Comments 17

Re: Level-5's 3DS Cinematic Adventure 'Time Travelers' Receives English Fan Translation


I remember hearing about this game early in the 3DS's life and being wildly excited for it! I had just finished playing Heavy Rain, and the idea that I may be able to enjoy a game like that on the go was incredible to me. Since it never happened over here, I got my fix a couple years later by playing The Walking Dead on my Vita but I still thought often about this game until one day I stopped.
Cool to see it noticed so long after 2012.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


@Uncharted2007 People who say Game Gear sucked probably haven't played one. I don't know how someone could just write off an entire library of games, at the time it was probably incredible to see Sonic and Mega man in full color in your hands. Makes the Mega Man GB releases look like Tiger electronics.
I still love all consoles and learning about those consoles, so GB is still great in my book despite ancient console wars, but how can anyone knock game gear if they've actually played those games?

Re: ToeJam & Earl Creator Greg Johnson Needs Your Help To Rebuild His Home


So sad that we keep being forced treat the symptoms, yet there's nothing within our control to help the root of the issue; that lies with the corporations, where much would have to change, in turn making our lives less convenient, but more environmentally friendly.
We don't have that control, we can't make this earth more livable for us unless the bubble bursts.