Comments 39

Re: Sega "Pimped Out" On Mallrats Director Kevin Smith Back In 1995


@-wc- can't be that old, i'm a millennial as well ahah
i've been a lifelong SEGA fan, so i understand what you mean. This isn't Sega Enterprises anymore.

Still, the Atlus RPGs are great, RGG (Yakuza) games are awesome, and even Sonic has come back around. So Sega's in a pretty good spot right now, even for old fans like us imo

Re: Sega "Pimped Out" On Mallrats Director Kevin Smith Back In 1995


@-wc- firstly, RGG is a Sega-made studio. Secondly, Atlus has been a Sega-owned studio for over 10 years, and the games have improved massively in quality and popularity ever since.

Let’s not kid ourselves, if Atlus was underperforming Sega would take the blame, so denying them credit over an excellent job over 10 years is petty

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?


@KitsuneNight @LadyCharlie
You're both implying i said she wasn't a woman. She is very obviously a woman. I said she doesn't look feminine because of her huge chin, and i don't think the character looks as nice because of it.

Not all feminine looking women are super-models either. You're probably assuming i share the same views of the knuckleheads mentioned in the article. I don't. Doesn't make it obligatory to think the character looks good. Don't think she does, she looks manly now

Re: To Make Sense Of Xbox Multiplatform Rumours, We Need Only Look To The Past


It took Sega a looong time to get back to a great spot like it is today. The massive brain drain caused by dropping out meant Sega had to go through a period of lesser quality before being able to re-establish itself as a top dog again.

MS repositioning itself in the gaming market could potentially have similar consequences. Imagine MS not wanting to invest in new developments and just have a million rotting IPs in the stable. Not that farfetched of an idea

Re: Poll: Which FIFA Is Best?


Lots of folk will say 98, but i think 99 really ironed out the kinks.

Of course from a technical point of view the “best” would be a modern one. But personally I really loved 99 and still find worth in playing it sometimes