Comments 1

Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA


I work in the industry and there are engineers who like taking challenges like this. However, I have seen two types. One where they actually challenge themselves on something useful and others where they focus on the wrong thing and go into a rabbit hole.

This is the rabbit hole case. There literally nothing impressive here. Devs 20 years ago could have done this. Only reason why no one did this is because 3D on that screen is GOD AWFUL!

All this time you could be spending time learning other things, things that can be applied to modern gaming or apply new ideas in modern game engines. Heck, could be learning more design as they lack any as they think porting a 3D game like super Mario 64 is actually good both “it works” and “I did it”! Again, looks awful and not impressive AT ALL!

This is nothing more than “I know I can do this” or “I am going to solve this issue”. “Oh look, it’s getting attention!”

Tell me this. If it was Rugrats N64 on a GBA, would they get all this attention? No, no they wouldn’t. The motivation would have stopped early as it’s just stupid trying to port it.

But super Mario gets the attention and they feel like they are onto something great. Sigh, what a waste of time.

This is an engineer I wouldn’t want. When they think that doing something different or that if there is more challenge, it’s better; that’s not a good engineer to have. Could they be good at what they do? Yes! But it’s their mentality that can divert things into complicated situations where the answer was actually simple.

I would have taken an old game and used modern technology to see what a game could have looked like if made today. That would teach someone all the tech used today.

Going back to old techniques? Why? Unless you’re making a 3D game with that kind of specs, there is ZERO reason to even do this.

I know this is long but holy ***** someone needs to wake this person up.