Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank 1DaftbombThu 23rd May 2019 Is this a wind up? 1
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions? 2DaftbombThu 2nd Aug 2018 Gorgeous looking piece of kit, if money were no object I'd buy in a heartbeat, but the switch offers more. 3
Re: Feature: A Look Back At the SG-1000, Sega's First Ever Home Console 3DaftbombMon 25th Jun 2018 For someone who had an Amiga 500 I feel utterly undereducated about retro consoles, never heard of this bad boy, so awesome.They should make a micro version 😃 2
Comments 3
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
Is this a wind up?
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?
Gorgeous looking piece of kit, if money were no object I'd buy in a heartbeat, but the switch offers more.
Re: Feature: A Look Back At the SG-1000, Sega's First Ever Home Console
For someone who had an Amiga 500 I feel utterly undereducated about retro consoles, never heard of this bad boy, so awesome.
They should make a micro version 😃