Comments 387

Re: Poll: How Do You Play Your Retro Games?


I'm definitely a mixture, but my preference is generally original hardware and controllers but using flash drives/ODEs instead of original media. The main advantage being I don't need to have walls of cartridges and CDs to play all those old machines! 😅

Re: Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Remake Switches Studios


It’s a sad situation. Aspyr did the Mac, mobile and Switch ports of KOTOR so they undoubtedly knew the original game very well and should have been quite well placed to know what elements a KOTOR remake would need.

That said, they’ve always been a company that does ports, so making a new AAA game from scratch was maybe just too much for them to handle. That said, the pandemic hit around when they’d have been going into full production, so trying to scale a team up who all work from home can’t have helped.

Re: Did The Stamper Brothers Really Work On Gyruss?


I’m really enjoying these debunking articles. There’s probably lots of stuff from the early years of gaming that has become accepted fact when it‘s actually based on someone’s poor recollection of a dodgy translation of a Japanese interview that was printed in a Western games mag. Chinese Whispers at its finest!

Re: Final Fight Ultimate Brings Arcade Classic To Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, 30 Years Later


Impressive stuff, they even managed 4 simultaneous enemies on screen at once which beats the vanilla SNES version's 3 enemies.

I'm hoping the chap who romhacked Final Fight 2 to display 5 enemies simultaneously also does the same for Final Fight on the SNES at some point.

I think the arcade version hits something like 12 enemies on screen at once, it gets really insane on the later levels! 😂

Re: CIBSunday: SEGA Rally Championship (PC)


I had the demo for my PC back in the day, and it ran terribly. IIRC even with Direct 3D it still ran badly. It did look better than the Saturn version as it ran at 640x480 (and I think it had an 800x600 mode) but the Saturn version had a much more stable framerate.

The PC port of Daytona CCE had similar problems. These days I just play the arcade machines or the Saturn versions! 😅

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


That’s a good list, I’d put MGS1 first personally as even after I got over the stupid decision to make Raiden the main character, the plot is still silly, culminating in that ridiculous scene on top of Arsenal Gear where all the surviving bosses turn up to tell the others they were secretly double, double, triple crossing them. 😓

Re: Full Of Eastern Promise: The Rise And Fall Of Grey Importing


Shekhana! It truly was a magical time back then. I remember reading in the back of Mean Machines that Konami were rumoured to be maybe, possibly porting their TMNT arcade game to the NES.

I went down to Shekhana and they had the finished game already in stock! 😵 Of course the Famicom release didn’t work properly with my PAL NES, the backgrounds were all shifted halfway down the screen for some reason. So I then got my NES modded to run US games and bought the US version of the game which ran fine.

That experience triggered a lifelong fascination with how games can differ from region to region as there were lots of little changes between those two versions.

Re: Feature: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill


Sadly I never had a Game Genie but I did have the Action Replay for my GameBoy.

I remember actually having quite a lot of fun using the code finding facility, where you would tell it you were looking for a particular type of value and then you'd play the game, push the reset button and tell the Action Replay if the value you were looking for was greater or smaller than the time before and eventually it would home in on the correct value.

GameGenie was probably the better of the two products I think, purely because it could be used to make changes to ROM code while Action Replay was limited to fixing RAM values. So while Action Replay could give you infinite lives, GG could do more varied stuff like edit sprites, change background colours or alter gameplay (as long as you have enough code slots!)

Re: The Untold Story Of The Bug That Almost Sank The Dreamcast's North American Launch


I love the Dreamcast, I've got a few of the Japanese special editions and my prize possession is the Maziora Dreamcast which has an amazing pearlescent paint finish that shifts between green, blue and purple.

My everyday Dreamcast is a regular PAL machine in a clear case with a replaced PSU and an optical drive emulator. I still need to replace the fan so it can run totally silent. I still enjoy Sega Rally 2, Daytona USA, 18 Wheeler, Soul Calibur, Jet Set Radio, Mr. Driller, Crazy Taxi, Code Veronica, Ikaruga and of course Shenmue 1&2.

I'm still hoping someone does a demake of Shenmue III for the DC. I really feel the DC deserves that closure.

Sadly I don't have a CRT so it's been a while since I've played House of the Dead 2 and Confidential Mission.

Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?


I did genuinely know about this (IIRC it's the Honey control scheme, I think all the control schemes were named after Bond girls), but I've never really bothered to try it as I was always very happy with the default control scheme and I thought it would make changing weapons and going into the menu more difficult as the buttons are harder to reach.

It might be an odd way of playing by today's standards but the game was basically built around playing with a single controller so it's not like it's impossible to beat without using a second controller.

That said, I've always thought it was a missed opportunity for things like the recent RetroFighters controller to not come with a second analogue stick and two connectors so you can play twin-stick GoldenEye from a single controller.

Re: Hands On: Retro Fighters Follows Up Its Superb Brawler64 Pad With The StrikerDC For Dreamcast


I’ve honestly never had a problem with the DC controller. I’ve never had cramp from the handles and I think the analogue is wonderfully sensitive without the huge dead zones that seem to prevail on modern controllers. The analogue triggers are probably still the definitive implementation too, with just the Xbox 360 coming close to matching them. I guess I just like odd controllers, I love the N64 pad too.

Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II


Just gave this a go and it's really good! I'm certain the precision needed for Ryu's shoryuken has been lessened as I've never been able to consistently pull that off in the past even on a JAMMA cab, but here I'm pulling it off all the time.

My only gripe would be it's still got the "go away and play it again on a harder difficulty" ending system. I was hoping to see the tidied up endings without needing to beat it on hard with all the characters.

Re: Hardware Review: The Terraonion Mega SD Is A Truly Next-Gen Flash Cartridge


Anyone have any feedback on how well the save states work for regular Megadrive games? I’ve got an old EverDrive and the save states are basically useless (I like to be able to save my progress and turn the machine off, rather than use them to brute force my way through a game). On the EverDrive they 99% of the time lock up or garble the screen when restoring a save. If this can do better I’ll definitely look at saving up for one.

Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games


@NevG I might be mis-reading it, but it says it needs 32X hardware to play 32X games so it sounds to me like the FPGA isn’t simulating the 32X hardware, it’s just compatible as a Flash cartridge for it.

You’re right about it saying it supports all Megadrive mappers, so that does sound like it could include the SVP!

Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure


If we ever invent time travel the first thing I’ll do is go back to ~1993 and tell Sega to dump the 32X and Saturn and to convert their Model 2 arcade board into a home system. If Sega had launched that with arcade perfect ports of Daytona and Virtua Fighter I would imagine the PlayStation 1 would have been Sony’s only foray into gaming and we’d all be playing on the Dreamcast 4 at the moment.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes


I was pretty disappointed by Twin Snakes. It was a competent clone of the original but it was lacking something. I still prefer to play the PS1 version even today.

My biggest bugbear is the hand-to-hand combat. In the cut scenes Snake is a highly skilled ninja with dozens of exciting moves. As soon as gameplay resumes all he can do is the same mundane punch, punch, kick over and over. They should have made it more like the Arkham games and strung together random moves when you hit the attack button. It doesn't need a full beat em up engine, it just needed more dynamism.

The other disappointment was how similar it was to the original. After the brilliant Resident Evil Remake on GC which added lots of new areas to explore it was displeasing to see Twin Snakes had no new sections and didn't deviate once to give players something new.