Endless sessions of Streetfighter, Mortal Kombat, Bomberman and more on the SNES with multiplayer and Goldeneye on N64 with groups of friends and the WCW wrestling games at University, all huddled into one room with four controllers.
Plus do not forget siblings, many a family feud created over gaming or bonds formed...over the likes of Sensible Soccer, Kick Off 2, Tanx n Stuff, and others.
One of the first 16 bit memories was playing this coverdisk PD game Byplane or Bip free with Amiga Format, mechanics were simple for a 2 player game but amazingly deep and addictive, must have clocked hours/days on that over Christmas 91.
With the new film I would like them to include some different characters from III, IV, V and VI yet they will probably stick to the classic sequel game iteration, test the waters see the box office.
Although looking at logo again I kind of get Streetfighter 1 vibes, and it might be more interesting to start at the very beginning with just Ryu and Sagat storyline for ease of access.
If it is a success could easily expand it to multiple films and even its own universe with an original film, prequels and Alpha series as well.
Most of the best films were the anime versions and some of the recent graphic novels/comics have been great.
The Capcom storyline lore is deep with this one, plus much more easily translated to film than many videogames.
@Andee I think I did know that or stored it away somewhere useless. Oz the art chap went to Titan Magazines, not sure what up to now, Rich does Digital Foundary...
Getting the back catalogue of magazines is not too tricky or expensive so far, just got a mint SF2 Arcade Guide edition, some are more expensive than others though, mostly early ones and obviously depends on condition...
Almost half way there already...plus I got the UN Squadron edition first, still think the screenshots are the best ever in terms of quality and selling a game!
@X68000 One thing I noticed was Shekhana says incorporated 1978 on their advert in a back issue of Mean Machines.
Was just wondering who lays claim to fame as being the first large scale grey importer of Japanese stuff to these shores?... always thought it was PC Engine Supplies, but could be wrong, plus Shekhana might have started out as a computer micro specialist...
Definitely a book to be written about this era and industry that came and went from UK perspective by somebody...
Good interview, deserves more comments. Probably one of the writers/journalists most influential from the UK for instilling a love of video games into a generation...
Should do a new Mean Machines magazine issue 25 or whatever with most of the crew as a one off, lots of modern retro titles out there like the extra Super Play issue not too long ago...
Not sure who holds rights to it now from EMAP to Bauer to Ascential or Metropolis International...
@X68000 Just collecting Mean Machines magazines at the moment and the biggest nostalgia hit is all the grey importers advertising during the early boom period plus their adverts, Shekhana, Raven Games, Console Concepts and everyone...
Book looks like one to get, always enjoyed his writing plus interesting career.
@PXAbstracftion Great game by Cryo, I guess the new more recent Dune game this year is a spitritual successor. Endless time wasted with his soundtracks flying in the Ornithopter trying to find sietches! Game really grasped the Frank Herbert universe/world as playing in the 90s was very immersive for the time.
@mattb2020 I believe the only ones left are EDGE, Retro Gamer, PC Gamer UK wise. PLAY closed last year and was one of the last single format magazines left. WIREFRAME closed over Pandemic I believe or just before. Amiga Addict does have a news stand presence amazingly. Rather a shell of former self. Very surprised there is no market even for a Nintendo magazine, given demographics of players, yet times change. Hence the resurgence through crowd funding a little, but era has passed, with everything nearly now moved online.
Only items I tend to buy are magazines at Smiths, more of an impulse purchase. If they restrict outlets to railway stations, airports and hospitals you are left with the reduced selection at certain supermarkets, some of these do not carry EDGE for example due to sales as mentioned. Would never have discovered the new Amiga Addict magazine in the main shopping centre Smiths randomly by chance recently otherwise. Looks like subscriptions might be only way to get them for certain people in future, plus browsing will be confined to digital means or specialist newsagents that are already on last legs.
The last decade's philosophy is "monetize anything if you can" it feels at times. Retro gaming's popularity/reniassance is that it bucks the cold hearted capitalism that the modern games industry willfully embraced and descended into...with some noteable/few exceptions...
Losing track of all these video game books, tend to stick to Bitmap and ROM plus select others. Backed that EGM kickstarter that reached over a million in funding, so hopefully that one is 99.9% locked due to popularity, due February, still livid did not get to purchase the "You are Sushi X" tier as only 12 slots!
That is what is great about this period loads if undiscovered gems and hardware particularly from Japan. I just found out about the Taito Console the other day for example...
From the Neptune thread.
Lastly I just found out about a Taito unreleased console from this era the WoWoW of all things! Taito/Ascii using CD Roms plus downloadable games via satellite!
Still find it great amazing that from this decade still secrets to be discovered with so many prototypes, cancelled consoles computers and stuff from the 90s when everyone wanted to be involved and tech was at a nodal/inflection point...
Speaking of SF2 I watched Oliver Harper's "Here Comes a New Challenger" just before Christmas as have followed his retrospectives for about a decade and there was a special guest appearance from Time Extension!
I guess many versions of Streetfighter 2/3/4 or other CPS system fighter conversions have extra bells and whistles plus group battle options not found in arcade but too easy that one...
Heres a quality selection of short summary videos on the era I forgot to mention contains original Neptune section as well...plus good historical insights and context...
The Story of the SEGA Saturn, & SEGA 32X at War...
Plus this is a nice video also for fitting everything together including recoded Sega Mars which was a Neptune plus Sega/Mega CD so I am totally forgetting that concept was on drawing board albeit briefly...
SC3000 Sega Computer plus computer and disc add ons for Master System/Mega Drive!
As more of a Nintendo fan in the past, SEGA's 80s and 90s history is fascinating to me as I know much less of the content plus some of the cancelled systems or failures are more interesting than a success, especially the early SEGA computers featured in this video...
A programmable SEGA cross hybrid Amiga/Acorn style computer console in the west 16 bit or 32 bit would have been pretty special IMO...
SATURN 2 64 Bit Lockhead Martin scans and Discussion
Lastly I just found out about a Taito unreleased console from this era the WoWoW of all things! Taito/Ascii using CD Roms plus downloadable games via satellite!
Still find it great amazing that from this decade still secrets to be discovered with so many prototypes, cancelled consoles computers and stuff from the 90s when everyone wanted to be involved and tech was at a nodal/inflection point...
A detailed Panasonic M2 article would be sweet as well at some point...
I think it was definitely more of a factor and talking point for sure and recall the discussion regarding NES/SNES during the time, especially from concerned parents and vocal consumer groups in USA.
Nintendo and Sega got around it through a low cost add on, Master System convertor, GB Cart or Players, to expand library as well, even A1200 was compatible with most Amiga games, Gamer Gear could play Master System titles with an add on as well if I recall plus the GT could play all PC Engine games nearly in cross compatability.
Always thankful the original DS lite stuck with a GBA cart slot as well as screen was a huge improvement over original hardware...
I am no tech expert, yet Saturn had a RAM cart socket, how much extra for a Genesis ROM slot next to it or integrated and to do some tinkering software/hardware wise to make it Sega/MegaCD compatible at the time maybe even push VCD a little more despite quality as well as only mid 90s and 5 years before DVD emergence mainstream...
Might not have been cost effective in 90s but if SEGA had got a march on SONY and took the userbase with them from 16bit days definite longterm perk and negates a lot of factors to do with SEGA's scattershot hardware strategy.
Kalinske even states abandoning Genesis early was totally foolish by SEGA with 30 million installed base, and Nintendo stuck with SNES until as far as 1999 in States making bank in 16 bit arena unoppossed for years from mid 90s with SEGA abandoning market.
The success of PS2 was effectively built on backward compatability of PS1 and its huge userbase that SONY were taking with them in excess of 100 million players plus DVD support for sure, in the early years...
Is there a link to the promo video in this article?
I seemed to have clicked on all the blue hyperlinks but keep missing it!
Nevermind found it.
10/10 for the promo video. I want one now, especially if it came with integrated CD.
Come to think of it can you not just add a 32X adaptor to a CDX/Multimega. Never seen that combo before!
Probably blow a fuse!
In the comments to the video somebody makes an interesting point, before backwards compatability was a thing if the Saturn played Master System, Megadrive and 32X plus Sega CD games might have been much more successful by tapping into customer loyalty and userbase.
Plus negating some ill will as previous users could sell of old consoles but keep games...re-imbursing losses plus software companies could have increased lifespan of the three 16bit/CD/32X iterations for a few more years maybe as still viable...
Speaking of cool videos if you have not checked out the "Wrestling with Gaming" channel online, chap has some of the best short and longer form documentary stuff on older era games and consoles plus some obscurities, and uses nice 3D graphics for presentation just like the Neptune Promo video...
Here are some recent videos worth a look great running times as well hitting sweet spot...
● The Story behind NBA Jam
● The Making of the Gameboy
● SONY Playstation Store 85 million Flop
● How the FBI invaded the Arcades
● History of the Neo Geo and SNK
● SEGAs Weird 32X TV Show so 90s
Great stuff, plus he took a break for about 3 years, but making content again these past 12 months.
@Daniel36 All this links back to "Games as Services" philosophy introduced in 2008 that permeated industry as profit motive took over physical self contained quality, product and experience...hence the physical backlash through special editions and the retro reniassance industry...
@Hexapus I would agree with this 100%. Kalinske as CEO was aggressive in terms of marketing and promotion plus as you say going head on against Nintendo. It obviously helped Genesis/Megadrive came to market first, plus the overall package and polish of the original Sonic made a huge dent in public perception, as the blue hedgehog was a wonderful tech demo for what the console could do, wrapped in a fun game, plus very different from Mario. Joe Montana, Madden, EA, and some other notable titles helped a great deal as well, plus Capcom and Konami eventually came on board as software providers as a direct result of its overall American success. Too big a market to not produce games for and make bank.
@Yojimbo Better design IMO but I am biased, much more functional, if I can get images working right will post the other concepts from early Nintendo Power 1991, you can see the evolution from NES to the redesigned NES 2.0 to the purple geometric monster the SNES became in North America...
Nintendo kept this design as "NES evolution" as the original 8 bit console (30 million units by 91) was so successful in USA so familiarity and continuity...
Well there's another book ordered on the back of these designs, for Christmas, plus the Gamecube Anthology and the Gameboy + Virtual Boy Edition (Every Mathieu Manent book is an essential purchase), and it comes in Hardback plus you can choose Super Famicom or US SNES, covers...
"Playing with Super Power" near 5 star reviews across the board. Forward by Reggie Fils-Aimé as well, looks great!
Was watching the new 4 part Madden Documentary last night from Amazon, recommend, especially first two parts specifically as basically history of EA foundation with Trip Hawkins featured prominently in interviews first 50%.
What was very interesting as large section on early 32bit era that transcended success of EA on Genesis to 3DO, then to 32X/Saturn briefly and eventually PSX evolution and dominance in 90s...
The most interesting section is when Trip books a flight to Japan looking for hardware vendors and partners after setting up 3DO and leaving EA.
First one he spoke to is SONY who at that stage were all in on own console after Nintendo betrayal to Phillips as very recently happened , or in very early PSX origins period...
A big "what if" scenario that needs reported on in depth if 3DO and Sony were partners in early 90s and somehow became standard in Japan or elsewhere as 3DO mandate.
Opens up more possibilities if SEGA had not looked into 32X/Neptune/Jupiter and went straight to Saturn...everybody knows that one...
A less powerful SONY worldwide with older 3DO hardware and other partners like Sanyo/Panasonic opens up a Saturn mid level success at least...
The 32X development and software resources from 1st and 3rd party being sidelined is IMO what really drove the stake into heart of SEGA in minds of fans...All resources to Saturn East and West and it might have been Genesis 2.0 who knows or at least stronger market share for 128 bit Dreamcast. Keeping Kalinske as CEO should have happened also...
Distangling a possible 3DO/SONY partnership is a fascinating scenario...with tons of real world implications for the overall timeline...
Book does look very good, been meaning to pick up SNES one for while, swore I would stop at 2 for Christmas list, up to 7 now. Retro Book Market = $$$$$
"Japan Games Industry Doomed" were front page on magazine covers and editorial features online for a sustained period as they had issues transferring between generations and the success of the X360 as an alternative Western hardware platform provided an outlet for new types of software...
Everything I have read after my long break from 2008-2020 indicates Japan is Nintendo country again, basically saved the industry with SWITCH looking at software charts there or am I totally wrong?
A seperate list say top 30 for each system PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 from Japan would be really interesting through eras and decades to show tastes in Asia compared to Europe/North America...and how certain franchises either remained or fell or genres disappeared...
Crash Bandicoot made a mark, most mainstream Western title on list I think...
Comments 168
Re: SuperSega Boss Is Now Trying To Block People Getting Refunds
Best videogame hardware scandal since Gizmondo!
Re: Acclaim Skirts Around The Issue Of Which Of Its Classic IP It Actually Has Access To
This Midway to Acclaim 1990s transfer was way before that I believe all covered here...
The Story Behind NBA Jam | A 90s Gaming Masterpiece
Re: Acclaim Skirts Around The Issue Of Which Of Its Classic IP It Actually Has Access To
I did not know that Midway somehow lost the NBA Jam license to Acclaim during the 90s until recently amazingly...
Re: Square Enix Staff Discover Cache Of Pristine Retro Games, Some Of Which Date Back 30 Years
According to Singleton, "employees have been invited to take whatever they want"
Appearing on ebay/auction sites and grading emporiums near you very soon!
Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved
NBA Jam 2025, make it now!
Re: Please, Please, Please Treasure Your Offline Multiplayer Buddy
I enjoyed reading this one.
Endless sessions of Streetfighter, Mortal Kombat, Bomberman and more on the SNES with multiplayer and Goldeneye on N64 with groups of friends and the WCW wrestling games at University, all huddled into one room with four controllers.
Plus do not forget siblings, many a family feud created over gaming or bonds formed...over the likes of Sensible Soccer, Kick Off 2, Tanx n Stuff, and others.
One of the first 16 bit memories was playing this coverdisk PD game Byplane or Bip free with Amiga Format, mechanics were simple for a 2 player game but amazingly deep and addictive, must have clocked hours/days on that over Christmas 91.
Re: Legendary's Live-Action Street Fighter Movie Has Found Its Director
With the new film I would like them to include some different characters from III, IV, V and VI yet they will probably stick to the classic sequel game iteration, test the waters see the box office.
Although looking at logo again I kind of get Streetfighter 1 vibes, and it might be more interesting to start at the very beginning with just Ryu and Sagat storyline for ease of access.
If it is a success could easily expand it to multiple films and even its own universe with an original film, prequels and Alpha series as well.
Most of the best films were the anime versions and some of the recent graphic novels/comics have been great.
The Capcom storyline lore is deep with this one, plus much more easily translated to film than many videogames.
Re: Sagat & Blanka Are The Latest Street Fighter Characters To Get Figures From Jada Toys
Well I thought I would comment as nobody else has...C Viper figure next.
Re: Fan Developer Gives Daytona USA A Virtua Racing-Style Makeover
A collection of Daytona, Virtua Racing, Hang On, Afterburner, Space Harrier and a few more in this style would probably sell well for SEGA.
Re: "I Don't Think I’d Ever Have Been Able To Guess My Life Path" - Julian Rignall On Five Decades In Gaming
@Andee I think I did know that or stored it away somewhere useless. Oz the art chap went to Titan Magazines, not sure what up to now, Rich does Digital Foundary...
Getting the back catalogue of magazines is not too tricky or expensive so far, just got a mint SF2 Arcade Guide edition, some are more expensive than others though, mostly early ones and obviously depends on condition...
Almost half way there already...plus I got the UN Squadron edition first, still think the screenshots are the best ever in terms of quality and selling a game!
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
@X68000 One thing I noticed was Shekhana says incorporated 1978 on their advert in a back issue of Mean Machines.
Was just wondering who lays claim to fame as being the first large scale grey importer of Japanese stuff to these shores?... always thought it was PC Engine Supplies, but could be wrong, plus Shekhana might have started out as a computer micro specialist...
Definitely a book to be written about this era and industry that came and went from UK perspective by somebody...
Re: Brand New F-Zero SNES Hack Adds An Entirely New League To Blast Through
If you have not checked out the original GBA F Zero titles they are worth a blast as well...closest thing to a true 16 bit SNES official sequel...
Re: "I Don't Think I’d Ever Have Been Able To Guess My Life Path" - Julian Rignall On Five Decades In Gaming
Good interview, deserves more comments. Probably one of the writers/journalists most influential from the UK for instilling a love of video games into a generation...
Should do a new Mean Machines magazine issue 25 or whatever with most of the crew as a one off, lots of modern retro titles out there like the extra Super Play issue not too long ago...
Not sure who holds rights to it now from EMAP to Bauer to Ascential or Metropolis International...
Re: 14 Percent Of North Americans Still Play Gaming Systems Released Before 2000
Old games are more accessible, have that pick up and play mentality, do not even need instructions...
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
@X68000 Just collecting Mean Machines magazines at the moment and the biggest nostalgia hit is all the grey importers advertising during the early boom period plus their adverts, Shekhana, Raven Games, Console Concepts and everyone...
Book looks like one to get, always enjoyed his writing plus interesting career.
Re: Dune, Lost Eden And MegaRace Composer Stéphane Picq Has Passed Away Aged 59
@PXAbstracftion Great game by Cryo, I guess the new more recent Dune game this year is a spitritual successor. Endless time wasted with his soundtracks flying in the Ornithopter trying to find sietches! Game really grasped the Frank Herbert universe/world as playing in the 90s was very immersive for the time.
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
@Ristar24 I noticed pre Christmas HMV were stocking a select number of videogames, mainly popular titles, maybe a test to check out market again.
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
@mattb2020 I believe the only ones left are EDGE, Retro Gamer, PC Gamer UK wise. PLAY closed last year and was one of the last single format magazines left. WIREFRAME closed over Pandemic I believe or just before. Amiga Addict does have a news stand presence amazingly. Rather a shell of former self. Very surprised there is no market even for a Nintendo magazine, given demographics of players, yet times change. Hence the resurgence through crowd funding a little, but era has passed, with everything nearly now moved online.
Re: Love The Genesis / Mega Drive? Then Check Out This Epic Eleven-And-A-Half Hour Documentary
I will get back to you in half a day...
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
Only items I tend to buy are magazines at Smiths, more of an impulse purchase. If they restrict outlets to railway stations, airports and hospitals you are left with the reduced selection at certain supermarkets, some of these do not carry EDGE for example due to sales as mentioned. Would never have discovered the new Amiga Addict magazine in the main shopping centre Smiths randomly by chance recently otherwise. Looks like subscriptions might be only way to get them for certain people in future, plus browsing will be confined to digital means or specialist newsagents that are already on last legs.
Re: "I Cannot Take Any Chances" - Final Fight Book Campaign Cancelled Following Message About Its Use Of IP
These books/creations just raise profile/popularity of the title/game in general, would be interesting to know specifics...
Re: Street Fighter's Critically-Panned Animated TV Series Is Getting A Blu-Ray Release
I think there is a section on "Here Comes a New Challenger Documenatary all about this series , recall watching it over Christmas.
Initially my mind thought it was an online retrospective from likes of Secret Galaxy Channel in head.
Goes into all the GI Joe Hasbro crossover stuff in final third plus feature film and other memorobilia from 90s era.
Harper should do a Mortal Kombat one next, actually will suggest that to him...
Re: Street Fighter's Critically-Panned Animated TV Series Is Getting A Blu-Ray Release
Entire series available on you tube to experience it for yourself!
Re: "Bravo, SNK! What A Greedy Company!" - King Of Fighters XIII Global Match's Steam Launch Has Upset Fans
The last decade's philosophy is "monetize anything if you can" it feels at times. Retro gaming's popularity/reniassance is that it bucks the cold hearted capitalism that the modern games industry willfully embraced and descended into...with some noteable/few exceptions...
Re: Publisher Unbound Hasn't Paid Authors For Months Amid "Financial Uncertainty"
Losing track of all these video game books, tend to stick to Bitmap and ROM plus select others. Backed that EGM kickstarter that reached over a million in funding, so hopefully that one is 99.9% locked due to popularity, due February, still livid did not get to purchase the "You are Sushi X" tier as only 12 slots!
Re: Koei Once Created A $250 Handheld Console, And You're Forgiven For Not Knowing About It
That is what is great about this period loads if undiscovered gems and hardware particularly from Japan. I just found out about the Taito Console the other day for example...
From the Neptune thread.
Lastly I just found out about a Taito unreleased console from this era the WoWoW of all things! Taito/Ascii using CD Roms plus downloadable games via satellite!
Best Longform read on console.
Taito X-55! The Video Game Console You Didn't Know Existed! The Taito Wowow Story!
Still find it great amazing that from this decade still secrets to be discovered with so many prototypes, cancelled consoles computers and stuff from the 90s when everyone wanted to be involved and tech was at a nodal/inflection point...
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Speaking of SF2 I watched Oliver Harper's "Here Comes a New Challenger" just before Christmas as have followed his retrospectives for about a decade and there was a special guest appearance from Time Extension!
Documentary was very good...enjoyed it.
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
I guess many versions of Streetfighter 2/3/4 or other CPS system fighter conversions have extra bells and whistles plus group battle options not found in arcade but too easy that one...
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Surprised Area 88/UN Squadron not mentioned yet...oh there we go 5 mins ago...
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
Best controller according to EGM the Game Master Programmable Triton says Sushi X!
Still think the original SNES, or 6 button Megadrive plus Saturn controllers hold up.
Re: Street Fighter, Resident Evil And Xenoblade Veterans Are Making A "Plunder Battle Game" For Cave
Accidently read headline as a corporate takeover of Cave from industry legends!
Re: Cancelled Sega Neptune Rises From The Dead, Gets Its Own Promo Video
Heres a quality selection of short summary videos on the era I forgot to mention contains original Neptune section as well...plus good historical insights and context...
The Story of the SEGA Saturn, & SEGA 32X at War...
The Story of the Unreleased Sega Neptune
Apparently 350k 32Xs sold in first few weeks though so got off to a good start.
One area I would like to see an article in Time Extension if not done already is the 64 Bit Sega Saturn 2 or Pluto Console, see below...
See "The Story of the Unreleased Sega Saturn II video on Laird who has a goldmine of unusual content it seems...
Plus this is a nice video also for fitting everything together including recoded Sega Mars which was a Neptune plus Sega/Mega CD so I am totally forgetting that concept was on drawing board albeit briefly...
The Story Of: 5 Cancelled Sega Consoles
MARS= 32X then all in one GENESIS/32X/CD
Funny only one Console actually emerged with the planetry codename name in tact...
On a tangent Sega's 80s computer stuff is amazing from Japan.
"The Story of the Unreleased Sega Master Drive"
SC3000 Sega Computer plus computer and disc add ons for Master System/Mega Drive!
As more of a Nintendo fan in the past, SEGA's 80s and 90s history is fascinating to me as I know much less of the content plus some of the cancelled systems or failures are more interesting than a success, especially the early SEGA computers featured in this video...
A programmable SEGA cross hybrid Amiga/Acorn style computer console in the west 16 bit or 32 bit would have been pretty special IMO...
SATURN 2 64 Bit Lockhead Martin scans and Discussion
Lastly I just found out about a Taito unreleased console from this era the WoWoW of all things! Taito/Ascii using CD Roms plus downloadable games via satellite!
Best Longform read on console.
Taito X-55! The Video Game Console You Didn't Know Existed! The Taito Wowow Story!
Still find it great amazing that from this decade still secrets to be discovered with so many prototypes, cancelled consoles computers and stuff from the 90s when everyone wanted to be involved and tech was at a nodal/inflection point...
A detailed Panasonic M2 article would be sweet as well at some point...
Re: Cancelled Sega Neptune Rises From The Dead, Gets Its Own Promo Video
I think it was definitely more of a factor and talking point for sure and recall the discussion regarding NES/SNES during the time, especially from concerned parents and vocal consumer groups in USA.
Nintendo and Sega got around it through a low cost add on, Master System convertor, GB Cart or Players, to expand library as well, even A1200 was compatible with most Amiga games, Gamer Gear could play Master System titles with an add on as well if I recall plus the GT could play all PC Engine games nearly in cross compatability.
Always thankful the original DS lite stuck with a GBA cart slot as well as screen was a huge improvement over original hardware...
I am no tech expert, yet Saturn had a RAM cart socket, how much extra for a Genesis ROM slot next to it or integrated and to do some tinkering software/hardware wise to make it Sega/MegaCD compatible at the time maybe even push VCD a little more despite quality as well as only mid 90s and 5 years before DVD emergence mainstream...
Might not have been cost effective in 90s but if SEGA had got a march on SONY and took the userbase with them from 16bit days definite longterm perk and negates a lot of factors to do with SEGA's scattershot hardware strategy.
Kalinske even states abandoning Genesis early was totally foolish by SEGA with 30 million installed base, and Nintendo stuck with SNES until as far as 1999 in States making bank in 16 bit arena unoppossed for years from mid 90s with SEGA abandoning market.
The success of PS2 was effectively built on backward compatability of PS1 and its huge userbase that SONY were taking with them in excess of 100 million players plus DVD support for sure, in the early years...
Re: Cancelled Sega Neptune Rises From The Dead, Gets Its Own Promo Video
Here is a new one for me...Looks like a strange architectural design from the 20th century when combined!
CDX/Multimega plus 32X exists!
Very last photo!
Re: Cancelled Sega Neptune Rises From The Dead, Gets Its Own Promo Video
Is there a link to the promo video in this article?
I seemed to have clicked on all the blue hyperlinks but keep missing it!
Nevermind found it.
10/10 for the promo video. I want one now, especially if it came with integrated CD.
Come to think of it can you not just add a 32X adaptor to a CDX/Multimega. Never seen that combo before!
Probably blow a fuse!
In the comments to the video somebody makes an interesting point, before backwards compatability was a thing if the Saturn played Master System, Megadrive and 32X plus Sega CD games might have been much more successful by tapping into customer loyalty and userbase.
Plus negating some ill will as previous users could sell of old consoles but keep games...re-imbursing losses plus software companies could have increased lifespan of the three 16bit/CD/32X iterations for a few more years maybe as still viable...
Speaking of cool videos if you have not checked out the "Wrestling with Gaming" channel online, chap has some of the best short and longer form documentary stuff on older era games and consoles plus some obscurities, and uses nice 3D graphics for presentation just like the Neptune Promo video...
Here are some recent videos worth a look great running times as well hitting sweet spot...
● The Story behind NBA Jam
● The Making of the Gameboy
● SONY Playstation Store 85 million Flop
● How the FBI invaded the Arcades
● History of the Neo Geo and SNK
● SEGAs Weird 32X TV Show so 90s
Great stuff, plus he took a break for about 3 years, but making content again these past 12 months.
Oh and a belated Happy New Year! 🎆
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
@Azuris Bad business move though alienating a high paying section of potential customers...
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
@Daniel36 All this links back to "Games as Services" philosophy introduced in 2008 that permeated industry as profit motive took over physical self contained quality, product and experience...hence the physical backlash through special editions and the retro reniassance industry...
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
Advertising/Marketing shooting self in foot.
Not triggered in anyway, just will never be receiving any of my $ however I am not the target market anyway...
Not a patch on "Genesis does what Nintendon't".
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@Hexapus I would agree with this 100%. Kalinske as CEO was aggressive in terms of marketing and promotion plus as you say going head on against Nintendo. It obviously helped Genesis/Megadrive came to market first, plus the overall package and polish of the original Sonic made a huge dent in public perception, as the blue hedgehog was a wonderful tech demo for what the console could do, wrapped in a fun game, plus very different from Mario. Joe Montana, Madden, EA, and some other notable titles helped a great deal as well, plus Capcom and Konami eventually came on board as software providers as a direct result of its overall American success. Too big a market to not produce games for and make bank.
Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time
@Ashpip Agreed. Outside MGS2 and others one of the most memorable experiences on the console.
Re: Anbernic's New GBA Clone Plays PSP, Dreamcast And More
My metal Anbernic Is still solid for Wind Jammers.
Need to get a new updated one for DC, PSP, and Gamecube Emulation, as others have said so many out there now near saturation point...
Does anyone know if you can play 3DO on any of the new handhelds by any manufacturer?
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@Yojimbo Better design IMO but I am biased, much more functional, if I can get images working right will post the other concepts from early Nintendo Power 1991, you can see the evolution from NES to the redesigned NES 2.0 to the purple geometric monster the SNES became in North America...
Nintendo kept this design as "NES evolution" as the original 8 bit console (30 million units by 91) was so successful in USA so familiarity and continuity...
Will post link...
Well there's another book ordered on the back of these designs, for Christmas, plus the Gamecube Anthology and the Gameboy + Virtual Boy Edition (Every Mathieu Manent book is an essential purchase), and it comes in Hardback plus you can choose Super Famicom or US SNES, covers...
"Playing with Super Power" near 5 star reviews across the board. Forward by Reggie Fils-Aimé as well, looks great!
Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time
Wipeout did not crack Japan either or its sequels I noticed.
Re: The Making Of: Powermonger, Bullfrog's Forgotten RTS Follow-Up To Populous
@Daniel36 Scans are great for research, not good for real nostalgia, always better to have a physical copy for sure.
Agreed sentiments regard this site and Time Extension...
Worth visiting 4 physical issues as well...
Re: Don't Forget The Sega 32X Turns 30 This Year, Too
Was watching the new 4 part Madden Documentary last night from Amazon, recommend, especially first two parts specifically as basically history of EA foundation with Trip Hawkins featured prominently in interviews first 50%.
What was very interesting as large section on early 32bit era that transcended success of EA on Genesis to 3DO, then to 32X/Saturn briefly and eventually PSX evolution and dominance in 90s...
The most interesting section is when Trip books a flight to Japan looking for hardware vendors and partners after setting up 3DO and leaving EA.
First one he spoke to is SONY who at that stage were all in on own console after Nintendo betrayal to Phillips as very recently happened , or in very early PSX origins period...
A big "what if" scenario that needs reported on in depth if 3DO and Sony were partners in early 90s and somehow became standard in Japan or elsewhere as 3DO mandate.
Opens up more possibilities if SEGA had not looked into 32X/Neptune/Jupiter and went straight to Saturn...everybody knows that one...
A less powerful SONY worldwide with older 3DO hardware and other partners like Sanyo/Panasonic opens up a Saturn mid level success at least...
The 32X development and software resources from 1st and 3rd party being sidelined is IMO what really drove the stake into heart of SEGA in minds of fans...All resources to Saturn East and West and it might have been Genesis 2.0 who knows or at least stronger market share for 128 bit Dreamcast. Keeping Kalinske as CEO should have happened also...
Distangling a possible 3DO/SONY partnership is a fascinating scenario...with tons of real world implications for the overall timeline...
Re: Review: The GBA Pixel Book - A Gorgeous Tribute To The Last Great 2D Console
@Porco 100% true RGB.
Re: Review: The GBA Pixel Book - A Gorgeous Tribute To The Last Great 2D Console
Book does look very good, been meaning to pick up SNES one for while, swore I would stop at 2 for Christmas list, up to 7 now. Retro Book Market = $$$$$
Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time
"Japan Games Industry Doomed" were front page on magazine covers and editorial features online for a sustained period as they had issues transferring between generations and the success of the X360 as an alternative Western hardware platform provided an outlet for new types of software...
Everything I have read after my long break from 2008-2020 indicates Japan is Nintendo country again, basically saved the industry with SWITCH looking at software charts there or am I totally wrong?
Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time
No Einhander or Symphony of the Night! 🤔
A seperate list say top 30 for each system PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 from Japan would be really interesting through eras and decades to show tastes in Asia compared to Europe/North America...and how certain franchises either remained or fell or genres disappeared...
Crash Bandicoot made a mark, most mainstream Western title on list I think...
Re: Powermonger's Developers Hated Its Name, But The Alternatives Weren't Much Better
@KingMike Check out Super Famicom Powermonger box art, a winner and unique...