Comments 11

Re: 'Advance Wars' Forerunner 'Game Boy Wars' Finally Playable In English


Thanks a lot for sharing.

Gave this one a shot, pretty cool when trying to imagine myself in the 80s in a train playing this on my gameboy, it does all the parts that make a Wars game (minus the super powers and whatnot that came later.) It's also got the grid set up in such a way that you got 6 directions you can move into, that's kinda cool.

Other than that, it's painfully slow, I guess the cost of having a functional AI on the gameboy means its gonna take a while for it to calculate its moves, I'm also not that huge on the choice of Fog of War making the entire map obscured, though it could again be a hardware limitation thing.

Re: The Making Of: Mario Is Missing, The Plumber's Oddest Adventure


I still remember seeing that cover art in magazines and thinking how cool the concept of a game starring Luigi was, I was a fan of color green when I was a kid so I liked Luigi.

Boy did I dodge a bullet there, I think my dad knew better about what kind of game it was.

One of the most misleading video game covers ever.

Re: Best Of 2019: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


While it would be fun to start collection retro consoles and games the amount of work it takes to keep them up and running is way too effort. Plus I just refuse to deal with the 50HZ games that europe was plagued with for so long, it still annoys me so much that Nintendo stopped doing Virtual Console when they finally also removed the accursed region lock and allowed for multiple accounts.