

I'm seasoned in these streets!

Comments 5

Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy


@Grail_Quest OMG....🤦🏽‍♂️! You know, the game itself was sterotypical and racist. It was PC at the time. Stop it. It had some tongue in cheek "racist" or "racially sterotypical" elelments. We weren't complaining about them then. We accepted the truth of what was presented, laughed about it, and enjoyed the game.

I'm a Black dude from America. Balrog growing up with a drug addict prostitute mom wasn't my story, but it was a story I was familiar with. Any race could have that story. But, Black people were seen as poor and on drugs then. That's what America wanted the world to believe about us. All that being said, making a racially stereotypical story with relatable characters was perfectly fine with us.

Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy


@Sketcz You are exactly right! I'm retired Navy. The bases there are a problem. We have rules where you have to be a certain rank to live out in town because so many service people get in trouble doing crazy stuff.

So yeah, the general Japanese public doesn't care for us, but we put them in a bad situation that they can't escape unless we let them. If they join BRICS, that may help them.

Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy


I'm a retired US Navy man. Everything between USA and Japan is political. It isn't always mean and confrontational, but it is definitely political. America had 3 stages in SF2! Ken, Guile, Balrog. Japan only had two, Ryu and Honda. It's a "You're bigger, but we're better!" thing.

Yall think they just chose to give Ryu a White American / or at least partly American male rival for nothing!? Stop it. Why not another aspiring young Japanese man? Even those choices were political. Yall better pay attention! 😹