I believe that the myth that Zelda II is a bad game comes from the fact that players at the time were disappointed by the change in gameplay and top-down view. Zelda II is objectively different from the first title and should be considered as a different type of game.
As far as I'm concerned, if I'm a fan of the Zelda saga today I owe it precisely to that title, that was the first Zelda I played. Only subsequently did I play the first NES title and then the SNES one, undisputed masterpieces, but which in my opinion do not affect the intrinsic qualities of Zelda II which remains in its own way a great game and one of the most influential titles of the NES era.
"The Dreamcast was also the first console to utilise PC-style internal components"
I would not say the Dreamcast was using PC standard components at all. The SH4 cpu was built by Hitachi exclusively for the Sega console, while the PowerVR gpu, licensed by Imagination Technologies to NEC and then integrated into Dreamcast and Naomi boards, was first and foremost a console GPU, arrived a year later in the PC market in a downgraded form, that offered inferior hardware specifications (but nevertheless competing on equal terms with TNT2 and Voodoo3).
And yes, the Dreamcast was so much advanced for its time!
Well, at the time of release on PS1 the only copy I was able to get my hands on was a japan-imported one, so I really don't know the english version at all. I was able to play the game and enjoy it from start to finish while not knowing japanese.. But I remember the pain to find out what item to use to beat Richter in order to get to the reversed castle. I didn't have internet at the time, so it was thanks to a videogame magazine, which included a small guide to the game, I finally was able to access the second half of the game.. and what a surprise it was!
My first experience with videogames started in the 80s when I was a kid, first in Arcades, then playing C64 games from a friend of mine and with a Game&Watch (Climber!)... then the NES landed at my home just in time for Christmas '87 with Super Mario Bros. and Kid Icarus
@AJB83 yeah I too love Wave Race 64. Its water physics is amazing even today!
I know that with todays tech we could reach higher levels of realistic water simulation, but aside tech demos, I can't remember a game in which water simulation is as effective as in Wave Race, with its highly variable effects on driving, yet so credible and realistically predictible, and that incomparable wave "splash" feeling.
No way Mario Kart can replace F-Zero, Nintendo. They are totally different games in drive-style and gameplay, being the first a more casual racing game while the second offering a more hardcore experience.
They are both great series, but if I had to choose what to release next (even on a Switch 2) I would choose a new F-Zero at this point.
I hold my collection in a room with only one, almost always closed window so there is very little indirect light. Here where I live in Italy, just a few hours of direct sunlight in a summer day are enough to fade any colors from cases and boxes.
From my experience, It's also important that all light source in the room are led-based lights.
hope it get released to the west, but in any case I'm ready to buy the japanese version if there is no other way. I already did it for the first two titles on the Super Famicom 😅
Always been a fan of the Wonderboy series and have played all the games, although Monster World IV only in recent times.
In my opinion, Wonder Boy V for the Megadrive/Genesis is the best of all, and one of the top 16-bit era games.
Not accounting the nostalgia-factor, and focusing on the gameplay, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom could be considered the absolutely best in the series or a valid runner-up.
It looks and feel just as a perfect sequel to this "wonderful" series, featuring a stunning gameplay and a much varied world, with tons of references to all the previous games (for example, the shooting stage that recall Wonderboy III first stage, boss included!).
“I think that one of the main reasons for that is the fact that consoles like the NES and PlayStation were very specific hardware."
And this is the main reason why today games look, feel and sound like they were developed by the same people for the same platform.
At the time, every game was specifically crafted for - and bound to - a specific platform/hardware with its unique visual and sound capabilities, and its intrinsic limitations. This is the reason why all the good old games, developed prior to 2000's look, feel and sound differently from each other and from those on different platforms.
Also, hardware limitations really expanded creativity all the way.
All in all, I feel developing games were more of an art-crafting process then an industrial one as it is today, since we only have general purpose PCs with a standard cpu/gpu architecture and graphics libraries. We definitely flattened out.
Ignoring commercial success and judging only by the games, it's a tough battle between Megadrive, Saturn and Dreamcast. I have fond memories with all those console and their games, but the Megadrive had the most impressive library of all the three, and that's my vote.
If only Saturn and Dreamcast had more time/support they could have topped the Genesis.
If we look at the library of games - in terms of quality killer apps - and considering the third-party support, the best Nintendo console are SNES, NES and Switch. In an hypothetical tier-2 list I would put GBA, Gameboy and DS. In tier-3 then 3DS, N64 and GameCube, while in tier-4 Wii and Wii U.
As I often say, Switch is the best Nintendo console since the SNES
@Luminous117 ok, but so Ridge Racer and Gran Turismo are J-Racing games while Forza Motorsport is an A-Racing game?
What's the difference in genre/type between a J-Racing game and an A-Racing game?
In my opinion no.. when I was a kid, this term didn't even exist, an rpg was simply a role-playing-game, categorized by different other parameters such as: action, turn-based, tactical, anime-style, point-and-click etc etc
If we identify an rpg based on where it was developed then we should also define an American-RPG, Chinese-RPG, F-RPG (France), I-RPG (Italian) and so on... it's just ridiculous.
And what if an rpg game were developed by an homogeneous group of people, such as black/African people or homosexual people? We should perhaps define them as Black-RPG or Gay-RPG? It doesn't seem the case.
I, personally, am not so negative about NFTs. It really depends on "how" software companies implement this tech in their games and stores.
If it's done for spilling out extra cash from the gamers pockets is really bad.
But, if those NFTs collectibles are gifted to players for free, simply by playing games, unlocking achievements and such things I think it could be really fun: these items could be exchanged, traded or useful to give access to exclusive features and perks by simply owning them. Like (in some ways) with cards in collectible cards games. Another nice thing is that they can be used outside of their original context, being on public blockchain networks.
I was a Ridge Racer series fan from the start, playing it first in arcade in 1994 then on my imported jap PSX at home. My race ended with RR Type 4, a masterpiece in my opinion and the peak of this series. Or so I was convinced for many years, until last year (2021!) when I played RR V for the first time. And I agree with the writer, it is truly a great game and the last proper Ridge Racer from every point of view.
RR V is quite difficult to master as compared to previous entries in the series, just a couple of mistakes are enough to prevent from reaching the first position in the race. But holy cow, it's the most adrenaline-pumping racing game I have ever played, absolutely a blast!
Comments 24
Re: "The Wildest Interview I Have Ever Conducted" - The SuperSega Saga Just Keeps Getting Better
ahahah at least it was quite funny to see 😂 next episode please
Re: Interview: Legendary Composer Hitoshi Sakimoto Talks Final Fantasy, Vagrant Story And Sword of Convallaria
Sakimoto is absolutely one of the best in its field as a composer!
Re: Miyamoto Has Admitted This Zelda Game Is "Bad"
I believe that the myth that Zelda II is a bad game comes from the fact that players at the time were disappointed by the change in gameplay and top-down view. Zelda II is objectively different from the first title and should be considered as a different type of game.
As far as I'm concerned, if I'm a fan of the Zelda saga today I owe it precisely to that title, that was the first Zelda I played. Only subsequently did I play the first NES title and then the SNES one, undisputed masterpieces, but which in my opinion do not affect the intrinsic qualities of Zelda II which remains in its own way a great game and one of the most influential titles of the NES era.
Re: Best Sega Dreamcast Games Of All Time
"The Dreamcast was also the first console to utilise PC-style internal components"
I would not say the Dreamcast was using PC standard components at all. The SH4 cpu was built by Hitachi exclusively for the Sega console, while the PowerVR gpu, licensed by Imagination Technologies to NEC and then integrated into Dreamcast and Naomi boards, was first and foremost a console GPU, arrived a year later in the PC market in a downgraded form, that offered inferior hardware specifications (but nevertheless competing on equal terms with TNT2 and Voodoo3).
And yes, the Dreamcast was so much advanced for its time!
Re: Good-Feel's Spiritual Successor To Goemon Gets New Trailer & Japanese Release Date
the new trailer is even more exciting!
Re: The NES Classic Shadow Of The Ninja Is Getting A Remake For Modern Consoles
instant buy for me! Do we know the release date?
Re: Here's Why Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night's English Dub Is So Iconically Amusing
Well, at the time of release on PS1 the only copy I was able to get my hands on was a japan-imported one, so I really don't know the english version at all. I was able to play the game and enjoy it from start to finish while not knowing japanese.. But I remember the pain to find out what item to use to beat Richter in order to get to the reversed castle. I didn't have internet at the time, so it was thanks to a videogame magazine, which included a small guide to the game, I finally was able to access the second half of the game.. and what a surprise it was!
Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?
My first experience with videogames started in the 80s when I was a kid, first in Arcades, then playing C64 games from a friend of mine and with a Game&Watch (Climber!)... then the NES landed at my home just in time for Christmas '87 with Super Mario Bros. and Kid Icarus
Re: Anniversary: F-Zero X Is 25 Today
@AJB83 yeah I too love Wave Race 64. Its water physics is amazing even today!
I know that with todays tech we could reach higher levels of realistic water simulation, but aside tech demos, I can't remember a game in which water simulation is as effective as in Wave Race, with its highly variable effects on driving, yet so credible and realistically predictible, and that incomparable wave "splash" feeling.
Re: Anniversary: F-Zero X Is 25 Today
No way Mario Kart can replace F-Zero, Nintendo.
They are totally different games in drive-style and gameplay, being the first a more casual racing game while the second offering a more hardcore experience.
They are both great series, but if I had to choose what to release next (even on a Switch 2) I would choose a new F-Zero at this point.
Re: Poll: Are You Concerned About 'Sun Fade' Ruining Your Retro Game Collection?
I hold my collection in a room with only one, almost always closed window so there is very little indirect light. Here where I live in Italy, just a few hours of direct sunlight in a summer day are enough to fade any colors from cases and boxes.
From my experience, It's also important that all light source in the room are led-based lights.
Re: Good-Feel Reveals Its 'Ganbare Goemon' Spiritual Successor In Japanese Direct
hope it get released to the west, but in any case I'm ready to buy the japanese version if there is no other way. I already did it for the first two titles on the Super Famicom 😅
Re: Poll: What's The Best Wonder Boy Game?
Always been a fan of the Wonderboy series and have played all the games, although Monster World IV only in recent times.
In my opinion, Wonder Boy V for the Megadrive/Genesis is the best of all, and one of the top 16-bit era games.
Not accounting the nostalgia-factor, and focusing on the gameplay, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom could be considered the absolutely best in the series or a valid runner-up.
It looks and feel just as a perfect sequel to this "wonderful" series, featuring a stunning gameplay and a much varied world, with tons of references to all the previous games (for example, the shooting stage that recall Wonderboy III first stage, boss included!).
Re: Final Fantasy Creator Explains What He Thinks Went Wrong With Japanese Games In The 2000s
“I think that one of the main reasons for that is the fact that consoles like the NES and PlayStation were very specific hardware."
And this is the main reason why today games look, feel and sound like they were developed by the same people for the same platform.
At the time, every game was specifically crafted for - and bound to - a specific platform/hardware with its unique visual and sound capabilities, and its intrinsic limitations. This is the reason why all the good old games, developed prior to 2000's look, feel and sound differently from each other and from those on different platforms.
Also, hardware limitations really expanded creativity all the way.
All in all, I feel developing games were more of an art-crafting process then an industrial one as it is today, since we only have general purpose PCs with a standard cpu/gpu architecture and graphics libraries. We definitely flattened out.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?
Ignoring commercial success and judging only by the games, it's a tough battle between Megadrive, Saturn and Dreamcast. I have fond memories with all those console and their games, but the Megadrive had the most impressive library of all the three, and that's my vote.
If only Saturn and Dreamcast had more time/support they could have topped the Genesis.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Nintendo System Of All Time?
If we look at the library of games - in terms of quality killer apps - and considering the third-party support, the best Nintendo console are SNES, NES and Switch. In an hypothetical tier-2 list I would put GBA, Gameboy and DS. In tier-3 then 3DS, N64 and GameCube, while in tier-4 Wii and Wii U.
As I often say, Switch is the best Nintendo console since the SNES
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
@Luminous117 ok, but so Ridge Racer and Gran Turismo are J-Racing games while Forza Motorsport is an A-Racing game?
What's the difference in genre/type between a J-Racing game and an A-Racing game?
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
In my opinion no.. when I was a kid, this term didn't even exist, an rpg was simply a role-playing-game, categorized by different other parameters such as: action, turn-based, tactical, anime-style, point-and-click etc etc
If we identify an rpg based on where it was developed then we should also define an American-RPG, Chinese-RPG, F-RPG (France), I-RPG (Italian) and so on... it's just ridiculous.
And what if an rpg game were developed by an homogeneous group of people, such as black/African people or homosexual people? We should perhaps define them as Black-RPG or Gay-RPG? It doesn't seem the case.
Re: The Making Of: HeroQuest - When Tabletop Gaming Went Mainstream
I still have my '90 edition, and it's still a lot of fun to play with friends
Re: Flashback: The History Of Sonic's First Animated Commercial Outside Of Japan
I also remember these commercials when I was a kid
Re: Sega Wants To Know What Mini Console You Want Next
Sega Saturn is my first choice, followed up by Dreamcast.
Re: Atari Releases Another NFT Collection To Coincide With 50th Anniversary
I, personally, am not so negative about NFTs. It really depends on "how" software companies implement this tech in their games and stores.
If it's done for spilling out extra cash from the gamers pockets is really bad.
But, if those NFTs collectibles are gifted to players for free, simply by playing games, unlocking achievements and such things I think it could be really fun: these items could be exchanged, traded or useful to give access to exclusive features and perks by simply owning them. Like (in some ways) with cards in collectible cards games. Another nice thing is that they can be used outside of their original context, being on public blockchain networks.
However, I think we have to wait and see.
Re: Soapbox: Ridge Racer V is The Greatest Game Ever Made
I was a Ridge Racer series fan from the start, playing it first in arcade in 1994 then on my imported jap PSX at home. My race ended with RR Type 4, a masterpiece in my opinion and the peak of this series. Or so I was convinced for many years, until last year (2021!) when I played RR V for the first time. And I agree with the writer, it is truly a great game and the last proper Ridge Racer from every point of view.
RR V is quite difficult to master as compared to previous entries in the series, just a couple of mistakes are enough to prevent from reaching the first position in the race. But holy cow, it's the most adrenaline-pumping racing game I have ever played, absolutely a blast!
Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More
Very cool! I will probably buy it but not 100% sure at the moment.