@RetroGames The point being made here is that Retro-Bit has always claimed that it doesn't use existing translations. If it had given credit then you could be more understanding, but to claim this is original work makes it a bit worse in my book.
Anyway, I've reached out to them and will see what they say. The people I've dealt with there have all been really decent over the years, but clearly, someone has dropped the ball pretty badly here.
@NinChocolate I can only speak from my own experience but I've been playing 2D fighters since the days of the original Street Fighter and IMO this D-pad just isn't all that great. It's serviceable, but is leagues behind the Saturn D-pad, which is the best ever, if you ask me.
@Angelus3K My only experience with this kind of thing is the SAROO Saturn cart, which is using the console's expansion port, and that loads things super-fast. I couldn't say for sure but it wouldn't shock me if loading from this thing is just as fast, if not faster, than loading from optical media.
@Daggot Some of the appeal is the hardware itself, though. I got my first Nomad around 1999 when they were dirt cheap, so I've got a nostalgic connection with it, bulk and all. Plus the D-pad is incredible!
@Deway Software emulation on powerful hardware is great, but on a device like this (which will most likely use an underpowered, off-the-shelf SoC), there's almost certainly going to be a big difference in accuracy when compared to, say, the Analogue Pocket (which admittedly costs more).
FPGA emulation, in the most part, is superior to software emulation - at least in the commercial applications we've seen so far. On super-powerful hardware, the difference is less noticeable.
@-wc- "Slightly odd writing here, as the (admittedly slight) improvements on the design are sandwiched between statements that seem to claim there are no improvements"
Printing some text on the casing doesn't constitute a massive improvement in my book, but each to their own
@cakeashi I didn't notice that during the review period, I have to admit. I was mainly playing solo, so will investigate a little more and update the review if I find anything. Thanks for the info!
@GlamorousAlpaca This piece pulls from existing sources as well as new interviews with the developers to present as full a picture as possible on the making of the game.
Your continued negativity in the comment sections of this site has been noted, so consider this your first warning. If you don't have anything constructive to say, then I'd rather you posted elsewhere.
@dequesi It's probably not as big a deal as I've made out, to be honest. The majority of the text flows perfectly fine. There's no indication whatsoever that this is machine-translated.
@KitsuneNight I wasn't sent any instruction documentation with the console, so if you can find a source for that, I will gladly update the review. I only knew about the screen filter options because someone else told me about it!
@axelhander "AI fear-mongering supports capitalism, straight up. This is a tool that gives people access to time savings that previously was the sole domain of the rich."
You're confusing "rich" with "talented" there. The vast majority of artists are not rich.
@axelhander I think we're debating two different things here.
I'm not defending IP law and capitalism, which you seem to assume I am. I'm saying, in black and white, that the theft of human art to train AI - which then replaces the human artist - is massively unethical, and if you want to put AI-generated slop on the cover of your game, then you should be ready for a less-then-positive reaction from the general public.
"Art is in the editing and presentation. And only a human can do that. You can piss and moan about how AI is theft all you want: in reality it is just doing more quickly what is already done and has already been done before."
It's not "doing it more quickly" - it's mushing a bunch of art it doesn't have any ownership over and creating something which approximates art, but without any soul. Why would anyone (beyond the rich people you constantly keep mentioning, who can avoid paying artists and make more money) want that?
"The fearmongering over AI remains silly, and distracts from the true cause of hardship for both unprivileged artists and everyone else who isn't rich."
Given that companies are already using AI art to cut real artists out of the picture, I would say this fearmongering is laser-focused on what's actually happening here, and certainly isn't a distraction.
@axelhander I never said IP law doesn't protect big companies - it's there to protect everyone, from corporations to individuals. Whether or not it is applied fairly is another topic entirely; I'm well aware that IP law has been misused multiple times in the past. That doesn't have any impact on the fact that AI art, built directly on human art without credit or permission, is unethical.
"Big tech corporations already scrape all of our data all the time, to their financial enrichment, and we receive no compensation." Yes, and we sign away that when we tick the terms and conditions on Google, Facebook, etc (always read the small print). The difference here is that these companies are scraping images online to train their AI art bots despite the artist not having agreed to the 'value exchange' in any way beforehand.
"And if using AI in the creative process is "theft" then Shovel Knight is also "theft" for iterating upon Mega Man and Ducktales among other things."
A human being inspired by another piece of art isn't theft - it could be branded a lazy imitation at best. You're attempting to make some kind of connection between a living, breathing artist and a computer program which, rather than being inspired by art, merely takes it and mushes it together to create something which approximates human art, without treating it as an homage or a piece of work with clear influence.
I cannot fathom why anyone who appreciates the talent and hard work that goes into art would be in favour of AI art. It boggles my mind.
Comments 770
Re: Review: Game Kiddy Bubble - The Game Gear Tribute Act We've All Been Waiting For
@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot It can handle them, just not the entire library, and not all running at full speed.
Re: Today I Learned That Metal Gear Solid Roasted People Who Didn't Own A Stereo TV
@gingerbeardman Yeah, sorry, I didn't make that clear, you have to set your sound to 'mono' in the game's settings.
Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant
@RetroGames People can be angry about both of those things at the same time.
Re: Anbernic's New Firmware Has Opened A Can Of Worms That Could Damage The Handheld Emulation Market
@KingMike It's pulling them from the web.
Re: Anbernic's New Firmware Has Opened A Can Of Worms That Could Damage The Handheld Emulation Market
@gingerbeardman If you could link me to that, I will update the story.
Re: "This Cartridge Is A Tiny Time Bomb" - Limited Run Accused Of Selling Carts Which Can Damage Your NES
@drypaphmrbro The original poster of that skeet has deleted it. I've located a screenshot of the email and added it to this piece.
Re: Retro-Bit Accused Of Plagiarising Existing Fan-Translations
@RetroGames The point being made here is that Retro-Bit has always claimed that it doesn't use existing translations. If it had given credit then you could be more understanding, but to claim this is original work makes it a bit worse in my book.
Anyway, I've reached out to them and will see what they say. The people I've dealt with there have all been really decent over the years, but clearly, someone has dropped the ball pretty badly here.
Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot
@bring_on_branstons My personal fave was the fake VR console that was featured in CVG
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
@X68000 That name rings a bell - I might have to have a look in some old issues for an advert!
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
@X68000 Oh wow, what shop did you own? PC Engine Supplies?
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@sdelfin I feel the NGCD pad is really good for fighting games because the pad acts more like a stick, if that makes sense.
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@NinChocolate I can only speak from my own experience but I've been playing 2D fighters since the days of the original Street Fighter and IMO this D-pad just isn't all that great. It's serviceable, but is leagues behind the Saturn D-pad, which is the best ever, if you ask me.
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@-wc- To be fair I had no idea Agetec distributed the stick in North America, so I learned something today too!
Re: Review: Retro Fighters D6 - Great Design, But The D-Pad Is A Disappointment
@-wc- Agetec released the stick in North America, but it was made by Sega: https://segaretro.org/Dreamcast_Arcade_Stick
Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card
@Angelus3K My only experience with this kind of thing is the SAROO Saturn cart, which is using the console's expansion port, and that loads things super-fast. I couldn't say for sure but it wouldn't shock me if loading from this thing is just as fast, if not faster, than loading from optical media.
Re: Random: The Gloriously Unhinged SuperSega Saga Now Has Its Own Song
@RootsGenoa I think you're right!
Re: Here's Your Best Look Yet At Taki Udon's SuperStation One FPGA PS1, And You Can Order It Now
@jimmytodgers I might be wrong, but I think both of those cores are now (mostly) playable on single-RAM MiSTer FPGA units?
Re: Review: Laser Bear Industries Sega Nomad Pak - Free Your Handheld From The Wall Socket
@Daggot Some of the appeal is the hardware itself, though. I got my first Nomad around 1999 when they were dirt cheap, so I've got a nostalgic connection with it, bulk and all. Plus the D-pad is incredible!
Re: The Long-Awaited Video Game History Foundation Digital Library Launches This Month
@RetroGames We use both Twitter and Bluesky links. We link to the source where we first witnessed the news.
Re: Don't Worry, Team17 Isn't Changing Its Name
@Guru_Larry System 3?
Re: Atari Says Its "Retro-Focused Strategy" Has Paid Off
@Bod2019 Yep, apologies, fixed!
Re: Gradius II Comes To Analogue Pocket And MiSter FPGA
@ruiner9 Quite right, I've added that! I assumed it was just for the Pocket. Apologies!
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
@Ristar24 The music in the Mega Drive version absolutely slaps, you're right!
Re: Battle Stormer Classics Is A Ridiculous Boss Rush Mash-Up With Castlevania, Star Wars, Sonic And Batman
@O_Ilusionista Done!
Re: "It Could Have Been Much Worse" - Retro Computer Museum Boss On "Devastating" Flood Damage
@slider1983 London floods too, you know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b95MIFk2kMM
Re: Four Years Later, My Arcade's Super Retro Champ Is Finally Coming Out - And It Plays SNES And Genesis Games
@Deway Software emulation on powerful hardware is great, but on a device like this (which will most likely use an underpowered, off-the-shelf SoC), there's almost certainly going to be a big difference in accuracy when compared to, say, the Analogue Pocket (which admittedly costs more).
FPGA emulation, in the most part, is superior to software emulation - at least in the commercial applications we've seen so far. On super-powerful hardware, the difference is less noticeable.
Re: Capcom And Bandai Namco Are Joining Forces For This Massive Handheld
@dmcc0 Yes!
Re: Why YouTube Censorship Is Causing Headaches For Retro Game Historians
@GlamorousAlpaca Sorry you were disappointed! I'll try and make it up to you in 2025. Can't let my hardcore fans down! 😘
Re: Why YouTube Censorship Is Causing Headaches For Retro Game Historians
@GlamorousAlpaca Thanks for the positive feedback. It's great to have such a devoted fan! ❤️
Re: Modder Behind The Custom Sega Neptune Might Make The SNES PlayStation A Reality
@Fanboy_Destroyer I imagine (if this does happen) we'll see a combination of new games and hacked ports which add in CD-quality music and the like.
Re: Tech Boffins Are Simulating The Raster Scanning Of Old-School CRTs On Modern Hardware
@B3tan_Tyronne You're not the first person to ask this, and from what I can gather, it won't. I might be wrong there, though!
Re: You're Not Seeing Things, PS1 Games Are Playable On GameCube
@mariteaux Yep, if it hadn't been for Spawn Wave's video I wouldn't have known it had an update.
Re: Game Of The Year: UFO 50 Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
@RetroGames It already has (kinda): https://www.timeextension.com/news/2024/10/somebody-has-made-the-computer-from-ufo-50-to-play-ufo-50-on
Re: Hands On: Genki And 8BitDo's PocketPro Collaboration Is Neat, If A Little Pointless
@-wc- "Slightly odd writing here, as the (admittedly slight) improvements on the design are sandwiched between statements that seem to claim there are no improvements"
Printing some text on the casing doesn't constitute a massive improvement in my book, but each to their own
Re: Review: Retro Fighters BattlerGC Pro - Time To Finally Retire Your GameCube's WaveBird
@cakeashi I didn't notice that during the review period, I have to admit. I was mainly playing solo, so will investigate a little more and update the review if I find anything. Thanks for the info!
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
@hste Whatever your opinion of CDKeys they are a pretty big retailer when it comes to games and digital codes, so it's worth highlighting.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@TJSpyke No profit is being made from this project.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@bring_on_branstons The majority of traffic for our network comes from the US, so we tend to use US names (when we remember, at least).
Re: The Making Of: Powermonger, Bullfrog's Forgotten RTS Follow-Up To Populous
@GlamorousAlpaca This piece pulls from existing sources as well as new interviews with the developers to present as full a picture as possible on the making of the game.
Your continued negativity in the comment sections of this site has been noted, so consider this your first warning. If you don't have anything constructive to say, then I'd rather you posted elsewhere.
Re: Review: The GBA Pixel Book - A Gorgeous Tribute To The Last Great 2D Console
@dequesi It's probably not as big a deal as I've made out, to be honest. The majority of the text flows perfectly fine. There's no indication whatsoever that this is machine-translated.
Re: Review: Atari 7800+ - A Welcome Yet Rather Redundant Tribute For The Console That Lost To The NES
@KainXavier I was referring more to the chipset which is driving the machine, which I believe is totally identical to the one in the 2600+.
Re: Review: Atari 7800+ - A Welcome Yet Rather Redundant Tribute For The Console That Lost To The NES
@Slider2711 Aha! Thanks! I've updated the review
Re: Review: Atari 7800+ - A Welcome Yet Rather Redundant Tribute For The Console That Lost To The NES
@KitsuneNight I wasn't sent any instruction documentation with the console, so if you can find a source for that, I will gladly update the review. I only knew about the screen filter options because someone else told me about it!
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
@Stocksy We will never, ever use AI to create content such as reviews, videos or anything else a human would do.
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
@axelhander Using someone's art without permission to deny them future work doesn't "exploit artists"? Sure...
I think we're done debating this, as you've shown your hand quite clearly. Have a good one!
Re: Polymega System Update 1.1.32 Now Available, And Boy Does It Do A Lot Of Stuff
@slider1983 Five so far: NES, SNES, Mega Drive / Genesis, TG-16 and N64.
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
@axelhander "AI fear-mongering supports capitalism, straight up. This is a tool that gives people access to time savings that previously was the sole domain of the rich."
You're confusing "rich" with "talented" there. The vast majority of artists are not rich.
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
@-wc- No worries dude, any time!
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
@axelhander I think we're debating two different things here.
I'm not defending IP law and capitalism, which you seem to assume I am. I'm saying, in black and white, that the theft of human art to train AI - which then replaces the human artist - is massively unethical, and if you want to put AI-generated slop on the cover of your game, then you should be ready for a less-then-positive reaction from the general public.
"Art is in the editing and presentation. And only a human can do that. You can piss and moan about how AI is theft all you want: in reality it is just doing more quickly what is already done and has already been done before."
It's not "doing it more quickly" - it's mushing a bunch of art it doesn't have any ownership over and creating something which approximates art, but without any soul. Why would anyone (beyond the rich people you constantly keep mentioning, who can avoid paying artists and make more money) want that?
"The fearmongering over AI remains silly, and distracts from the true cause of hardship for both unprivileged artists and everyone else who isn't rich."
Given that companies are already using AI art to cut real artists out of the picture, I would say this fearmongering is laser-focused on what's actually happening here, and certainly isn't a distraction.
Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement
@axelhander I never said IP law doesn't protect big companies - it's there to protect everyone, from corporations to individuals. Whether or not it is applied fairly is another topic entirely; I'm well aware that IP law has been misused multiple times in the past. That doesn't have any impact on the fact that AI art, built directly on human art without credit or permission, is unethical.
"Big tech corporations already scrape all of our data all the time, to their financial enrichment, and we receive no compensation." Yes, and we sign away that when we tick the terms and conditions on Google, Facebook, etc (always read the small print). The difference here is that these companies are scraping images online to train their AI art bots despite the artist not having agreed to the 'value exchange' in any way beforehand.
"And if using AI in the creative process is "theft" then Shovel Knight is also "theft" for iterating upon Mega Man and Ducktales among other things."
A human being inspired by another piece of art isn't theft - it could be branded a lazy imitation at best. You're attempting to make some kind of connection between a living, breathing artist and a computer program which, rather than being inspired by art, merely takes it and mushes it together to create something which approximates human art, without treating it as an homage or a piece of work with clear influence.
I cannot fathom why anyone who appreciates the talent and hard work that goes into art would be in favour of AI art. It boggles my mind.