Comments 1

Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years


I'm sorry I take umbrage with several things you are saying about the tg-16/pc-engine. First of all calling it simply an 8 bit system and putting in the same sentence with the NES is disingenuous. You know it was considered part of the 16 bit generation. This is because of it's dual 16 bit graphics processors. Also even though it had an 8 bit Cpu it was blazing fast. In fact twice as fast as the SNES Cpu at 7.16 Mhz. Also it could display more on screen colors than the SNES and Genesis combined. If you don't think it belongs to the 16 bit generation look at street fighter 2 Ce and lords of thunder on it and get back to me. Furthermore it had 21 bit data bus wheras the SNES and Genesis had only 16 bit.. And it was revolutionary as the first console to use cd rom technology in 1988! This gave us larger worlds, red book audio, cinema cut scenes, and voice acting. It was not niche per se. It could have made it in the USA. You know what one of the main reasons it didn't? Nintendo illegally told third party game companies that if they made games for it they couldn't put their games on the SNES. Unfortunately by the time this got resolved by the courts it was too late. Nintendo'd dirty trick worked. So please stop with misinformation please. The tg 16/pc engine is far cooler than the Snes will ever be!!