‘R Us, their host store is now at risk.
I’m very keen to see what the Time Extension team make of the Analogue 3D when they get their hands on a review sample. Analogue clearly felt confident with their marketing, regarding function and compatibility.
Some interesting comments on here, I hadn’t heard of My Arcade until recently (weren’t they also confirmed to be producing some Sega products this year also?).
Glad to hear the heads up on where they are pitched in the market for quality.
This has crossed my mind too. My last dabble with a Raspberry Pi was in 2017, and that model couldn’t run N64, all sorts of performance issues. I forget the model, may have been a Pi 3.
Likewise, I’m hoping the Analogue 3D offers the same plug and play I’ve experienced with their other products 🤞
Agreed, I was just joking really. I rarely play all in one boxes where you have access to everything, tend to prefer the process of selecting something from my collection and settling into playing that way, a more tactile experience.
And indeed less overwhelming than staring at an almost endless list of ROMs in a list.
To echo that point, if a major organisation doesn’t wish to risk carrying these volatile things (or perhaps their insurance premiums prohibit), why are we so welcoming to keep these things in storage in our homes, where they may possibly cause a catastrophic incident.
I do hate the built in, generally non serviceable (to most users) nature of modern tech batteries. I’d prefer having a slightly larger product with interchangeable regular batteries (AA etc..,.) over the short lived nature of these lithium type batteries.
I thought this was going to be one of the ads regarding- “something to do with your hands that won’t make you go blind”
“The more you play with it, the harder it gets”
I was in primary school around this time, Viz was one of those things my friends and I would know about, and a friend of a friend would know someone who had a copy, but always failed to come up with the goods, most of us being too young to acquire our own copies.
Viz was kind of like a forbidden thing at that age, crazy when you consider the atrocious stuff that is just a few clicks away from our children nowadays.
I’ve not played the game, but could this possibly make it easier by virtue of increased forward visibility of what is upcoming? (Ignoring the fact you’ll have to rotate your body so much to see it all at close distances)
I’m no expert on the tools used to create modern games on classic systems, and it may just be me, but I feel like I’ve just witnessed a lot of recycled assets in that video/trailer, a mixture of Gyromite, Mario Bros, I’ve seen that grassy earth terrain somewhere before too. 🤔
Like the previous Peter I’ve had a few issues with Scart boxes.
Namely I have an Analogue DAC for my Mega SG and Super NT, but for whatever reason I can never get this to work through a Scart box, plug in directly it is fine, but as soon as you introduce a Scart box it will not work, any one else have any luck with this?
Screamer - wow didn’t expect that. I was thrilled to have a ridge racer alternative on PC when this released originally, though it didn’t run well on my non Pentium machine.
Totally agree, I’m imagining a copy of the manga residing on the artists desk at the time, and a sudden thought of this will meet the brief for the background.
This is one I have conflicted memories over. I had the Mega Drive and Mega CD, Gen 1 variants. So I was well in the Sega camp at this point. I had been reading all the magazine articles I could about the 32x, including those first impressions of Virtua Racer and Star Wars Arcade.
I was so eager to get one, but from memory the release date was so vague in the UK, I kept trying to get my name on one with local stores, but they couldn’t confirm the date of release, or were not getting solid info from their supplier.
It was all frustrating, and as a 12/13 year old I lost interest/faith it was going to release, I eventually moved onto the PS1 a year later after playing Wipeout at a friends house.
I was always aware of the Saturn in the background, but that never grabbed my attention, for some reason.
I’m going to join you there. I built a full scale replica of a MVS 1 slot running real hardware and a CRT back in 2020 (something to do when the world stood still). Personally I went with a Terraonion ROM cart, I wasn’t prepared to part with mega money per cartridge. Managed to get featured on Arcade Attacks website at one point, I shared the whole build process online too.
All that aside, I love the NeoGeo/SNK stuff, it was almost stuff of legend when growing up, not something I’d see in the wild in the UK. I’m very intrigued by this Blaze partnership.
“Nintendo realised cartridges had already maxed out their memory footprints“
So as much as I love the N64, this begs the question, why did they stick with cartridges again. They knew what they were up against with the PS1 by this point.
Greed again really I guess because they didn’t want to let go of the model of charging for the production of cartridges.
BTW there are lots of great campaigns pushing sells of the switch on the lead up to Christmas, yet most people with a remote interest in gaming know that early in the new year they will be announcing the successor, sell off that old stock fast before the announcement I guess.
I like Nintendo games and products by the way, these are just observations.
I can understand that. There is clearly a whole lot of nostalgia attached, and I do agree the Diablo was/is an awesome car.
I had a Scalextric set with a Ferrari F40 and Lamborghini Diablo, which was super fun and still the closest I’ve ever been to drifting these cars around in real life.
Your right about the video clips, I forget how big a deal these were to games in the early/mid 90s.
All pedantry aside, these games, in my humble opinion, we’re never really very good.
My comparison of Gran Turismo was merely that of a generation comparison, not necessarily by year of release. That being said, I preferred Ridge Racer and Destruction Derby, I believe they came out in 1994/5, so in terms of being produced in the same pocket of history, possibly a fair comparison.
These are just my humble opinions, it’s the beauty of consumerism and free choice, or at least the illusion of.
So how much of this is fully intentional on Martin’s side?
He has received a great deal of exposure with respect this venture, clearly people have parted with money, using a provocative name has grabbed the attention of Sega.
Is there something more shrewd going on here? Or is it simply a poorly disguised scheme to separate people from their hard earned money?
I’m sure that I’m overthinking this, and expecting greater strategies to be at play here.
Thanks for clarifying, and thank you for setting this up, it certainly has been hard work knowing all of these various releases coming out, this record will certainly take the burden out of that for everyone in the community.
Also keep the fight real, don’t give in to the SNES fans pressure machine 😆
I appreciate people need to gauge the demand for a proposed product coming to market.
But if you have access to an expensive sports car (assuming it’s not rented) in my mind you can sell that and fund your product development and manufacturing before hitting your potential customers for R&D and manufacturing costs ahead of a working product.
Kickstarter and the like have become almost like a charity for people’s business aspirations, expecting us as customers to take the risk on instead of the individual.
It is bitter sweet, I appreciate that, in our hobby we have been granted some great products that wouldn’t otherwise exist, but fatigue is setting in.
Comments 99
Re: This Insanely Good Final Fantasy Cosplay Has Nobuo Uematsu's Seal Of Approval
“As I was happily getting ready in my dressing room — focused, excited”..,.
How lucky was he that some unknown third person in the room happened to be recording the whole thing, some others might have questioned why that cameraman was hanging around 🤔
Re: Ratalaika Dismisses Claim That Retro-Bit Had Permission To Use Its Translations
I’m unsure what this really means. There is a lot of reference to IP holders and rights. This case perhaps differs slightly to fan translation.
Putting aside all questions relating to moral choices, I’m intrigued by the law and right of ownership here as the translation is based upon someone else’s work which has been legitimately licensed. The translation would be nothing without the original source material, in its simplest form it is a reproduction of someone else work in another language.
I would assume if they held strong rights over that, then they would now be pursuing Retro-Bit legally for some form of compensation. I haven’t heard that yet, which leads me to believe that defending these translations legally may not be an option.
I’ve no real knowledge of any of this, I’m just putting thoughts out into the ether.
Re: Bandai Namco Is Launching A New Initiative To License Out IP Like Ridge Racer & Soul Calibur
Perhaps a nice range of Ridge Racer Hotwheels cars.
Re: Xeno Crisis Developer Bitmap Bureau Is Working On A Terminator Game
Fingers crossed for a Neo Geo (MVS) version. Should be able to handle it from what’s shown in the promo video.
Great work Bitmap Bureau.
Re: Retro-Bit Accused Of Plagiarising Existing Fan-Translations
@RG-Riven m
This is an interesting point, and something I was wondering about when I first read this story earlier today.
I’m intrigued to see how Retro-Bit responds to the case put forward, and Time Extensions request for comment. I’m a keen fan of the output, I’ve found the quality of their releases is great, their handling of this situation could be critical to many fans.
Re: "Untouched" Fighting Vipers Cabs Discovered In Warehouse 30 Years On, But With A Catch
I’d take two, but not sure getting them to the UK would be cost effective.
Re: 36 Years After Its Original Release, Golden Axe Now Has An Unofficial Port For The Neo Geo
This is very cool, can’t wait to add to my MVS cabinet.
Thank you.
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
Sad, but likewise I don’t routinely shop in their stores.
Our local WH Smith recently added a new Toys ‘R Us section at the back of the store, my wife and I were thrilled, brought back good memories, are children were less bothered.
Seems a shame that as we see the re-emergence of Toys ‘R Us, their host store is now at risk.
Re: Love The Genesis / Mega Drive? Then Check Out This Epic Eleven-And-A-Half Hour Documentary
Very nice. A solid effort from all involved. I might tune in and have this playing in the background.
Re: A Fan Is Attempting To Recreate Celeste On The NES, And You Can Play It Now
I’d happily buy a copy of this should it ever be possible to release a physical cartridge.
Re: Looks Like Yuzo Koshiro's Earthion Isn't Far From Release
Nice to hear things are moving forward. Really keen for the Mega Drive version.
Re: Atari Says Its "Retro-Focused Strategy" Has Paid Off
“Rosen claimed that, prior to him coming on board as CEO, Atari had been "underpromising and overdelivering."”
I may have miss read something, but I thought the interview suggested he introduced a culture of underpromising and overachieving.
Re: Face It, You'll Never Be As Good At Light Gun Games As This Dude
I do love light gun games. Well done to this man for his commitment.
Re: Flashback: Remembering David Lynch's Memorable Early 2000s PS2 Ad
Not sure where I was in 2000, but I don’t recall this advert.
Re: Golden Axe Looks To Be Getting An Unofficial Neo Geo Port
This is great, thank you kind sir.
Re: 35 Years Later, P47's Cancelled Mega Drive Port Finally Has A Release Date
Retro-Bit and Shmup = Pre-ordered 😀
Re: Crazy Taxi Returns To AGDQ After 10 Year Absence With The Help Of A Live Backing Band
I know nothing about the speed running community or their antics, but that is a phenomenal amount of money they have raised for charity, well done.
Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates
I’m very keen to see what the Time Extension team make of the Analogue 3D when they get their hands on a review sample. Analogue clearly felt confident with their marketing, regarding function and compatibility.
Re: Blaze Announces Price Increase For New & Existing Evercade Carts
Seems reasonable
Re: Capcom And Bandai Namco Are Joining Forces For This Massive Handheld
Some interesting comments on here, I hadn’t heard of My Arcade until recently (weren’t they also confirmed to be producing some Sega products this year also?).
Glad to hear the heads up on where they are pitched in the market for quality.
Re: Kero Quest 64 Is A New N64-Style Platformer From Veteran Mario & Zelda Modders
Any word of an N64 port? That would be something interesting.
Re: This Stylish Case Allows You To Build The N64 Mini Of Your Dreams
This has crossed my mind too. My last dabble with a Raspberry Pi was in 2017, and that model couldn’t run N64, all sorts of performance issues. I forget the model, may have been a Pi 3.
Likewise, I’m hoping the Analogue 3D offers the same plug and play I’ve experienced with their other products 🤞
Re: This Stylish Case Allows You To Build The N64 Mini Of Your Dreams
Agreed, I was just joking really. I rarely play all in one boxes where you have access to everything, tend to prefer the process of selecting something from my collection and settling into playing that way, a more tactile experience.
And indeed less overwhelming than staring at an almost endless list of ROMs in a list.
Re: This Stylish Case Allows You To Build The N64 Mini Of Your Dreams
That looks pretty sweet.
And a damn sight cheaper than the Analogue 3D I’ve preordered.
‘Knock -knock’ - It seems my old pal buyers remorse may be at the door 😀
Re: Double Dragon Gets A New Fan-Made Port For Neo Geo
Please keep us posted on developments, keen to try a version of this in my MVS cab.
Re: Sega's Shinobi Has Been Unofficially Ported To Neo Geo, And You Can Grab It Now
Thanks for the heads up, definitely will check this out.
Re: Anniversary: Street Fighter's Live-Action Movie Is 30 Years Old Today
I was probably the perfect age for exposure to all things Street Fighter 2 when it all first came around, and I loved it.
But I’ll be honest, I missed this movie, I never bought into, nor got around to watching. Still haven’t seen it to this day.
I think I was happy enough with the “Manga” video produced Anime, that was ace.
Re: Ordering Retro Gaming Hardware From Japan Just Got A Little Harder If You Live In One Of These Countries
To echo that point, if a major organisation doesn’t wish to risk carrying these volatile things (or perhaps their insurance premiums prohibit), why are we so welcoming to keep these things in storage in our homes, where they may possibly cause a catastrophic incident.
I do hate the built in, generally non serviceable (to most users) nature of modern tech batteries. I’d prefer having a slightly larger product with interchangeable regular batteries (AA etc..,.) over the short lived nature of these lithium type batteries.
Just my thoughts.
Re: Random: Sega Is Reviving A Saucy Viz Mega Drive Ad For New Japanese Clothing Range
I thought this was going to be one of the ads regarding- “something to do with your hands that won’t make you go blind”
“The more you play with it, the harder it gets”
I was in primary school around this time, Viz was one of those things my friends and I would know about, and a friend of a friend would know someone who had a copy, but always failed to come up with the goods, most of us being too young to acquire our own copies.
Viz was kind of like a forbidden thing at that age, crazy when you consider the atrocious stuff that is just a few clicks away from our children nowadays.
I’m sure the humour has aged badly though.
Re: The Scalable Video Switch Might Be The Ultimate AV Solution For Retro Gaming Fans
Thanks for the tip. I just took a look, seems they only have a basic model on clearance, doesn’t mention RGB.
I’ve considered one from Retro Gaming Cables UK, but couldn’t get a straight answer when I asked directly if it works with the Analogue DAC.
Re: Random: This Ultra Widescreen Darius Set-Up Has Us Insanely Jealous
This looks pretty cool.
I’ve not played the game, but could this possibly make it easier by virtue of increased forward visibility of what is upcoming? (Ignoring the fact you’ll have to rotate your body so much to see it all at close distances)
Re: 'Hazard: Let Us Out' Is A New Survival Platformer For The NES Promising "Mechanized Mayhem"
I’m no expert on the tools used to create modern games on classic systems, and it may just be me, but I feel like I’ve just witnessed a lot of recycled assets in that video/trailer, a mixture of Gyromite, Mario Bros, I’ve seen that grassy earth terrain somewhere before too. 🤔
Re: The Scalable Video Switch Might Be The Ultimate AV Solution For Retro Gaming Fans
Interesting concept.
Like the previous Peter I’ve had a few issues with Scart boxes.
Namely I have an Analogue DAC for my Mega SG and Super NT, but for whatever reason I can never get this to work through a Scart box, plug in directly it is fine, but as soon as you introduce a Scart box it will not work, any one else have any luck with this?
Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans
Screamer - wow didn’t expect that. I was thrilled to have a ridge racer alternative on PC when this released originally, though it didn’t run well on my non Pentium machine.
Re: Random: 'Final Fight' Features An Obscure 'Akira' Easter Egg That Has Taken 35 Years To Discover
Agreed, I’m a big fan of both properties, it’s quite a keen eye that has recognised this.
Re: Random: 'Final Fight' Features An Obscure 'Akira' Easter Egg That Has Taken 35 Years To Discover
Totally agree, I’m imagining a copy of the manga residing on the artists desk at the time, and a sudden thought of this will meet the brief for the background.
Convenience perhaps over respect/homage.
Re: The Amiga Just Got An Amazing New Star Wars Game, Made By Fans
This looks great. The implementation reminds me a lot of Silpheed on the Mega CD, really impressive and cinematic.
Would be cool if it runs on the A500, especially when they release the full size version.
Re: MiSTer Pi Creator Taki Udon Is Turning His Attention To The iPod
My 2nd gen could do with a new battery
Re: Don't Forget The Sega 32X Turns 30 This Year, Too
This is one I have conflicted memories over. I had the Mega Drive and Mega CD, Gen 1 variants. So I was well in the Sega camp at this point. I had been reading all the magazine articles I could about the 32x, including those first impressions of Virtua Racer and Star Wars Arcade.
I was so eager to get one, but from memory the release date was so vague in the UK, I kept trying to get my name on one with local stores, but they couldn’t confirm the date of release, or were not getting solid info from their supplier.
It was all frustrating, and as a 12/13 year old I lost interest/faith it was going to release, I eventually moved onto the PS1 a year later after playing Wipeout at a friends house.
I was always aware of the Saturn in the background, but that never grabbed my attention, for some reason.
Re: Evercade And SNK Are Joining Forces To Celebrate "The Artistry And Legacy Of Neo Geo"
I’m going to join you there. I built a full scale replica of a MVS 1 slot running real hardware and a CRT back in 2020 (something to do when the world stood still). Personally I went with a Terraonion ROM cart, I wasn’t prepared to part with mega money per cartridge. Managed to get featured on Arcade Attacks website at one point, I shared the whole build process online too.
All that aside, I love the NeoGeo/SNK stuff, it was almost stuff of legend when growing up, not something I’d see in the wild in the UK. I’m very intrigued by this Blaze partnership.
Re: "Nintendo Left Us Standing At The Altar" - Shawn Layden On The Vengeful Birth Of PlayStation
“Nintendo realised cartridges had already maxed out their memory footprints“
So as much as I love the N64, this begs the question, why did they stick with cartridges again. They knew what they were up against with the PS1 by this point.
Greed again really I guess because they didn’t want to let go of the model of charging for the production of cartridges.
BTW there are lots of great campaigns pushing sells of the switch on the lead up to Christmas, yet most people with a remote interest in gaming know that early in the new year they will be announcing the successor, sell off that old stock fast before the announcement I guess.
I like Nintendo games and products by the way, these are just observations.
Re: Anniversary: Need For Speed Turns 30 This Month
I can understand that. There is clearly a whole lot of nostalgia attached, and I do agree the Diablo was/is an awesome car.
I had a Scalextric set with a Ferrari F40 and Lamborghini Diablo, which was super fun and still the closest I’ve ever been to drifting these cars around in real life.
Your right about the video clips, I forget how big a deal these were to games in the early/mid 90s.
Re: Anniversary: Need For Speed Turns 30 This Month
All pedantry aside, these games, in my humble opinion, we’re never really very good.
My comparison of Gran Turismo was merely that of a generation comparison, not necessarily by year of release. That being said, I preferred Ridge Racer and Destruction Derby, I believe they came out in 1994/5, so in terms of being produced in the same pocket of history, possibly a fair comparison.
These are just my humble opinions, it’s the beauty of consumerism and free choice, or at least the illusion of.
Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project
Yeah, I’ve clearly watched too many TV dramas
Re: Anniversary: Need For Speed Turns 30 This Month
It’s no Gran Turismo is it. Specifically PS1 era.
Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project
So how much of this is fully intentional on Martin’s side?
He has received a great deal of exposure with respect this venture, clearly people have parted with money, using a provocative name has grabbed the attention of Sega.
Is there something more shrewd going on here? Or is it simply a poorly disguised scheme to separate people from their hard earned money?
I’m sure that I’m overthinking this, and expecting greater strategies to be at play here.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Stunning Genesis Shmup Earthion Delayed Until 2025
Retro-Bit would have been a good choice, I’ve been impressed by the quality, and they generally hit their stated timeframe.
Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All
Thanks for clarifying, and thank you for setting this up, it certainly has been hard work knowing all of these various releases coming out, this record will certainly take the burden out of that for everyone in the community.
Also keep the fight real, don’t give in to the SNES fans pressure machine 😆
Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All
This is very helpful, a great resource, though it is missing a lot, just from a quick cursory glance:
-Busterhawk Gleylancer (Retro Bit and Columbus Circle)
-Mega Man Wily Wars
-Demons of Asteborg
-Cotton Panorama
-Xeno Crisis
I’m not sure if the list is to be exhaustive, or just ‘recently released and upcoming’
Either way, glad for the use of it. Thank you.
** ignore most of what I said, the website clearly says it only covers this year and a bit before, with an aim to add more over time.**
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
I appreciate people need to gauge the demand for a proposed product coming to market.
But if you have access to an expensive sports car (assuming it’s not rented) in my mind you can sell that and fund your product development and manufacturing before hitting your potential customers for R&D and manufacturing costs ahead of a working product.
Kickstarter and the like have become almost like a charity for people’s business aspirations, expecting us as customers to take the risk on instead of the individual.
It is bitter sweet, I appreciate that, in our hobby we have been granted some great products that wouldn’t otherwise exist, but fatigue is setting in.