Comments 22

Re: Say Hello To The Most Desirable (And Expensive) Game Gear Micro


No nostalgia for game gear, gameboy was the thing that introduced me to nintendo though and would instabuy a gameboy re-release

I even really like my smb edition game and watch even tho I have no nostalgia or memories of the g&w it's a nice device and actually very playable (doubt that tiny tiny game gear sega gave us is playable)

Honestly sega should of just made a cheap keyring with how small they made it

Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks


@Roibeard64 1up arcade cabs include more then 1 game, but restricted within that series

The mortal kombat cab for example comes with MK 1,2,3

SF2 comes with SF2 championship, the new challengers and turbo

Ms.pacman comes with Ms.Pacman, Super Pacman, Dig-Dug and Galaxian

Personally I just stick to using my PC for arcade good-ness, use my racing wheel for arcade racers, my sanwa stick and buttons for fighting games, metal slug ect. and got my sinden lightgun coming later in the year for lightguns on modern LCD

Though I have been tempted to pick up one of these 1up arcades they just take up too much space and I already lack space atm xD they (along with this new SNK tabletop) are pretty nice though for those wanting an arcade cab but not wanting to build one themselves.. I think the more hardcore crowd tend to opt to build their own MAME cabs

Personally quite happy with my neo geo mini, I don't find the screen nor the controls too small or cramped and quite like its miniture size

Sorry for rambling, I just really like arcade games (despite not having much experience in actual arcades)

Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything


@Papichulo I'm sure many of these people would rather we just keep buying the same games over and over again, most of which would have to buy 2nd hand off an ebay seller

It's like my copies of crash trilogy, crash bash and CTR for PS got stolen about 6 years ago.. Nowadays I just emulate those games or play the remakes, does this mean I'm "stealing money" from sony and naughty dog? because my parents bought those games for me back in the 90s and their money went straight to sony and naughty dog at the time.. And buying all those games 2nd hand off ebay isn't exactly cheap

It's because of people like that though that companies like Rockstar will try to sell GTAV to people a THIRD time lmao

Re: Hardware Review: Should You Import The Japanese Mega Drive Mini?


@shonenjump86 Yup extra stage, also more frames in the animations and more idle animations from what I recall, and cheats where you can give him an Afro and stuff like that

The XBLA "remastered" version of EWJ also had its own exclusive stage as well, though everything else about that version was considerbly worse then previous versions of the game

Defintely worth checking out the Special Edition if you can, I had trouble getting the PC version to work on a modern system but if you're comfortable with emulation, the Sega CD version emulates just fine.

I adore Earthworm Jim, what a fantastic game it was.. I'm just super sad that the new one is going to be Intellivision console exclusive.. Hopefully just a timed exclusive