Re: Feature: The Making Of Red Alarm, The Virtual Boy's Answer To Star Fox 1EverythingAmiiboThu 3rd Dec 2015 Name inspired by "Red Alert" by any chance? 0
Re: Feature: Meet The Unsung Pioneer Behind The Most Reviled Zelda Games Of All Time 2EverythingAmiiboFri 12th Sep 2014 Great read, I still think they could've made more effort in the 'making any sense whatsoever' department, I'd put that down to scripting/story failures 0
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill 3EverythingAmiiboSun 27th Apr 2014 Is it just me or do these settings remind anyone of breaking bad? -(El Paso, New Mexico) 0
Comments 3
Re: Feature: The Making Of Red Alarm, The Virtual Boy's Answer To Star Fox
Name inspired by "Red Alert" by any chance?
Re: Feature: Meet The Unsung Pioneer Behind The Most Reviled Zelda Games Of All Time
Great read, I still think they could've made more effort in the 'making any sense whatsoever' department, I'd put that down to scripting/story failures
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
Is it just me or do these settings remind anyone of breaking bad? -(El Paso, New Mexico)