Comments 11

Re: Interview: "I Have Fond Memories Of Rogue Toilets" - Donut Dodo's Creator Reveals His Biggest Retro Influences


I grabbed Donut Dodo and also a couple other of Flyinn’s Arcade games and find them cool but stopped buying them because I just don’t enjoy score-attack/arcade games with no online leaderboards whatsoever (at least on Switch) have no drive to keep playing and better myself. Dunno how much can the inclusion of online scores impact their dev costs but I’d pay a couple bucks more to have them. Really hope the Switch port of Cash Cow DX will include online leaderboards because it looks awesome

Re: Snow Bros. 2 Is Getting A Remake For PC And Switch


Just also release the first 2 as is (ACA releases or similar) with online leaderboards.
Don’t really have faith in CRT games.

The remake of SB1 was mediocre to say the least, new artstyle/gfx are awful and the stages don’t lend themselves to 16:9 well, too big, too slow, boring af and no online highscores to chase/battle for. Waste of money.

Re: Anniversary: F-Zero GX Is 20 Today


One of the best games ever made.
It alone would make the Gamecube’s very own existence worth it (but thankfully GC’s library has a surprising amounts of masterpieces and must play, considering how little it lasted.)
Since a new one seems to be out of the question, at least give me this game remastered in HD with online play and some QOL changes. But really, I’d take anything at this point, don’t play it anymore because my Wii/U/GC are not hooked up, it’s a shame. This game deserves it, there’s still nothing like it, and stil feels great to play.

Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis Continues Its Quest To Be Released On Every Gaming System Ever Made


It’s an excellent game and its shooting/controls struck a great balance between ‘90s arcade game and modern twin-stick shooter. It’s such s fantastic package with its sublime gfx and music/sounds fx/voice samples.

BUT it is such a shame that even on modern platforms there are no online leaderboards

It’s an unfortunate omission that really stings as far as I’m concerned

Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions


@GravyThief let’s say less than 30% of library, because it’s only for multi-diskettes games, maybe much less than that even, not sure.
And yes, very easy to find on the internet.
@Ooyah I guess you could research which ones became freeware even or “abandonware” , for the others you can buy them used. 99% of the games you’d want are not going to cost you more than a few quids in non-boxed “just working” conditions, and you could even find bundles on eBay to save even more.