I definitely remember the commercials for this pad... Especially the "Mortal Kombat tested" ads in Game Pro magazine. I was interested but the touch pad looked weird and I never fully trusted it could work... So I never got it. Wouldn't mind getting one now, super cheap, as a collectors item
Understanding that it's an entry-level RPG is key in appreciating FF Mystic Quest. It achieves what it's supposed to do: ease non-RPG gamers into the genre. There's no getting lost as the game is very linear. There are no random encounters (You can see the enemy and choose when to engage). Your HP and MP can be displayed as as numbers or as a life bars (like in action games). There's also some action moves like jumping, cutting trees with an axe, blowing up boulders with bombs and a grappling hook to help you get across. All meant to help action gamers get into RPGs. It's a very "cozy" RPG.
In terms of graphics, it's as good as Final Fantasy IV and V. If you like the battle screens of the Final Fantasy Legend (aka SaGa) games on the GameBoy, this is very similar but in color and 16-bit graphics. The sound is great and music is excellent. And the controls are responsive.
The only negative thing is the game is short and the story isn't exactly deep. And I do think the Final Fantasy name hurts it as people may expect a similar lengthy epic with plenty freedom and exploration.
It's an excellent game if you know what to expect and if you wanted to introduce someone to RPGs back in the day. An 8/10 for me.
As far as the art piece, that price is insane. I can't imagine even fans would pay more than a few hundreds...
Sega is a victim of its own success. It's best selling console was the Genesis/Mega Drive, which means they will keep re-releasing the same games and ignoring all the other great games from their other less successful consoles (Master System, Game Gear, Saturn, Dreamcast)
I think the reason the PlayStation mini flopped was it failed to include many important games. But also, because it relied too much on 3rd party games. So licensing those games probably cut into Sony's profits. That's where Sega would have a clear advantage if they made a Saturn or Dreamcast mini, as most of the best games were developed by Sega themselves.
I agree that Xbox seems like an odd choice. It would make more sense to also release it for Switch and PlayStation so everyone gets a chance to play it
The only big shock is that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night isn't on the list. Aside from that, Japan does have exceptional taste as mentioned in another comment.
Those of us in the US and Europe would probably have included one of the WipeOut games, MedEvil, Shadow of the Colossus, and a couple of fighting games like Street Fighter Alpha 3, Tekken 3 and Mortal Kombat 3 instead of Doko Demo Issho or Dynasty Warrior for example.
I often feel like there should be more of a focus on bringing ports of Arcade games from the mid '80s through early '90s. Games that should have been released on the Genesis/Mega Drive back in the day. And I'm glad there's some of that going on with R-Type, Robocop, Splatterhouse and Final Fight MD all getting fan-made ports. And I would love to see the Batman arcade based on the first Tim Burton film be ported to Genesis.
With that said, it's still cool to see this game being ported from the SNES. I like that they're actually improving things and not just doing it just to show that the Gen was capable of handling it all along. The more enemies at once is appreciated and the two player mode sounds awesome.
Some suggestions: It would be cool if they make Catwoman a playable character in the two player mode. And also tone down the difficulty in some of the easier modes.
I like the OG GBA look. I prefer the form factor of the GBA so much more than the original GameBoy or GameBoy Color. I get the nostalgia for the latter two but the GBA just feels so much better in my hand.
Also, while I agree with the comments that there are so many of these devices, if this is the newest and most powerful of the Anbernic devices... That along with the form factor makes it something I'll seriously consider getting.
Edit: Only issue might be the size of the screen. It may be smaller than I would like. I don't need a screen the size of a Steam Deck or Switch but if it's about the size of PSP screen or maybe a PS Vita then I'll get it
Great to see more of these late '80s arcade games finally being ported to the Genesis, even if it's unofficial. Hopefully they'll add an Options menu so you can change the difficulty to something that's actually fair... That's one of the advantages home ports have over the original arcade.
Great list. So many classics. The SNES was an amazing system for RPGs, especially JRPGs.
It really was a golden era for RPGs (along with the PS1 era, as mentioned in another comment).
A few games that need to be included on this list (unless I missed them): Tales of Phantasia Final Fantasy V Dragon Quest I & II remake Dragon Quest III remake Dragon Quest VI Final Fantasy IV (known as F.F. II in the US). I know the SNES localization isn't the greatest but FF IV is among the best RPGs for the console in those early years, and one of the greatest Final Fantasy games period.
Very nice interview. Great to see there's new games coming out.
I've never been great at these types of games but I still have Shadowgate on the NES, and the Game Boy Color port. And earlier this year I bought the 8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume 1 on PS4 (which also includes The Uninvited and Deja Vu).
@Serpenterror I appreciate the detailed explanation. I still feel Capcom could have done ports of Alpha 1 for the SNES and Genesis without the S-DD1 or any similar chip. Sure, it would have been cut back quite a bit from the arcade original... But if the Game Boy Color got a port, the 16-bit consoles could have gotten something a least a bit closer to the arcade.
I know it's only one screenshot but it looks great to me. It's a shame he won't be doing a full remake. I really hope he reconsiders.
One of the crimes of Nintendo having so much control over the gaming industry in the late '80s and early '90s was that game companies were reluctant to make games for other platforms. Imagine Genesis/Mega Drive ports of Super Contra, Life Force, Gradius III, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade, and Castlevania III. Eventually, Konami and other companies would bring their games to the Genesis. But there's definitely a feeling of what could have been. This screenshot gives us a taste of that.
Great to see these kind of hacks/improvements. Hope it goes a long way towards fixing the original game's flaws and shortcomings, and making it play better.
Even if Sega gives them their blessing (plus a few ROMs to include officially) it will make the whole thing more expensive. It may be better that they don't go after the Sega licence, nor use the Sega name. Call it the "Mega Xtreme" or something.
I feel it would also make more sense to just split the project into two separate FPGA consoles to keep cost down and avoid the headaches that come with the Dreamcast's GD-ROMs, and the extra controller ports for Saturn and Dreamcast.
Make the first console focus on all 8-bit & 16-bit (and 32X) hardware emulation. So it could run Master System, GameGear, Genesis/Mega Drive, & 32X cartridges, as well as Sega/Mega CD & 32X-CD discs.
If they successfully pull that off, then they could work on making a second console that focuses on Sega Saturn & Dreamcast emulation, and includes the controller ports for those consoles' controllers.
Right now I feel like they're taking on too much and making things more difficult for themselves.
While I agree that it would have been nice to contact the original creator, I don't see it as a huge deal. If the current developers do a decent job with the sequel, is anyone going to hold it against them?
I feels like it's just people who love to complain about anything under the sun, no matter how insignificant, but don't do much about the things that actually matter in life.
And who the heck is this YouTuber/streamer who is upset and "disgusted"... Why does his opinion even matter?
I love both the ClassicVania and MetroidVania genres. No need to choose one over the other. My favorite games in the series are Symphony of the Night, and Super Castlevania IV. And I feel they represent the epitome of each genre.
I like that this new fan game is borrowing from both genres and sort of bridging the gap. Will definitely play it when I get a chance
Normally I didn't care for first-person dungeon crawlers that much, but Arcana is a game I really enjoyed. Maybe it's because it's a Japanese take on this genre. Plus the music is really great. An underrated gem for sure.
It's a wonderful thing that these NES games are being ported over to the more powerful SNES. As others have said, it opens up the possibility the graphics, sounds & controls being updated to 16-bit standards.
To those complaining that it's "unethical", I'll say there's nothing preventing Capcom or other game companies from remaking or remastering these games. Speaking for myself, I still own the Mega Man 3 cartridge for NES as well as a Mega Man Collection for the GameCube. So Capcom and Nintendo have already gotten my money more than once. I see nothing wrong with people who have purchased these games in the past having newer options to play them.
Interesting to see what could have been. Glad it was still finished and released on the DS. Definitely need to play it. But this GBA build is still an interesting curiosity
Love the Game Boy Color look of the game's graphics. I hope this turns out well. Also hope that they release it on the Switch, as it would feel more at home on a portable Nintendo console.
Looks and sounds great. I will definitely download the demo on Steam. Hope the full game turns out great, and I will purchase it for PS5 (or Switch if there's a physical version).
I think it's amazing that someone is able to do this. It looks impressive considering the limitations of the GBA. Hopefully this will become a fully playable game at some point. Just call it something like "Super M-64 Advance" or "Super M-64 (GBA Edition)", and maybe avoid using Mario's likeness.
Looks and sounds great so far. If you had told me it was an official SNES/Super Famicom game from Capcom from, say, 1996 that was never released outside of Japan, I would have believed it.
The screenshots look great. Sega would be wise to let these guys develop a new 2D Golden Axe game. Sega can still release their own 3D game and maybe a year or two later release the 2D game.
Looks impressive. I know it's only a screenshot and short video of what I assume to be a boss battle. But when I first saw it, it looked more like an RPG you might see on the SNES or Sega CD.
I'm completely fine with the term "JRPG". I see it as a seal of quality. Meaning that the game comes from the country that gave us the absolute best in the genre (Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, etc.) and still gives us great games (Octoparh Traveler, Dragon Quest 11) to this day.
However, I do recognize that it's gotten a bit complicated. Games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake & Rebirth play more like Action-RPGs, while Western-made games like Chained Echoes or Sea of Stars look and play like the J-RPGs they are clearly inspired by and are paying tribute to.
Personally, I always preferred to separate the games by how they play. Turn-based RPGs are just "RPGs" to me. Action RPGs are their own separate category. And Strategy/Tactics RPGs are a different category also.
Don't have a Steam Deck but, I can appreciate this. Always good to have additional ways to play DS/3DS games. Especially now that Nintendo has abandoned the 3DS.
I don't have a Master System or Game Gear but I think it's great they're doing this port.
Always thought it was such a missed opportunity that Konami didn't port the Ninja Turtles arcade to the Genesis/Mega Drive. The console was perfect for it. But I'm sure it's because Nintendo still had such a stranglehold on the industry at the time. Still, it would have been great if Sega could have ported it themselves if Konami was under some exclusivity contract with Nintendo.
I still hope someone will do a Genesis/Mega Drive port. This Master System port gives me hope
I loved the original when I was a kid. It was one of my first Game Boy games. And it was and still is one of my favorite Ninja Turtles games. The music was incredible. I would even say it's among the best of any Turtles game. The graphics were also great with excellent sprite work. Every character and bad guy looked just like the cartoon. Impressive when you consider the limitations of the 8-bit hardware and lack of color. And it looks, sounds and plays just as great even today, decades later. It's a testament to Konami's greatness in an era where they could do no wrong.
I will definitely play this remake when it's completed.
This is incredible. They rebuilt at least one of the two BS F-Zero games using video footage! Hats off to the people who worked on restoring these games. They did amazing work.
If this isn't the quintessential video game preservation story, I don't know what is. This proves if there's a will, there's a way.
I will definitely pick this up. Looks really great. While I do like the black color, I hope they have a white or light-gray variant that matches the Dreamcast color.
Edit: I just noticed that they do, in fact, have a white variant.
This is one of those things that feels like it should have happened back in the early or mid 2000s. As always, it's the gaming community that has to step up and make things happen.
Hopefully this will turn out well and be popular enough that maybe Capcom will realize that fans definitely still want to play these crossover fighting games
Can't wait to play this arcade edition of Golden Axe.
It would be funny if the 32X started getting more of these fan-made ports and un-official game upgrades/hacks, and became much more respected and appreciated than it ever was during it's actual lifespan.
My SNES still works. I'm not too worried. I think a combination of getting another used SNES (maybe even just for parts), as well as modern consoles that can play SNES cartridges and, of course, emulation will keep us playing this great console's games for a long time.
Great to see how the game is coming along. Looks great so far.
It was always strange that neither the Sega Genesis/MD nor the Super Nintendo got a port of Alpha 1 back in the day, even though the Super Nintendo did get a port of Alpha 2.
Feels like this is finally getting rectified decades later. Similar to how the Genesis/MD is finally getting a port of R-Type, a game that always felt like a natural fit for the system.
Great article. I never got the Menacer but was always interested. I do remember the tv commercials showing that you could detach parts of it.
Years later, around 2002, I got Nintendo's Super Scope and hunted down a handful of its games. I would like to do the same for the Menacer and its games.
I've heard about this Polymega. Looks very interesting. I hope it all turns out well. Always great to have more modern ways to play classic game cartridges and discs
Comments 64
Re: Prince Of Persia Is Now Playable On The Sega Dreamcast
A new game for the Dreamcast? Sounds great to me
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
I definitely remember the commercials for this pad... Especially the "Mortal Kombat tested" ads in Game Pro magazine. I was interested but the touch pad looked weird and I never fully trusted it could work... So I never got it. Wouldn't mind getting one now, super cheap, as a collectors item
Re: Random: Someone Apparently Thinks Final Fantasy Mystic Quest's Art Is Worth $350,000
I'm one of those fans that love this game.
Understanding that it's an entry-level RPG is key in appreciating FF Mystic Quest. It achieves what it's supposed to do: ease non-RPG gamers into the genre. There's no getting lost as the game is very linear. There are no random encounters (You can see the enemy and choose when to engage). Your HP and MP can be displayed as as numbers or as a life bars (like in action games). There's also some action moves like jumping, cutting trees with an axe, blowing up boulders with bombs and a grappling hook to help you get across. All meant to help action gamers get into RPGs. It's a very "cozy" RPG.
In terms of graphics, it's as good as Final Fantasy IV and V. If you like the battle screens of the Final Fantasy Legend (aka SaGa) games on the GameBoy, this is very similar but in color and 16-bit graphics. The sound is great and music is excellent. And the controls are responsive.
The only negative thing is the game is short and the story isn't exactly deep. And I do think the Final Fantasy name hurts it as people may expect a similar lengthy epic with plenty freedom and exploration.
It's an excellent game if you know what to expect and if you wanted to introduce someone to RPGs back in the day. An 8/10 for me.
As far as the art piece, that price is insane. I can't imagine even fans would pay more than a few hundreds...
Re: We're Not Getting Saturn And Dreamcast Minis, But We Are Getting More Sega Mini-Arcades
Sega is a victim of its own success. It's best selling console was the Genesis/Mega Drive, which means they will keep re-releasing the same games and ignoring all the other great games from their other less successful consoles (Master System, Game Gear, Saturn, Dreamcast)
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@KitsuneNight I think you're right. No Dualshock controller makes many of the post-1998 games strange to play or at least feel odd
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
I think the reason the PlayStation mini flopped was it failed to include many important games. But also, because it relied too much on 3rd party games. So licensing those games probably cut into Sony's profits. That's where Sega would have a clear advantage if they made a Saturn or Dreamcast mini, as most of the best games were developed by Sega themselves.
Re: Virtua Fighter 2 Is Getting A Physical Release On Xbox
I agree that Xbox seems like an odd choice. It would make more sense to also release it for Switch and PlayStation so everyone gets a chance to play it
Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time
The only big shock is that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night isn't on the list. Aside from that, Japan does have exceptional taste as mentioned in another comment.
Those of us in the US and Europe would probably have included one of the WipeOut games, MedEvil, Shadow of the Colossus, and a couple of fighting games like Street Fighter Alpha 3, Tekken 3 and Mortal Kombat 3 instead of Doko Demo Issho or Dynasty Warrior for example.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
I often feel like there should be more of a focus on bringing ports of Arcade games from the mid '80s through early '90s. Games that should have been released on the Genesis/Mega Drive back in the day. And I'm glad there's some of that going on with R-Type, Robocop, Splatterhouse and Final Fight MD all getting fan-made ports. And I would love to see the Batman arcade based on the first Tim Burton film be ported to Genesis.
With that said, it's still cool to see this game being ported from the SNES. I like that they're actually improving things and not just doing it just to show that the Gen was capable of handling it all along. The more enemies at once is appreciated and the two player mode sounds awesome.
Some suggestions: It would be cool if they make Catwoman a playable character in the two player mode. And also tone down the difficulty in some of the easier modes.
Re: Anbernic's New GBA Clone Plays PSP, Dreamcast And More
I like the OG GBA look. I prefer the form factor of the GBA so much more than the original GameBoy or GameBoy Color. I get the nostalgia for the latter two but the GBA just feels so much better in my hand.
Also, while I agree with the comments that there are so many of these devices, if this is the newest and most powerful of the Anbernic devices... That along with the form factor makes it something I'll seriously consider getting.
Edit: Only issue might be the size of the screen. It may be smaller than I would like. I don't need a screen the size of a Steam Deck or Switch but if it's about the size of PSP screen or maybe a PS Vita then I'll get it
Re: Street Fighter One Is Being Ported To The Mega Drive/Genesis
It's been more than a year, I wonder how it's coming along. Hopefully it will play smoother than the original arcade, and somewhat closer to SF2.
Re: Irem Hit Vigilante Is Getting A Fan-Made Genesis Port
Great to see more of these late '80s arcade games finally being ported to the Genesis, even if it's unofficial. Hopefully they'll add an Options menu so you can change the difficulty to something that's actually fair... That's one of the advantages home ports have over the original arcade.
Re: Best SNES RPGs Of All Time
Great list. So many classics. The SNES was an amazing system for RPGs, especially JRPGs.
It really was a golden era for RPGs (along with the PS1 era, as mentioned in another comment).
A few games that need to be included on this list (unless I missed them):
Tales of Phantasia
Final Fantasy V
Dragon Quest I & II remake
Dragon Quest III remake
Dragon Quest VI
Final Fantasy IV (known as F.F. II in the US). I know the SNES localization isn't the greatest but FF IV is among the best RPGs for the console in those early years, and one of the greatest Final Fantasy games period.
Re: Interview: Shadowgate's Co-Creator On Returning To The NES Classic 30 Years Later
Very nice interview. Great to see there's new games coming out.
I've never been great at these types of games but I still have Shadowgate on the NES, and the Game Boy Color port. And earlier this year I bought the 8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume 1 on PS4 (which also includes The Uninvited and Deja Vu).
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
I'm happy with my original Super Game Boy. I'm not cannibalizing it, nor any cartridge or SNES.
I'll happily purchase this new Super Game Boy if it comes complete in an actual cartridge shell that fits into my SNES without any modding.
Re: Here's (Even More) Footage Of Street Fighter Alpha Running On Mega Drive / Genesis
@Serpenterror I appreciate the detailed explanation. I still feel Capcom could have done ports of Alpha 1 for the SNES and Genesis without the S-DD1 or any similar chip. Sure, it would have been cut back quite a bit from the arcade original... But if the Game Boy Color got a port, the 16-bit consoles could have gotten something a least a bit closer to the arcade.
Re: Fan Port Of Castlevania III Teased For The Mega Drive / Genesis, But There's A Catch
I know it's only one screenshot but it looks great to me. It's a shame he won't be doing a full remake. I really hope he reconsiders.
One of the crimes of Nintendo having so much control over the gaming industry in the late '80s and early '90s was that game companies were reluctant to make games for other platforms. Imagine Genesis/Mega Drive ports of Super Contra, Life Force, Gradius III, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade, and Castlevania III. Eventually, Konami and other companies would bring their games to the Genesis. But there's definitely a feeling of what could have been. This screenshot gives us a taste of that.
Re: 'Batman: Revenge Of The Joker' For The Sega Genesis Gets Impressive Fan Overhaul
Great to see these kind of hacks/improvements. Hope it goes a long way towards fixing the original game's flaws and shortcomings, and making it play better.
Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More
Even if Sega gives them their blessing (plus a few ROMs to include officially) it will make the whole thing more expensive. It may be better that they don't go after the Sega licence, nor use the Sega name. Call it the "Mega Xtreme" or something.
I feel it would also make more sense to just split the project into two separate FPGA consoles to keep cost down and avoid the headaches that come with the Dreamcast's GD-ROMs, and the extra controller ports for Saturn and Dreamcast.
Make the first console focus on all 8-bit & 16-bit (and 32X) hardware emulation. So it could run Master System, GameGear, Genesis/Mega Drive, & 32X cartridges, as well as Sega/Mega CD & 32X-CD discs.
If they successfully pull that off, then they could work on making a second console that focuses on Sega Saturn & Dreamcast emulation, and includes the controller ports for those consoles' controllers.
Right now I feel like they're taking on too much and making things more difficult for themselves.
Re: Gimmick! 2 Devs Issue Apology To Game's Original Creator
While I agree that it would have been nice to contact the original creator, I don't see it as a huge deal. If the current developers do a decent job with the sequel, is anyone going to hold it against them?
I feels like it's just people who love to complain about anything under the sun, no matter how insignificant, but don't do much about the things that actually matter in life.
And who the heck is this YouTuber/streamer who is upset and "disgusted"... Why does his opinion even matter?
Re: Castlevania ReVamped Fuses "Classicvania" With "Metroidvania"
I love both the ClassicVania and MetroidVania genres. No need to choose one over the other. My favorite games in the series are Symphony of the Night, and Super Castlevania IV. And I feel they represent the epitome of each genre.
I like that this new fan game is borrowing from both genres and sort of bridging the gap. Will definitely play it when I get a chance
Re: One Of The Most Underrated SNES JRPGs Just Got A Fan-Made Upgrade
Normally I didn't care for first-person dungeon crawlers that much, but Arcana is a game I really enjoyed. Maybe it's because it's a Japanese take on this genre. Plus the music is really great. An underrated gem for sure.
Re: Mega Man 3 Has Been Ported To The SNES, And You Can Play It Now
It's a wonderful thing that these NES games are being ported over to the more powerful SNES. As others have said, it opens up the possibility the graphics, sounds & controls being updated to 16-bit standards.
To those complaining that it's "unethical", I'll say there's nothing preventing Capcom or other game companies from remaking or remastering these games. Speaking for myself, I still own the Mega Man 3 cartridge for NES as well as a Mega Man Collection for the GameCube. So Capcom and Nintendo have already gotten my money more than once. I see nothing wrong with people who have purchased these games in the past having newer options to play them.
Re: Early GBA Build Of The Nintendo DS RPG Black Sigil Released Online
Interesting to see what could have been. Glad it was still finished and released on the DS. Definitely need to play it. But this GBA build is still an interesting curiosity
Re: Veritus Is A Game Boy-Style RPG Adventure With A Twist
Love the Game Boy Color look of the game's graphics. I hope this turns out well. Also hope that they release it on the Switch, as it would feel more at home on a portable Nintendo console.
Re: Streets Of Rage-Like Beat 'Em Up 'Fallen City Brawl' Gets Updated Steam Demo
Looks and sounds great. I will definitely download the demo on Steam. Hope the full game turns out great, and I will purchase it for PS5 (or Switch if there's a physical version).
Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA
I think it's amazing that someone is able to do this. It looks impressive considering the limitations of the GBA. Hopefully this will become a fully playable game at some point. Just call it something like "Super M-64 Advance" or "Super M-64 (GBA Edition)", and maybe avoid using Mario's likeness.
Re: Mega Man V For The Game Boy Is Getting A 16-Bit Style Fan Remake
Looks and sounds great so far. If you had told me it was an official SNES/Super Famicom game from Capcom from, say, 1996 that was never released outside of Japan, I would have believed it.
Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis On SNES Really Is A Dream Come True
The Super Nintendo version is the one I'll be getting. Glad it's finally being ported.
Re: Double Dragon Studio Wanted To Make A New 2D Golden Axe
The screenshots look great. Sega would be wise to let these guys develop a new 2D Golden Axe game. Sega can still release their own 3D game and maybe a year or two later release the 2D game.
Re: Former Dawn Is An Impressive-Looking NES RPG That's Also Coming To PC
Looks impressive. I know it's only a screenshot and short video of what I assume to be a boss battle. But when I first saw it, it looked more like an RPG you might see on the SNES or Sega CD.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
The rotating 3D effects of the ship look amazing. Can't wait to get this
Re: Froggo's Adventure Is An Adorable Platformer That Costs Less Than £1
Bought it and plan to play it later tonight or tomorrow
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
I'm completely fine with the term "JRPG". I see it as a seal of quality. Meaning that the game comes from the country that gave us the absolute best in the genre (Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, etc.) and still gives us great games (Octoparh Traveler, Dragon Quest 11) to this day.
However, I do recognize that it's gotten a bit complicated. Games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake & Rebirth play more like Action-RPGs, while Western-made games like Chained Echoes or Sea of Stars look and play like the J-RPGs they are clearly inspired by and are paying tribute to.
Personally, I always preferred to separate the games by how they play. Turn-based RPGs are just "RPGs" to me. Action RPGs are their own separate category. And Strategy/Tactics RPGs are a different category also.
Re: You Can Now Turn Your Steam Deck Into A Less-Portable 3DS
Don't have a Steam Deck but, I can appreciate this. Always good to have additional ways to play DS/3DS games. Especially now that Nintendo has abandoned the 3DS.
Re: The Company Behind An Essential Game Boy Accessory Is Making A SNES Version Next
Definitely will get this. I'm a big fan of having multiple options to play my games, so this sounds great.
And being able to back up my cartridges' save files is great
Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Is Coming To Master System
I don't have a Master System or Game Gear but I think it's great they're doing this port.
Always thought it was such a missed opportunity that Konami didn't port the Ninja Turtles arcade to the Genesis/Mega Drive. The console was perfect for it. But I'm sure it's because Nintendo still had such a stranglehold on the industry at the time. Still, it would have been great if Sega could have ported it themselves if Konami was under some exclusivity contract with Nintendo.
I still hope someone will do a Genesis/Mega Drive port. This Master System port gives me hope
Re: Fans Are Remaking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
I loved the original when I was a kid. It was one of my first Game Boy games. And it was and still is one of my favorite Ninja Turtles games. The music was incredible. I would even say it's among the best of any Turtles game. The graphics were also great with excellent sprite work. Every character and bad guy looked just like the cartoon. Impressive when you consider the limitations of the 8-bit hardware and lack of color. And it looks, sounds and plays just as great even today, decades later. It's a testament to Konami's greatness in an era where they could do no wrong.
I will definitely play this remake when it's completed.
Re: Rare SNES Game 'Dottie Flowers' Is Now Available To Download For Free
Glad he changed his mind. Game looks great. I will definitely check it out
Re: Fans Rebuild Two Forgotten F-Zero SNES Games Previously Lost To Time
This is incredible. They rebuilt at least one of the two BS F-Zero games using video footage!
Hats off to the people who worked on restoring these games. They did amazing work.
If this isn't the quintessential video game preservation story, I don't know what is. This proves if there's a will, there's a way.
Re: Review: Retro Fighters StrikerDC Wireless Pad - Cut The Cord On Dreamcast
I will definitely pick this up. Looks really great. While I do like the black color, I hope they have a white or light-gray variant that matches the Dreamcast color.
Edit: I just noticed that they do, in fact, have a white variant.
Re: You Can Play This Fan-Made Sega Vs. Capcom Crossover Right Now
This is one of those things that feels like it should have happened back in the early or mid 2000s.
As always, it's the gaming community that has to step up and make things happen.
Hopefully this will turn out well and be popular enough that maybe Capcom will realize that fans definitely still want to play these crossover fighting games
Re: We're One Step Closer To A "New" Sega Neptune Console
It would be great if it had Sega CD support also. But this still looks like a great way to play both Genesis and 32X games on modern TVs.
Re: Castlevania Fan Game 'Maria Renard's Revenge' Ported To Sega Saturn
Looks interesting. I'll be keeping an eye out for the finished game.
Since Konami isn't doing anything with Castlevania, fan games are always welcome
Re: Hyperkin's Portable Genesis / Mega Drive Docks Like A Nintendo Switch
I always wanted a Sega Nomad. This l looks like it could be a great modern alternative. And with the ability to dock and play on modern TVs.
If it turns out well and the price is right, I will absolutely get it. I still have my old Genesis cartridges and always want new ways to play them.
Re: Golden Axe '32X Edition' Now Works On Real Hardware
Can't wait to play this arcade edition of Golden Axe.
It would be funny if the 32X started getting more of these fan-made ports and un-official game upgrades/hacks, and became much more respected and appreciated than it ever was during it's actual lifespan.
Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?
My SNES still works. I'm not too worried. I think a combination of getting another used SNES (maybe even just for parts), as well as modern consoles that can play SNES cartridges and, of course, emulation will keep us playing this great console's games for a long time.
Re: Here's (Even More) Footage Of Street Fighter Alpha Running On Mega Drive / Genesis
Great to see how the game is coming along. Looks great so far.
It was always strange that neither the Sega Genesis/MD nor the Super Nintendo got a port of Alpha 1 back in the day, even though the Super Nintendo did get a port of Alpha 2.
Feels like this is finally getting rectified decades later. Similar to how the Genesis/MD is finally getting a port of R-Type, a game that always felt like a natural fit for the system.
Re: The Making Of: The Menacer - How Sega Rustled Up A Super Scope Rival In Just Six Months
Great article. I never got the Menacer but was always interested. I do remember the tv commercials showing that you could detach parts of it.
Years later, around 2002, I got Nintendo's Super Scope and hunted down a handful of its games. I would like to do the same for the Menacer and its games.
Re: Polymega's N64 Module Allows Support For Game Boy And Game Boy Color Games
I've heard about this Polymega. Looks very interesting. I hope it all turns out well. Always great to have more modern ways to play classic game cartridges and discs