Comments 4

Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES


I have memories of Micromachines on the Nes being great fun, but no clear memories, other than the tanks shooting.

It's a shame they've stained the legacy with the smartphone game, that is a horrible, unbalanced, buggy mess. There's a fun game under the bugs and pay-to-win mentality, but there's just too much frustration involved for it to be truly fun. It puts you into matches you have no chance of winning with vehicles far more upgraded on a higher tier, and many of the vehicles control horribly. Many of the courses feel awfully cheap too. And the number of times I've used an item for it to have negative results due to crazy physics, is annoying: 90% of losses feel like the game's fault, which is the sign of bad design.
With the original, everyone drove the same vehicles, which at least made it fair. But when you enter into a battle match in this game and see a vehicles that is far better suited to the mode, you can predict who is going to win.

Re: Untold History Of Japanese Game Developers DVD Now Available For Pre-Order


I'm a backer, but only for the book, but right now I'm kinda worried about the state of the project, so I don't feel confident enough to put that much down on his DVD. Most updates he posts tend to be bad news, like Wil Overton backing out of doing one of the special covers (which was my main reason for backing at the level I did!) or more about how he got screwed over by the translator company he originally went with… Delays are delays and to be expected, but these setbacks have been something else entirely.