Sometimes companies can't resist porting games to hardware that can't handle them because they think they will sell well. Capcom is also guilty of this with X-Men vs Street Fighter which frankly should have just ditched the assist feature to give the characters more frames of animation. Takara (?) had the right idea with World Heroes 2 Jet.
@BulkSlash Honey was the default control scheme where you moved and turned with the control stick and strafed and aimed up and down with the C buttons.
I remember that. I even tried it a couple of times, but for some reason, it didn't really feel right. I guess I just prefer holding one controller at a time, although playing Wii games with the Wiimote and Nunchuck wasn't all that bad.
Nintendo sites have gone so far downhill, it's embarrassing. Just seeing these irrelevant articles on the front page is annoying. Could you at least add a "Strictly Nintendo" tab to the site's Topic list? I just want to see stuff that covers everything about Nintendo (including Switch, 3DS, eShop, and games for Nintendo systems) without unimportant stuff like Witcher and Castlevania shows on Netflix, Sonic movies, non-Nintendo hardware? There doesn't seem to be anywhere to go because other Nintendo sites are also doing this crap, and I wouldn't be surprised if they got the inspiration from you.
It starts with a few irrelevant articles, but then the site goes MTV and then less than 50% of the articles have anything to do with Nintendo. I get that some of you are creatures of habits though and probably choose this as your primary entertainment site. Yeah, I could just go somewhere else like GoNintendo, which I often do, but it's sad for me to see the site go downhill. It's had problems before, but at least it used to be more relevant. Now it seems like editors such as Liam Dolan and Damien McFerran are using it to post whatever their personal interests are regardless of what it is. If most of you actually like that, fine, but don't get all condescending just because some of us don't.
@BustahWolf That's an annoying habit on NintendoLife. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the editors posts an article here about a piece of dried-up steak that resembles Pac-Man. The only reason I still come here is because it still has more information than most Nintendo news sites.
It would be cool if Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death like the headline was implying though.
If the 90% compatibility covers all the games I want, I'll definitely consider this. I hope it can play Golden Axe: The Duel and Nintendo Puzzle Collection.
Comments 20
Re: Random: Performing Combos In The Worst Version Of Street Fighter II Is Pretty Hard, But Possible
Sometimes companies can't resist porting games to hardware that can't handle them because they think they will sell well. Capcom is also guilty of this with X-Men vs Street Fighter which frankly should have just ditched the assist feature to give the characters more frames of animation. Takara (?) had the right idea with World Heroes 2 Jet.
Re: Gaiares Is Getting A Physical Re-Release With The Help Of The Kid Who Promoted It 31 Years Ago
You almost got my hopes up for a Switch port. Instead, it's just another crappy Sega article that doesn't belong here.
Re: Konami's Cancelled Castlevania Game For Dreamcast Has Been Resurrected
An interesting article, but not one that belongs here. What's the the deal with all these irrelevant articles anyway?
Re: Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters Are Back In Physical Form, And They Look Amazing
What the hell is this crap?!
Re: Analogue's Next FPGA Console Tackles Kanye West's Favourite System: The PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16
I had a feeling I'd find an article about this here, and that either you or Liam Doolan would be the one to write it. 🤦♀️
Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?
@BulkSlash Honey was the default control scheme where you moved and turned with the control stick and strafed and aimed up and down with the C buttons.
Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?
I remember that. I even tried it a couple of times, but for some reason, it didn't really feel right. I guess I just prefer holding one controller at a time, although playing Wii games with the Wiimote and Nunchuck wasn't all that bad.
Re: Hardware Review: Terraonion MODE - The Ultimate Upgrade For Your Saturn And Dreamcast?
Nintendo sites have gone so far downhill, it's embarrassing. Just seeing these irrelevant articles on the front page is annoying. Could you at least add a "Strictly Nintendo" tab to the site's Topic list? I just want to see stuff that covers everything about Nintendo (including Switch, 3DS, eShop, and games for Nintendo systems) without unimportant stuff like Witcher and Castlevania shows on Netflix, Sonic movies, non-Nintendo hardware? There doesn't seem to be anywhere to go because other Nintendo sites are also doing this crap, and I wouldn't be surprised if they got the inspiration from you.
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
@KevvyLava Cool. But you'll still need the CD in the drive for it to work, right? I hope I can get Golden Axe The Duel for a reasonable price.
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
So I can just put one of the CD games in and play it right away without installing any drivers?
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
Do I have to install and set up drivers like I do with most emulators or will it play these games right out of the box?
Re: Terraonion Is Releasing An Optical Disc Emulator For The Sega Saturn And Dreamcast
@DinnerAndWine That's a piss-poor excuse, but what should I expect from someone who thinks a woman can't run a gaming company?
Re: Terraonion Is Releasing An Optical Disc Emulator For The Sega Saturn And Dreamcast
Slow news day?
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
What is this crap?!
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
It starts with a few irrelevant articles, but then the site goes MTV and then less than 50% of the articles have anything to do with Nintendo. I get that some of you are creatures of habits though and probably choose this as your primary entertainment site. Yeah, I could just go somewhere else like GoNintendo, which I often do, but it's sad for me to see the site go downhill. It's had problems before, but at least it used to be more relevant. Now it seems like editors such as Liam Dolan and Damien McFerran are using it to post whatever their personal interests are regardless of what it is. If most of you actually like that, fine, but don't get all condescending just because some of us don't.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
@KitsuneNight Don't be a jerk.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
@Kalmaro I'm guessing it's filler. It's kinda sorta an interesting article, but yeah, it's not relevant.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
@BustahWolf That's an annoying habit on NintendoLife. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the editors posts an article here about a piece of dried-up steak that resembles Pac-Man. The only reason I still come here is because it still has more information than most Nintendo news sites.
It would be cool if Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death like the headline was implying though.
Re: This New Handheld Wants To Heal The Scars Of Gaming's Most Infamous Console War
Can the buttons be remapped?
Re: Polymega Slips Into Early 2020, But It's Bringing Some Cool Stuff With It
If the 90% compatibility covers all the games I want, I'll definitely consider this. I hope it can play Golden Axe: The Duel and Nintendo Puzzle Collection.