

I'm that one person. You know.

Comments 1

Re: Nintendo Indirectly Co-Funded An Ambitious PlayStation RTS That Never Made It To Market


That's interesting...Imagine if stuff like that was acceptable, we could get nintendo games on PS4, Xbox games on Wii, The last Guardian on Wii U and so on...And I wouldn't need to buy a whole new console just for the Last Guardian.

Speaking of playstation, I've been hunting for a ps2 for a bit and can't find one. Local shops don't have working ones. One shop has two broken ones and that's it. I don't want to turn to ebay but I might have to. Bummer. I wish I had a ps2 from way back when. Sucks to want to get into older consoles this late in the game...I can't find squat locally. Buying used stuff online is risky.