Comments 16

Re: Interview: Legendary Composer Hitoshi Sakimoto Talks Final Fantasy, Vagrant Story And Sword of Convallaria


This interview couldn't have come at a better time. I just started Vagrant Story for the first time in years, and his score for that still bliws me away. I remember buying the original soundtrack for 50gbp back in 2001. It was the first game ost I ever bought. Since then he has always been my favourite composer.

Will be looking into this Sword of Convallaria for sure! Thank you for the interview, everyone!

Re: Iconic Issues: Sega Magazine #1, January 1994


I remember this magazine! I owned the first issue and bought most issues until the very end. I loved it!

I loved the clear and professional layout, and there was a lot to read, making it feel like they were really going into depth with their articles.

I was very yoing at the time, maybe 9 yo, but I kept the magazines for almost a decade until I was forced to give them away.