Ironically Buster Busts Loose was the first Super Famicom game I played; so was interesting to read some of the details. I remember the dash being effective in Kids mode and the reduced number of levels. Also explains why years later I played the US version and was stomped by it. Thought it was the speed difference (played the SFM version with a converter on a PAL SNES).
The revised jingle is forever ingrained into my brain as the precursor to the amazing UN Squadron intro, which I listened to countless times prior to play.
Will always try legit methods such as re-releases, collections, or digital purchases if they are available. But if they aren’t and the original software and hardware is outside my price range, then I will have to rely on less ethical methods.
I had hoped to purchase a load of VC games on the 3DS and eShop before the big shut down but because of the lack of time left and my remaining DLC and other titles I wish to get, I simply doubt I will be able to afford the VC titles. The fact some have to be bought twice across both platforms is also extremely frustrating.
Like in many cases, sometimes people resort to unethical methods because the legitimate alternatives offered are either not good value for money or are not kept available long enough.
Really tried to enjoy this game but couldn’t despite all the praise. I guess the difficulty and slow movement synonymous with the early Castlevania games isn’t my thing. More of a fan of the exploratory ones that came out later. Still I acknowledge it’s popularity and accomplishments.
@Old-Red I’ve read that the Castlevania: Requiem bundle was funded by Sony and thus they have console exclusive rights.
Super Aleste was one of my fave games back in my SNES days. Stupidly gave the game away but somehow kept the instruction manual. Bought a replacement cart many years later and a Super Famicom cart when in Japan to see the cut scenes.
Preordered this way back in July, primarily as I forecasted int would be heavy in the shm’ups. Though I agree, the lack of Gates of Thunder and Final Soldier are disappointments.
YouTube comments on the trailer seem to be going crazy about it and I’m having trouble figuring it out. My only theory is that some of the games are remakes of some classic Intellivision games, but honestly the majority look like games found on Steam, eShop & mobile. Not saying they are bad, just nothing I would say would get people screaming with joy.
I’m kind of in the same position. Around 10 years ago I started a good job, was still single and had a lot of spare time and cash so used it collecting. Got even more into it when I met some people who became friends and got me appreciating retro. The allure of JRPG special editions also continues to haunt me.
But as time passed, I more and more realised I wasn’t able to play all of them. Life then changed as I got an even better job which also takes up more of my time and got into a relationship. Now with additional life plans in progress, I have begun selling tidbits off and I feel it is only going to increase.
Its time like this I regret another friend convincinv me to open that Hyperdimension Neptunia mk II Limited Edition. Was fully sealed and she convinced me to open it. Never played it, no plans to now.
Unfortunately the franchise ios likely still owned by EA meaning unless a game is likely to sell at least 5 million copies, can be filled with microtransactions, DLC and a Season Pass and be profitble enough to buy every executive a new supercar with built in Champaigne and Cheetos dispensers they won't be interested.
Probably would change the fuel system that you have to return to base to refuel and rearm and will take several real life hours to do so; unless you pay £0.99.
Oh Man did I love those games. I only owned Desert and Urban Strike on the SNES in my day but do now own all 3 on Mega Drive.
The SNES ones sounded better and had the advantage of the L/R buttons for strafing, but with the exception of Desert Strike (whose SNES port was handled internally) Jungle and Urban didn't play so well on the SNES.
Still I'd love a reboot.
My only problem is that EA would unlikely wish to pay for the license so we'll probably end up flying the AH-84 Blackclaw or some other fictional helo (yes I know Urban's were fictional but it was set in the future; also I know the Apache and Commanche can't carry troops).
Comments 17
Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It
Ironically Buster Busts Loose was the first Super Famicom game I played; so was interesting to read some of the details. I remember the dash being effective in Kids mode and the reduced number of levels. Also explains why years later I played the US version and was stomped by it. Thought it was the speed difference (played the SFM version with a converter on a PAL SNES).
Re: Japanese Retro Arcade That Took 10 Years To Build Goes Up In Flames
Painful to see.
I wonder if any of the arcade boards can be recovered? Although wouldn’t blame them if they feel like moving on after such a bad experience.
Re: Flashback: Capcom's Iconic Jingle - The Unforgettable Sound Of 16-Bit Gaming
The revised jingle is forever ingrained into my brain as the precursor to the amazing UN Squadron intro, which I listened to countless times prior to play.
Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?
Will always try legit methods such as re-releases, collections, or digital purchases if they are available. But if they aren’t and the original software and hardware is outside my price range, then I will have to rely on less ethical methods.
I had hoped to purchase a load of VC games on the 3DS and eShop before the big shut down but because of the lack of time left and my remaining DLC and other titles I wish to get, I simply doubt I will be able to afford the VC titles. The fact some have to be bought twice across both platforms is also extremely frustrating.
Like in many cases, sometimes people resort to unethical methods because the legitimate alternatives offered are either not good value for money or are not kept available long enough.
Re: Best PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 Games
I always had soft spots for Super Star Soldier and Final Soldier.
Re: Evercade Is Getting An "EXP" Upgrade, Complete With Irem And Toaplan Collections
Been eyeballing and Evercade but didn’t as there weren’t really any games that really drew me.
With the Irem & Toaplan collections, now I think I’ll cave.
Re: Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood For The Turbo Duo Is Finally Coming To The West In Physical Form
Really tried to enjoy this game but couldn’t despite all the praise. I guess the difficulty and slow movement synonymous with the early Castlevania games isn’t my thing. More of a fan of the exploratory ones that came out later. Still I acknowledge it’s popularity and accomplishments.
@Old-Red I’ve read that the Castlevania: Requiem bundle was funded by Sony and thus they have console exclusive rights.
Re: Feature: Five Frantic Years - A Brief History of Aleste
Super Aleste was one of my fave games back in my SNES days. Stupidly gave the game away but somehow kept the instruction manual. Bought a replacement cart many years later and a Super Famicom cart when in Japan to see the cut scenes.
Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years
Preordered this way back in July, primarily as I forecasted int would be heavy in the shm’ups. Though I agree, the lack of Gates of Thunder and Final Soldier are disappointments.
Re: New Game Footage Suggests The Intellivision Amico Will Struggle To Pull Families Away From Switch
YouTube comments on the trailer seem to be going crazy about it and I’m having trouble figuring it out. My only theory is that some of the games are remakes of some classic Intellivision games, but honestly the majority look like games found on Steam, eShop & mobile. Not saying they are bad, just nothing I would say would get people screaming with joy.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit's Sega Genesis And Saturn Pads (Mostly) Hit The Right Spot
Likely will grab a USB pad to try out.
Also don’t know about X-Men vs Street Fighter but Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter had a Stellar soundtrack.
Re: Hardware Review: The Sega Saturn Bluetooth Pad Doesn't Live Up To Its Inspiration
Real shame! I missed out when Sega released Saturn pads for both the PS2 and PS3 and now they go for significant monies.
Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?
I’m kind of in the same position. Around 10 years ago I started a good job, was still single and had a lot of spare time and cash so used it collecting. Got even more into it when I met some people who became friends and got me appreciating retro. The allure of JRPG special editions also continues to haunt me.
But as time passed, I more and more realised I wasn’t able to play all of them. Life then changed as I got an even better job which also takes up more of my time and got into a relationship. Now with additional life plans in progress, I have begun selling tidbits off and I feel it is only going to increase.
Its time like this I regret another friend convincinv me to open that Hyperdimension Neptunia mk II Limited Edition. Was fully sealed and she convinced me to open it. Never played it, no plans to now.
Re: Random: The Legendary Sonic Formula One Trophy Won By Ayrton Senna Still Exists
It belongs in a Museum!!
(On phone can’t paste obviously appropriate Indy Jones Meme).
Re: Mega CD Super Strike Trilogy Prototype Reaches A Playable State
Unfortunately the franchise ios likely still owned by EA meaning unless a game is likely to sell at least 5 million copies, can be filled with microtransactions, DLC and a Season Pass and be profitble enough to buy every executive a new supercar with built in Champaigne and Cheetos dispensers they won't be interested.
Probably would change the fuel system that you have to return to base to refuel and rearm and will take several real life hours to do so; unless you pay £0.99.
Re: Mega CD Super Strike Trilogy Prototype Reaches A Playable State
Oh Man did I love those games. I only owned Desert and Urban Strike on the SNES in my day but do now own all 3 on Mega Drive.
The SNES ones sounded better and had the advantage of the L/R buttons for strafing, but with the exception of Desert Strike (whose SNES port was handled internally) Jungle and Urban didn't play so well on the SNES.
Still I'd love a reboot.
My only problem is that EA would unlikely wish to pay for the license so we'll probably end up flying the AH-84 Blackclaw or some other fictional helo (yes I know Urban's were fictional but it was set in the future; also I know the Apache and Commanche can't carry troops).
Re: Modular Console RetroBlox Could Be The Ultimate Old-School Gaming Platform
So tempted to support something like this. Region free PS1, PS2, Saturn and Dreamcast would absolutely rock!