Comments 1

Re: Collector Finds Rare Philips CD-i Hotel Mario Prototype In Goodwill


  • 1
  • FNL

I find these pickup videos incredibly suspicious. Somehow these "game hunter" or "thrift store gamer" Youtube channels manage to find cRaZy PiCkUpS at flea markets, thrift shops goodwills and Facebook marketplace, despite there being at least 2 decades worth of everyone and their mother scouring these same stores for retro game stuff, and the owners of these stores or sellers on marketplace having easy access to ebay and online price guides to price their items appropriately.

A suspicious person would think that these "game hunter" channels would need to rely on conveniently stumbling upon "crazy random finds" to stay relevant and set themselves apart from all the others. Especially channels with less than 2K subscribers, hovering around 50 videos and have only been around for roughly a year.

That's not even mentioning how clean and crisp the CD case's label and black marker are. I have old backup CD-Roms from the early 2000s with yellow labels and faded marker.

But hey, if it's all legit, good for them.