Oh please, this console isn't even out and it's been already hacked? Lucky you guys who still believe the good ol' hacker tale. Some fish will bite anyway, no matter what you throw at it.
Anyway ok, it might look nice (not gonna argue here, de gustibus non disputandum) and it might let you play the whole metal slug series (wow... and only if you behave and play it correctly), then after a while you'll yawn and notice it's just that, and either go to sleep earlier or go out and get a real console. And/or, more wisely, play the very same games on your pc, since the whole retrogaming thing originated from a bunch of open source emulators made for free by some generous developers.
You can have such machines thanks to the work of these guys, not to the generosity of some publishers. People seem to have forgotten this little detail.
Comments 1
Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro - Better Than The Capcom Home Arcade?
Oh please, this console isn't even out and it's been already hacked? Lucky you guys who still believe the good ol' hacker tale. Some fish will bite anyway, no matter what you throw at it.
Anyway ok, it might look nice (not gonna argue here, de gustibus non disputandum) and it might let you play the whole metal slug series (wow... and only if you behave and play it correctly), then after a while you'll yawn and notice it's just that, and either go to sleep earlier or go out and get a real console. And/or, more wisely, play the very same games on your pc, since the whole retrogaming thing originated from a bunch of open source emulators made for free by some generous developers.
You can have such machines thanks to the work of these guys, not to the generosity of some publishers. People seem to have forgotten this little detail.