

Love the SNES, N64, Wii and Switch.

Comments 16

Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250


Excited for this from the region free aspect as I've had a US copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day for about 10 years and I'll finally be able to play it if I can get hold of an Analogue 3D. I may be falling for the marketing hype but it sounds like it might give my N64 collection a new lease of life and $249 seems very reasonable (though their shipping costs to the UK no doubt won't be).

Re: Best SNES Games Of All Time - Super Nintendo Games You Must Own


Solid list, glad to see Super Tennis in there, I replayed it when it hit the Switch SNES online subscription and it's still great.

Surprised to not see Super Mario RPG make the cut (is Arcana really a better game?), and having played both games to a finish on Wii Virtual Console I'd add Gradius III (what a soundtrack) and Final Fight to the list.

Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output


Very pleasantly surprised by this announcement as Kevtris (the guy who engineered the Super NT etc.) said a few years back that an N64 FPGA system was pretty much impossible.

I've got an American copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day that i've never been able to play yet.

Also hoping that the Switch N64 controllers might be compatible with it via bluetooth.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?


@Andee Similarly I'd go for SFII Turbo, Super SF II, SF Alpha 2 (all SNES), original IV (PS3) and SF 30th Anniversary Collection (Switch), SF 30th in particular as it's so packed with content.

Re: Feature: A Tribute To Jason Brookes


Very sad to read the news of Jason Brooke’s death in the latest Edge.

Super Play was a wonderful magazine, and I still read Edge to this day. He has left a hell of a legacy with his contributions to both publications.

I also seem to remember he was a big fan of the Super Castlevania IV soundtrack, which is my all time favourite.


Re: Feature: The Making of Super Play Magazine


Great article, shame that I've taken so long to find it but better late than never!

I started reading CVG just before Christmas 1991 (aged 11), just before I got hold of an NES, and soon moved on to flirtations with Total!, Mean Machines, Gamezone, Super Action and Nintendo Magazine System. Super Play was the only magazine which sucked me in though, and I have all 47 issues, as well as nearly every issue of N64 magazine and the first 20 or so of NGamer.

The world has moved on of course since the early '90s but it'll be a very sad day when the likes of Edge (the only magazine I still buy, and that's only occasionally) shut their doors, or more likely move entirely online.