Comments 1

Re: Here's Another Look At Taki Udon's Game-Changing $150 Handheld MiSTer


I registered a new account because your smug know-it-all attitude really rubbed me the wrong way.

You got the fundamentals wrong. For some reason, you never thought about your frame of reference because you probably assumed that frame timings are universal across emulators, real hardware and FPGA solutions.

Your method only proves that frame pacing and lag are consistent on a) your device and b) your emulator of choice. Did you compare your results against real hardware or against FPGA devices? Of course you didn't.

FPGA solutions are cycle accurate implementations of retro hardware, something that the vast majority of emulators aren't. There's always potential for lag even if input devices are identical. Does it matter for the average Joe? Nope. Doesn't matter even for many speed runners, seeing as many a world record was set on the virtual console.

Are you wrong and did you shout your insolence into the wide web? Yes and that's really annoying.