Might as well just get a MiSTer build at least you get a cycle accurate PC engine core, decent HDMI scaler with higher output resolution, easy high quality analogue video output and PC engine CDrom support
@Waveboy It's not just a PS1 but a complete MiSTer setup The PS1 core has 16:9 support and 480i to 480p, MiSTer also has a HDMI scaler supporting up to 1440p with various Scanline filters and shadow masks
You get access to nearly every retro system you could want
There is nothing unique to Terasic in the DE-10 apart from the PCB layout which isn't copied even though Terasic publish the schematics for it
The DE10 is just a Cyclone V FPGA by Altera, some DDR3, a few controller chips and the rest is just noise, it's a cheap dev board
The DE10 was used for the project as it was cheap and plentiful. It was designed for Intel's FPGA college program originally and why they offer academic pricing. Terasic has never had anything to do with the MiSTer project, using a off the shelf board saves the costs of developing hardware just for the project apart for the add on boards which are cheap and simple in comparison
The idea of using the new DE25 nano whenever it arrives is for the same reasons, price, availability and resources but that all hinges on Intel's fabs really which isn't looking too promising
Terasic can't do anything about what Taki or QMtech are producing
Don't forget Heber is making MMS 2 which is a all in one solution with everything on a single PCB and they are an established UK electronics company of over 40 years
Neither Takis or QMtech cyclone V boards break any of Terasics IPs they are not 1:1 copies of the PCB even
They are simply MiSTer compatible boards with removed hardware and functionality that the project doesn't use
The DE10 is just a collection of off the shelf parts with nothing proprietary to Terasic
The QMtech board is even open source with schematics available on GitHub
The MiSTer project has a commercial license and Taki has even donated to the project direct
Terasic has no stake in the MiSTer project, The DE10 was a cheap off the shelf dev board that was released at the right time.
The MiSTer prototype used a different board
If Terasic brought the price back down to what it was early 2021 there would be no need for the cheaper compatible boards, they created the gap in the market
Robert Peips MiSTer PS1 core has a commercial license too like the rest of the project
Comments 13
Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price
ElectronAsh has been looking at Dreamcast recently again and it won't be happening on the Cyclone V used for MiSTer
Perhaps they should team up with Coin-Ops and work on Super MARs vapour ware together ?
Re: Anbernic's New Firmware Has Opened A Can Of Worms That Could Damage The Handheld Emulation Market
A lot of old IPs are owned by parasites so it doesn't matter
It's also up to the holder to enforce their copyrights
The only one that might cause a fuss is Nintendo but they have been up their own arse for years
Re: Three Years Later, And Hyperkin's PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 Clone Is Finally Coming Out
Just another cheap ARM soc using a software emu
Might as well just get a MiSTer build at least you get a cycle accurate PC engine core, decent HDMI scaler with higher output resolution, easy high quality analogue video output and PC engine CDrom support
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Rodland, Midnight resistance and Pacmania on the Amiga are better than the arcade versions
Rodland and Midnight resistance has no slowdown and Rodland gameplay is better balanced
Pacmania is full screen with more colours rather than vertical on the arcade
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
It is MiSTer just using a custom all in one PCB
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
@Waveboy It's not just a PS1 but a complete MiSTer setup
The PS1 core has 16:9 support and 480i to 480p, MiSTer also has a HDMI scaler supporting up to 1440p with various Scanline filters and shadow masks
You get access to nearly every retro system you could want
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
@WhensDinner It's just MiSTer using a custom PCB and case
There is not enough resources for a fancy UI, it's been discussed for years
There is many script add ons to make the current UI better and even NFC loading so you don't need to use the UI at all
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
There is nothing unique to Terasic in the DE-10 apart from the PCB layout which isn't copied even though Terasic publish the schematics for it
The DE10 is just a Cyclone V FPGA by Altera, some DDR3, a few controller chips and the rest is just noise, it's a cheap dev board
The DE10 was used for the project as it was cheap and plentiful. It was designed for Intel's FPGA college program originally and why they offer academic pricing. Terasic has never had anything to do with the MiSTer project, using a off the shelf board saves the costs of developing hardware just for the project apart for the add on boards which are cheap and simple in comparison
The idea of using the new DE25 nano whenever it arrives is for the same reasons, price, availability and resources but that all hinges on Intel's fabs really which isn't looking too promising
Terasic can't do anything about what Taki or QMtech are producing
Don't forget Heber is making MMS 2 which is a all in one solution with everything on a single PCB and they are an established UK electronics company of over 40 years
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
Neither Takis or QMtech cyclone V boards break any of Terasics IPs they are not 1:1 copies of the PCB even
They are simply MiSTer compatible boards with removed hardware and functionality that the project doesn't use
The DE10 is just a collection of off the shelf parts with nothing proprietary to Terasic
The QMtech board is even open source with schematics available on GitHub
The MiSTer project has a commercial license and Taki has even donated to the project direct
Terasic has no stake in the MiSTer project, The DE10 was a cheap off the shelf dev board that was released at the right time.
The MiSTer prototype used a different board
If Terasic brought the price back down to what it was early 2021 there would be no need for the cheaper compatible boards, they created the gap in the market
Robert Peips MiSTer PS1 core has a commercial license too like the rest of the project
You can check this on the GitHub
Re: Feature: MiSTer Pi Is Our Pick For The Best Retro Hardware Of 2024
No limited supply with the DE10 nano. Mouser and Digikey have had plenty of stock for some time
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
The issue is the MiSTer based consoles being produced in China by Taki
Three models all rumoured to come in the less than the price of the DE10 so £225 max
The flagship model MiSTer functionality is only a 1/3 of the product and they will all have injection moulded cases not 3D FDM printed
It might be a hard sell for Heber
Re: True "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Multisystem 2 Console Is Coming In 2025
Might have some stiff competition seeing as Taki/Retroremake has three custom consoles based MiSTer in the works
I believe all including the flagship will cost less than the current price of the DE10.
Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project
The whole project was a scam especially after the PCB was picked apart and shown to be rubbish
Everything they have shown is on the edge of very questionable
Its no wonder Sega want it shut down