These tariffs are ill-considered and ill-advised. They will increase the cost to consumers - primarily where food and electronics are concerned - and are unlikely to have any appreciable effect on our trade deficit as this progresses to a full trade war and reciprocal tariffs are imposed on us. I want President Trump's policies to be successful in their goals - success for the president's administration is success for the country - but I fear that he is operating on a misunderstanding how tariffs work and their wider economic effects.
@sdelfin I'm honestly not sure if he lied about what tariffs are or if he actually has no idea what they are and how they work beyond "tax on imports."
I'm ALL about this. I think the Jaguar is a SEXY design (I'm in a minority, I know), and gaming had way more personality before everything was on identical looking discs. I don't care what the price tag is; I'll buy it and just pay off my credit card. I'm getting this Day One.
@Windy I don't know, and I think one of their problems was that they weren't sure at the end, either, but it's not like most people think and that they were just sloppy; one of the backer e-mails said something about a problem with the company's production being halted for that model, forcing them to go back and do another round of cost/benefit analysis for other processors and make a determination for where to go. I do know, however, that it was going to be at least as strong as the Jaguar (overall, anyway; again, I don't know specifics) because they said that they had plans to - if the demand ended up being there (which I doubt but still hoped) - released add-ons to play the actual cartridges from old systems without the need for emulation. They never released specifics since that was an "maybe hopefully in the future" sort of goal, but still, they'd need to have some decently versatile hardware in there for that.
I would have loved this thing (I pledged over $500), but I can't say I'm surprised. This was always a pipe dream at best, but I'll still support it in whatever form their next crowdfunding attempt takes.
Comments 8
Re: "Might Be Time To Go Back To A Corporate Job" - Trump's Tariffs Come Into Effect
These tariffs are ill-considered and ill-advised. They will increase the cost to consumers - primarily where food and electronics are concerned - and are unlikely to have any appreciable effect on our trade deficit as this progresses to a full trade war and reciprocal tariffs are imposed on us. I want President Trump's policies to be successful in their goals - success for the president's administration is success for the country - but I fear that he is operating on a misunderstanding how tariffs work and their wider economic effects.
Re: 14 Percent Of North Americans Still Play Gaming Systems Released Before 2000
The release of a new game doesn't mean an old masterpiece is no longer a masterpiece.
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
@sdelfin I'm honestly not sure if he lied about what tariffs are or if he actually has no idea what they are and how they work beyond "tax on imports."
Re: Coleco Chameleon Saga Draws To A Close As Creator Finally Pulls The Plug
I really want to believe him, but his story is just too ridiculous. As has been said, he's either an idiot or incompetent.
Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon
I'm ALL about this. I think the Jaguar is a SEXY design (I'm in a minority, I know), and gaming had way more personality before everything was on identical looking discs. I don't care what the price tag is; I'll buy it and just pay off my credit card. I'm getting this Day One.
Re: Retro VGS Crowdfunding Campaign "Dead In The Water" But Work Will Continue
I don't know, and I think one of their problems was that they weren't sure at the end, either, but it's not like most people think and that they were just sloppy; one of the backer e-mails said something about a problem with the company's production being halted for that model, forcing them to go back and do another round of cost/benefit analysis for other processors and make a determination for where to go. I do know, however, that it was going to be at least as strong as the Jaguar (overall, anyway; again, I don't know specifics) because they said that they had plans to - if the demand ended up being there (which I doubt but still hoped) - released add-ons to play the actual cartridges from old systems without the need for emulation. They never released specifics since that was an "maybe hopefully in the future" sort of goal, but still, they'd need to have some decently versatile hardware in there for that.
Re: Retro VGS Crowdfunding Campaign "Dead In The Water" But Work Will Continue
I would have loved this thing (I pledged over $500), but I can't say I'm surprised. This was always a pipe dream at best, but I'll still support it in whatever form their next crowdfunding attempt takes.
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
I highly doubt this will get funded and I doubt even more that it will remain commercially viable, but I love the idea, so I backed it nonetheless.