I just remember being able to take my Perfect Dark character from home over to a friend and it was amazing. That game saved every stat you could ever wish to look at. No longer did I need to go through a menu to pick or create my character it was right there! Also having the card put into the controller was genius. I never knew why they moved own to two slots on the gamecube. I remember later going to play on a friends xbox 360 and having to log in to get my account on their system and it taking 5 to 10 minutes. Something that took 5 to 10 seconds on N64. I mean, log in info would be great, but so many companies make it so complicated that a single memory card, or even a card that had your long in info, would be so much better!
I would love this if the games looked better or the price was $100. Which they could probably lower it to$200 or $150 of they got rid of those leds on the console, the rfid which is a cool idea but I'd prefer to save the money and maybe cut costs a few more places.
Can anyone explain why this would be better than emulation on a PC? For instance, why wouldn't I just buy a disc drive and make ISOs on my computer? I don't know too much about emulation, but from what I understand it's possible to emulate all of these consoles on PC.
Comments 4
Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards
I just remember being able to take my Perfect Dark character from home over to a friend and it was amazing. That game saved every stat you could ever wish to look at. No longer did I need to go through a menu to pick or create my character it was right there! Also having the card put into the controller was genius. I never knew why they moved own to two slots on the gamecube. I remember later going to play on a friends xbox 360 and having to log in to get my account on their system and it taking 5 to 10 minutes. Something that took 5 to 10 seconds on N64. I mean, log in info would be great, but so many companies make it so complicated that a single memory card, or even a card that had your long in info, would be so much better!
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
I would love this if the games looked better or the price was $100. Which they could probably lower it to$200 or $150 of they got rid of those leds on the console, the rfid which is a cool idea but I'd prefer to save the money and maybe cut costs a few more places.
Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?
I used it once, and didn't really like it. But I was really good with the c buttons, so I probably just tried it too late into learning how to play.
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
Can anyone explain why this would be better than emulation on a PC? For instance, why wouldn't I just buy a disc drive and make ISOs on my computer? I don't know too much about emulation, but from what I understand it's possible to emulate all of these consoles on PC.