Comments 64

Re: Square Enix, Yuzo Koshiro Really Wants 'Illusion Of Gaia' And 'Terranigma' Remakes, Thanks


SquareEnix should do a Soul Blazer Collection that includes that game along with Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma (and even the Granstream Saga, if they have/can get the rights to it).

They already did a physical Collection of Mana as well as the digital Collection of SaGa. Give us a physical collection of these games also and call it a day.

I'm glad an industry legend like Yuzo Koshiro is voicing his opinion. We need more of this.

Re: PC-88 Action RPG Hydlide Ventures Onto Nintendo Switch On December 21st


I still have the NES and Genesis ports.

I agree with @KingMike that the game doesn't get appreciated because few know that it was an NES port of a game that predates even the first Zelda. A similar situation is Ultima Exodus on the NES.

Maybe some of you won't love these games more than the original Zelda or Dragon Quest/Warrior, for example, but it's important people know the history before passing judgement. Those game may not exist if it wasn't for the Hydlides and Ultimas that paved the way.

Re: A Bunch Of Data East Games Have Vanished From The Switch eShop


I'm glad I bought all of these on the eShop last April while they were on sale for $1.99 each.

They may not be the greatest ports or have the quality of life improvements of Arcade Archives releases but at least I can play them anytime I want instead of waiting for them to be re-released (which could take months or years) for $8 each. So I'm happy with my purchases.

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