Comments 10

Re: SuperSega Boss Is Now Trying To Block People Getting Refunds


I'm honestly getting very tired not of Alejandro's antics (those are very entertaining), but of those know-it-all-types who STILL love to tell everyone "I saw this coming from a mile away - sorry, but everyone who gave this dude money is stupid". Not because they are right. They ARE! And no one should have given Alejandro a dime. And I feel truly sorry for anyone who lost money in this. But seriously, behaving like it's your one and only crowning achievement that you've "foreseen" this scam is just tiresome. We heard you. You can put it to rest now.

Re: Review: Terraonion MODE - The Ultimate Upgrade For Your Saturn And Dreamcast?


I can not say good things about the company (Terraonion). I've ordered a MODE three years ago, got a notice from the customs (it's manufactured in and shipped from Andorra) that the item was denied at customs and returned to the sender.
I contacted Terraonion to ask what happened, to have it re-send or to get my money back. I wrote countless emails, asked on Twitter etc.
They never replied. I can't get my money back.
***** company with zero customer service.
Don not buy.

Re: You Can Play The Dreamcast GTA III Port Right Now


@Serpenterror Why would have GTA3 failed just because 2 did? 2 was a terrible and buggy port on the DC. Assuming the devs had done a good job technically it might have been a success. GTA 3 was even initially developed for the DC, but moved over to the PS2 when it became clear the DC didn't sell enough.

Re: You Can Now Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Sega Genesis, For Free


@Fake-news I tried it again just mere days ago, and man. It looks pretty, but it just plays like arse. I'm not talking about the difficulty even (although that is another turn-off). It just feels really imprecise and the small sprites make it difficult to get a good 'feel' for the gameplay. Maybe it's just me. I really want to love this, but so far I can't even like it.