@Go_Wallo I put over 10 years of my life, pouring more blood, sweat, and tears into that game than into any other single goal I have ever pursued, homie.
I ran away? I'm here, Huckleberry. Doing everything I can to keep the dream dreaming and doing far more for the platform and community than one single title could've ever done.
@RetroGames Flycast can play it, BUT WARNING. Per-pixel mode has to be enabled in the advanced graphics options to handle this bad-boy. Also, I will say the bump mapping does look slightly better on real HW, but it still looks great on Flycast too.
@smoreon Agreed. So sorry about that. I have tried literally everything with encoding the video in different formats and at different resolutions in an attempt to have them not destroyed by the Twitter compression... will happily provide TimeExtension with the raw, uncomopressed HW capture in the future.
@Serpenterror What. The. Actual. *****. Oh really, now? I literally own the Switch version, and just downloaded and installed the Steam version yesterday so I could export the new maps and play them on my Dreamcast.
They all have 100% flat, static environment lights, just like the N64 version had in 1997, while the Dreamcast version features up to 16 dynamic lights illuminating everything onscreen PLUS the entire environment and all weapon sprites have bump maps, giving them real-time per-pixel lighting and shading... and you don't see anything the Dreamcast version has going for it above these others?
...I don't even know what to say. You might want to schedule an appointment with your optometrist like ASAP, because you're clearly suffering some some serious problems with your eye sight.
Comments 5
Re: Random: Dreamcast's Ad Campaign Finally Comes True In 2025 – The Console Really Is "Thinking"
@Go_Wallo I put over 10 years of my life, pouring more blood, sweat, and tears into that game than into any other single goal I have ever pursued, homie.
I ran away? I'm here, Huckleberry. Doing everything I can to keep the dream dreaming and doing far more for the platform and community than one single title could've ever done.
Re: Here's How Dreamcast's "Phenomenal" GTA 3 Port Compares To The PS2 Original
Thanks so much, guys! Make sure to jump in our Discord or visit our bug tracker in the GitLab repo if you run into any issues!
Also, dear GOD, avoid colliding with any chain-link fences for now, until my recent code changes get merged into the next build! Haha.
Re: Fan-Made Doom 64 Dreamcast Port Now The "Definitive" Version Of The Game
@RetroGames Flycast can play it, BUT WARNING. Per-pixel mode has to be enabled in the advanced graphics options to handle this bad-boy. Also, I will say the bump mapping does look slightly better on real HW, but it still looks great on Flycast too.
Re: Fan-Made Doom 64 Dreamcast Port Now The "Definitive" Version Of The Game
@smoreon Agreed. So sorry about that. I have tried literally everything with encoding the video in different formats and at different resolutions in an attempt to have them not destroyed by the Twitter compression... will happily provide TimeExtension with the raw, uncomopressed HW capture in the future.
Re: Fan-Made Doom 64 Dreamcast Port Now The "Definitive" Version Of The Game
@Serpenterror What. The. Actual. *****. Oh really, now? I literally own the Switch version, and just downloaded and installed the Steam version yesterday so I could export the new maps and play them on my Dreamcast.
They all have 100% flat, static environment lights, just like the N64 version had in 1997, while the Dreamcast version features up to 16 dynamic lights illuminating everything onscreen PLUS the entire environment and all weapon sprites have bump maps, giving them real-time per-pixel lighting and shading... and you don't see anything the Dreamcast version has going for it above these others?
...I don't even know what to say. You might want to schedule an appointment with your optometrist like ASAP, because you're clearly suffering some some serious problems with your eye sight.